Is it Nea?

I have noticed Neas tend to be dicks. I just had one call me garbage despite getting only 100 points more than me because I didn't try to unhook a camping Bubba. She claims she was running him around and I didn't get saves, but the minute I would go for one, he would go back, so I just did gens. I was the second highest in points, only 100 or so points below this Nea, while we had a rank 16 Feng level 1 with level 1 Lithe who wasn't doing very much(only had maybe 8000 points while I had over double that). I did literally all the gens that were completed(8000 points and was getting maxes when doing gens), and I pipped despite us all dying, and being the last one sacrificed. She tries to call bullshit on me doing all the gens, but I sent her proof. This was by far the saltiest Nea I have seen, but I've seen others. I rarely(or never) see anyone else getting this salty. Do you guys have issues with Neas being this salty?
I had a Nea escape against me and she messaged me. She was being such a pain for no reason. Somehow we got on the topic of Spirit being worse than Huntress and it was wild.
She called me a few slurs after and I just reported, and blocked her after that. Normally I don't report people but she got me really [BAD WORD] annoyed.
Post edited by ASAPTurtle on0 -
Nea, Feng and Claudette
The toxic trio
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Everygame, everynation, everyreligion, has salty people. Im Jack main & trying to build full perk Nea. I dont salt.
There was a HillBilly get salty when I took down a hook that body block tunnel me. There was a HillBilly use me to practice chainsaw, and I used that to practice dodge chain saw while other survivors fix gens, we all escaped later.
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@ASAPTurtle Yeah, my Nea was pretty much the same, except I was on her team. I don't report people either but this Nea was something else, like she wouldn't leave me alone. I finally reported and blocked her.
@LawrenceGordon Funny thing is it was exactly those 3 in my match. the Nea and Claudette were SWF and were pissed because I wasn't unhooking. But was there any point when someone was always going for the unhook and no one else was doing gens? Lol.
You would think if anything they would have ripped the Feng a new one, as she was the least helpful. But no, they go for the only guy doing the actual objective to try to help us get out, lol.
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For me its lories
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I think most of them play Ash now atleast from my experiences :/
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I'm not toxic (claudette) i only wanted to play some hide and seek (spine chill, SB, empathy, LW)
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@Atrushan88 you should of called her out for not leading the LF out of the area
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i hate that nea is considered the toxic survivor and that people who want to be to be toxic play her because I main her (I don’t think I’m toxic, I don’t do stuff that people above are mentioning) and it automatically puts a target on my head because killers think I’m gonna be toxic
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I even called myself "Not a Toxic Nea" as my steam name, and still get t-bagged by Ghostface and called "Like flies flying on poop." (He was mad at us flashlight saving and body blocking, I died though)
All I have is Urban Evasion, Balanced Landing, Spine chill, and Kindred, definitely a toxic build.
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Yep. Neas are either trolling the team or complain about your gameplay.
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Come on guys. Nea has seen a lot, tough life on the streets. So she's a little crazy, you don't call the cops on that one homeless person that craps in your driveway, do you?
Oh, well I guess we can't all be N00B5.
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some days ago i made a nea friend by just t-bagging as soon as we spawned together, it looked like a mating call for survivors, so #notallneas
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@CoffengMin I do that to people I spawn nearby as well. I also do it as a thank you when someone heals me, etc. If they unhook me at the appropriate time I'll crouch and nod my head up and down.
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but that one time was so over the top, we spent like a full minute t-bagging and running in circles while doing so
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Nea, Laurie, Ash (althought not really Ash anymore). Laurie and Ash represent two hates perks, D-strike and MoM. Nea is...i dont know honestly. Rude people just love Nea for some reason.
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This is probably the only time anyone will ever see me teabag, either as a hello or a thank you for healing. I main Nea, and really haven't felt myself turning into Mrs Hyde the Amazing Toxic Asshat just by playing her. But I suppose there are some that have watched certain idiotic streamers main her while encouraging Toxicity, because apparently, much like sex, Toxicity sells.
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Nea, Legion, and Feng attract the most toxic players. Partly because there's almost a cult following of people on Youtube and Twitch that main these, but also because they have the loudest cosmetics: these two things project the toxicity like a perverse signal, attracting more people who want to emulate that toxicity.