there should be a perk to punish injured survivors ..


so there are perks that make survivors not want to heal like thano or butcher clown perks forgot name ... and in current meta survivors rather do gens than heal , expect maybe for we will make it because its just a waste of time and good survivors can play around it ,,,

so there should be a perk like : that makes you 10% faster while in chase with injured survivor making survivor want to heal you or you are unloopable beast ,

personally i think play with your food should be like that , because pwyf is terrible anyway i mean waste of time ..


  • purplerain
    purplerain Member Posts: 92

    oh and yes thano punish injured survivors but but ,,, by what few seconds , its a joke perk now , shadow of what it used to be

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    There already is a perk for punishing injured survivors. It's called Thanataphobia.

    Does it do it's job well? Hell no. It needs a buff. It's only good for Legion right now, and Legion sucks worst than Shrek the Third.

  • purplerain
    purplerain Member Posts: 92

    yes yes thats what i mean and this perk could slow down gen rush because it would be scary for survivors to go while injured

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    There's already perks that punish being injured and even being hooked. Why do we need more? Also 10% increased movement speed is a lot in this game especially for killer so that is basically built in bloodlust which is already a pretty bad game mechanic.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    it still seems kinda cheap that a killer will move at 125% speed while you're injured. That's a significant difference. That's 1% away from cloaked Wraith.

    Plus that would remove all mindgames from being useful, considering the killer would just catch up to you in a few seconds after realizing their mistake. Not only that, but a killer could just walk back and forth until they get bloodlust 1, which would remove any need for mindgames.

    If this were to become a perk, Bloodlust would need to be deactivated while chasing that specific survivor.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Howabout no?

    Killer Main btw.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    do i need to tell you that you can down injured survivors faster than halthy ones?

    also if youre complaining about the no-heal meta just know that its killers fault for crying too much about healing and abusing sloppy butcher (or at least using it a lot more than before)

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    There's already a punishment mechanic for being injured, it's called M1.

    Also: Cries of pain, blood trails, and all the anti-heal perks you named.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    Plague also uses it well, but yeah Thanataphobia needs the buff it was gonna get when that ptb came out where it stacked up to 25% when all 4 were injured, and since that is unrealistic for all killers having it have impact on the 1 to 2 stacks would be great slow down

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,084
    edited August 2019

    This perk idea is terrible. "K I just hit a survivor so now I'm basically cloaked Wraith with the ability to attack and can down them even faster". This doesn't punish no heal meta, it buffs the killer for getting a hit, when he already gets a big advantage from the one hit.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Sorry but I like No Mither and would like to keep using it so no please D:

  • TR_stonez
    TR_stonez Member Posts: 54

    Yeah no you know injured survivors are already at a disadvantage not only are they injured they also moan also you stridor which makes moaning and breathimg heavier you also have bloodhound which makes blood way easier to follow.

    10% speed is way too fast look at trapper who already has 115% (4.6m/s)which is movement speed will have 125% (5m/s)not including if they have any bloodlust which if they do then it will be +.2/.4/.6 depending on tier for a so your suggestion is (5.6m/s) if you got tier 3 blood lust which is way too fast (survivor only runs at 4m/s)

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    I’m so glad i’m not the only one that thought of that -_-

  • purplerain
    purplerain Member Posts: 92

    ye because that works well with m1 killers who are unable to perform well in higher rank .

    and the idea was just suggestion doesnt mean it has to like i said , could work similar whatever . the thing with that perk it buffs all m1 killer while add nothing to nurse

    also it could work like for every injured survivor you get 3 % movespeed , max 4 surv = 12 % . simple counter , just heal . in many chases you will just get 3 % ms ,

    and the movespeed cannot work with m2 powers like billy chainsaw / legion frenzy / spirit phase walk .

    and it would literally give reason survivors to cleanse against plauge , also helping killers like trapper / clown etc .

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,034

    It's actually really good on plague too and freddy with the right addons and build. To effectively make Freddy the same debuff as before the rework.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Movement speed is kinda too much. Also it's not much of a punishment for a survivor as a way for killer to buff himself. Because you just not gonna give survivors a chance to heal until they downed, unless it's an unhook, and killer is encouraged to return to the hook because of this perk.

    I had an idea of different kind: neurotoxin - your weapon is covered with neurotixin that slowly affects accuracy of victims actions. All actions that require precision become harder, causing 1% regression on normal skillchek per token and making size of great skillcheck zone smaller by 25% per token. Victim gains one token every 30/25/20 seconds of being injured. Removed if healed.

    That way survivor is punished for remaining injured for prolonged time, while not giving a killer any chasing advantages.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,257

    Just putting this out there, but Bloodhound punishes then as well. Even if they’re stealthing, those shiny blood pools lead you right to them. Especially if you pair it with Sloppy.