Too easy or impossible no equal medium.

Is anyone getting bored because matches are insanely easy or just impossible? A few weeks ago it was fun either way but at this point it seems like it's laggy and impossible or just too easy like there isn't a balance? What are your thoughts? I don't 4 man swf just play as a random and run the killer most of the games. New objectives or modes maybe?
In what rank do you play? Hardly doubt it's red ranks.
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I've recently broken into reds. This is the impossible area I suppose but not quite. I still run into insanely too easy here when going against the nurse or Billy. Pop into rank 6 and I'm going to town on wraith, Myers, Freddy. Swf seems the more boring route while solo seems the most fun. Reading through the forum however has pointed me to swf with comms wasn't the point of the game so it makes sense it'd be way too easy. It almost pans out to Spirit reds impossible everyone else too easy reds.