Is it just me, or are survivors more toxic than killers

Me, being a killer main, I am just a bit toxic but survivors are way more toxic. Every game I get at least one message saying that I toxic for camping or tunneling. The thing is that there is 2 people gen rushing, a Claudette camping somewhere, and a Nea or Meg doing every single infinite on the map, so the survivors are asking for me to be tunneling. If there are any other killer mains out there I feel your pain.

Thats all I have to say



  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Yeah, they had the control over this game since day one: they are the bigger player base, the easiest and the strongest. They are toxic because they have the power to be it.

    Yet, I don't blame nobody for being toxic, is funny ruining somebody's experience (of course between some limits), it's another way of playing the game.

  • xllxENIGMAxllx
    xllxENIGMAxllx Member Posts: 923

    That's why nurse should remain untouched except no skill add-ons ( additionnal blinks , omega). Survivors like to Tbag when a killer get looped for age because map design is so well made. Once nurse annihilate those we get salt message , no GG why because they can't be toxic and by a fact they are not having fun.

    It's the same for killers that get looped for age they don't have fun. No killers with the max skill cap achieved by a player should get no kill because of how the map/balance are for killers.

    That being said the killer should be the power role and survivor should be afraid of them not tbagging/trolling them.

    Here a video i found yesterday

  • SenatorAcadia
    SenatorAcadia Member Posts: 72

    In my experience as someone who plays both on Ps4 I've had many more toxic survivors than killers.

    A killer being 'toxic' is killing the survivors.

    A survivor is clicking flashlights, tbagging, hanging in the exits, pointing, etc. None of those things have anything to do with game play.

    And as far as I can tell, End Game Collapse was added specifically because so many survivors acted like jerks, no?

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    It's not just you.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Survivors are way more toxic than killers. People can say killer's are more toxic than survivors. But you can't deny Survivors are way more toxic than killers. I've been on both ends and have seen a lot of, killers can Camp, Tunnel and that's mostly the gist of it. But Survivors T-Bag, waste your time, flashlight spam, insta-heal, point + t-bag, etc. So much more worse than what killers do.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    You listed Tea-bagging as GhostFace and Pig as toxic. You do know they're the only 2 killers that can Tea-Bag, one better than the other. Making Juice when they're down, vomiting galore - you basically just said that Clown and Plague's usage of their powers are also toxic. I don't think those necessarily count as being toxic. So you might want to reconsider a few.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Both are equally toxic.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    im talking vomiting 5 times on you and it is toxic when clown makes juice on top of your downed body. Yes I know only 2 killers can do that, but it’s still toxic.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Besides having more Survivors than Killers in a Lobby, when one out of four Survivors is toxic, you WILL remember the toxic one, but not the three guys who were not toxic.

    Killers are as toxic as Survivors.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Overall, I'd say "Yes" to survivor being more toxic. Their sheer majority in the playerbase alone makes it a statistical truth. Of course, neither side is perfect.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Discovery of the year ;).

  • BirdmanOwO
    BirdmanOwO Member Posts: 43

    I'ma simple man; If I didn't get to touch a generator, or a totem for a small amount of time, or I get mori'd 4 minutes into the game, you're getting some toxic #########. The thing is, I care for about 30 seconds, then decide to have fun with my anger, making a fool of myself and the Killer.

    You also won't get a GG. I barely even got to play because you tunneled with a Mori, Idi Nahui

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    I actually see more toxic killers than toxic survivors at mid rank. At high rank, it's full of toxic survivors.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    People are toxic in general, survivor or killer. Swallow the lost pill and move on.

  • ZeroDivide
    ZeroDivide Member Posts: 40

    I easily play 20-30+ survivor games for every killer game (speaking of which dbd should track stats like that ingame for players), and survivor toxic behavior is just through the roof. I used to see a lot of facecamping myers and bubbas back over a year ago but after the hallowed blight I only bump into maybe one camper a month. A basement bubba I ran into last month just reved his chainsaw and nodded ferociously before trading hooked players and let both of us go. Mori's happen to poo up about once a day but they are usually green and often the killer says they are sorry that had a kill by their hand daily.

    On the other hand... Every day is salty survivor comments after salty comments post match. See another survivor pallet stun a killer and Id bet money on seeing them tbag. Survivors that yell out tunneler and camper post match but I unhooked them twice and the killer wasn't anywhere around the hook. If I had to guess maybe one in ten games that a killer sticks around to chat another survivor other then myself will say gg with out ez at the end.

    And survivors are toxic to other survivors too. Last game I had three claudettes tell me to swap to claudette 'or else'. Or else turned out to be two of them nodding at me on the hook until they got crows and left me to die. Ive had similar with davids. Then there are the guys that run around dropping all the pallets while not in a chase and dc before they get caught.

    Now sweaty killers... I see a lot of sweaty killers. Lots of slugging, rarely mercy after two dc's. Killers that block the hatch instead of playing the guess the door game. They often apologized saying they just didnt want to depip but still sweaty games. But thats not toxic, thats a crummy emblem system.

  • PandapocalypzexX
    PandapocalypzexX Member Posts: 25

    I love people pointing out actual game mechanics as toxic.

    I had a trapper drop and pick up a trap. Effectively t-bagging.

    Both are toxic.

  • Scal3r
    Scal3r Member Posts: 188

    Every person thinks the other sides more toxic, if you made this thread the other way around survivors would think killers are way more toxic

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    "A killer being 'toxic' is killing the survivors."

    Lol no. Toxic killers repeatedly hit you on the hook, Mori spam you, slug you and stare at you until you bleed out or the Entity takes you in EGC, tbag as Pig or Ghost Face, ring bell in front of hook as Wraith, chainsaw you over and over again on hook as Leatherface, throw hatchets at you on hook as Huntress, etc.

    Survivors can be awful, but they are not fundamentally different people than killers. Look past your own bias.

    Never in my video game playing experience has anyone threatened me or my family. A few told me to commit suicide but that's just an edgy thing for some kids to say. Sorry you ran into some #########, but they're part of life. What do you think is different about survivors at a fundamental level where they are the type to make threats, and not killers? And what about people who play both? Did you make sure that the ones who threatened you can be officially qualified as "survivor mains?" And by whose standard?

    It's like getting mugged by a couple of people of a certain ethnicity and proclaiming that "Only those people mug me! Nobody else!"

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    The only time I go toxic with a killer is if they start hitting me on hook face camping. Then I turn into a horrible toxic try hard and ruin the killers day. There is toxic on both sides there are just more survivors.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's psychological. Look up groupthink, tribalism, and other phenomena associated with being part of a group. That's what differentiates survivors from killers.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    Both sides can be toxic, but survivors are 4 and killer is only 1

    So there is a better chance at finding toxic survivors than killers

  • AWesley91
    AWesley91 Member Posts: 151

    Killers get toxic when survivors run away or shine flashlights in their eyes or use items like toolboxes or medkits.

    Survivors get toxic when killers chase them down and brutally murder them or put them on a hook and sacrifice their souls to satan.

    I really don't think killer mains could handle survivor type frustrations.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Yeah, I know what they are and agree that they play a part. But if that's your explanation then you're blaming the psychology of being in a group. You don't explain that nuance when you say things like "Only survivors." So a legitimate point about the power of groupthink is lost and all people on the forums see is a divisive comment.

    I'll tell you what I think. I think that a lot of people are angry. They are fighting with their significant other, their parents either don't care about them or they're overbearing, they are bullied in school, their kids don't listen to a word they say, their boss or co-workers are incompetent, etc. Whatever reason for any particular person, sometimes a lot of them. There's a lot of reasons to be angry in life, unfortunately. So video games are used as an escape. All that anger and resentment in their life that they can't unleash on their boss or coworkers, their parents or kids, their teachers or peers.. they redirect towards the devs, survivors or killers. If they can control one damn thing in life it should be their experience in a video game! So they play DBD and something triggers them. A bug, lag, a hit that absolutely should/shouldn't have connected but didn't/did, a survivor they just can't catch or a killer they just can't escape. Whatever. And all that anger and resentment from their lives comes out. In a group, it's much easier and safer. And there are statistically more survivors. But survivors can't hit back, they can't kill a killer. So even though they have the safety of a group, the killer has the ability to attack and kill, while knowing that survivors can't do the same. I think there are psychological things going on for both roles that allow them to release their anger. Survivors can't attack, so they use words more often. Killers don't have a group, so they target a single survivor and torture them on the hook or on the ground. No need to threaten somebody's life when you get to actually kill a digital representation of them in a video game.

    We're all just people.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I said "only survivors have threatened my family and children" because it is an objective fact. It's my experience, there's nothing more to say. I didn't say only survivors were toxic. In fact, nobody has ever said that.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    LOL wut????

    Scratched mirror Myers is always a truly terrifying and mostly fun experience (once you get over the stress of "where the hell is he waiting for me since they usually play the Lery's offering).

    Basement Bubba is hilarious, even when I'm the one that's caught. Hell sometimes I'll know he's down there, open the gates and then let him kill me while I try to get the chest.

    Infinite Myers is fun and actually one of the few terrfying things in this game, especially if he also have a tombstone because you're constantly thinking "WHERE IS THE NEXT LOCKER!! I NEED TO GET IN ONE BEFORE HE CATCHES ME!"

    Vomitting is literally just the plagues power. I guess you mean when you're the last person and you're already down or on hook, but I rarely see that happen.

    Only a few things you mentioned are ACTUALLY toxic, and that's coming from a survivor main

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Actually plenty of people have said that. And you make divisive comments about survivors vs killers pretty frequently on this forum.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Link me to the comments where people say that, as well as my supposedly divisive comments.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    The other person I replied to in my original comment said "killers being 'toxic' is killing survivors," the implication being they are not toxic because obviously completing their only objective cannot be toxic. And then he went on to list the many ways survivors can be toxic.

    As for your comments? No thanks. They're out there for all to see.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So you have your interpretation of a single comment as an example of "plenty of people", and refuse to link to my supposedly divisive comments. I think I can extrapolate from that.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I'm not going to go though a bunch of whiny topics about killers or survivors and find specific ones for you. If you haven't seen any then you're not looking or you filter them out though your own bias.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The only thing I've seen is people who expect me to talk about survivors and killers simultaneously, regardless of the subject. Those people then accuse me of being biased for not doing so. It's always us vs. them for those people, which they project onto me.

    I shared my experience as a survivor main for why I believe survivors are more toxic than killers. Nothing more, nothing less. You're the one making a bigger deal out of it than it actually is.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    If they message you after every single match saying you are a camper, you should consider if it's true instead of calling them toxic, also, if they genrush, you didn't put enough pressure then

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    No, you just see it more often as its 1v4.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    A lot of this has to do with perception and perspective, but I would say it's about even, maybe slightly tilted towards the survivors due to numbers.

    But this is how things happen and how they are perceived (and I'll use my personal experience from my time in this game)

    When I get pallet stuns on killers, especially if they try to mind game and moonwalk then swing through the pallet, I point at them and shake my head no as a "hey, that was nice but don't do that booli". It's a joke to me, but the killer may see that as "toxic"

    As a killer, I've seen people farm their teammates when my terror radius disappears for a second. I just follow the first trail of scratch marks I see and it happens to lead me to the person I already hooked, the other guy vanished in the wind. The tunnel wasn't intentional, but to that survivor I'm probably being toxic and tunneling them (and as a survivor main, I'd probably be tempted to think the same thing myself (although me and my friends would intentionally throw ourselves in front of killers to stop them from tunneling the injured person at ANY point in the game because our goal is fun, not always survival)

    One time at the end of a match in a SWF group, three of us made it to the exit gate and we just happened to be listened a really hype song while one of us was streaming so we decided to "twerk" while we were waiting for the killer to show up and chase us out. The twerking had absolutely nothing to do with the killer or the match, but again perspective. All the killer knows is that we're at the gate teabagging.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313
    edited August 2019

    Doing things in-match that aren't straight up cheating/exploiting isn't toxic. The entire list on both sides of commonly complained about stuff like genrush, "infinites" (in quotes because a lot of people use this word where it doesn't apply at all), flashlight clicking, tbagging, camping, tunneling, certain add-ons, moris and so on... isn't toxic.

    It's in the game and it isn't bannable to do or use, if people want to use it they can. Claiming otherwise is just straight up scrub mentality and no different from people crying about the AWP in Counter Strike, calling people sweaty tryhards for picking meta heroes in Overwatch - just the same old "I don't like how you play, so your win doesn't count!" crying but with the word toxic attached to it instead of noob, tryhard or any of the other bottom-tier insults that have been used since the dawn of multiplayer gaming. You can't blame someone for using a crazy strong loop and milking it for all it's worth, blame the map design. Just like equipping an add-on or picking a killer you don't like doesn't make the killer some kind of evil monster, if you think something is too strong look at the balance of the game and not the players utilizing the things.

    I'm fine with the word being used for the rage goblins that can't let it go and feel the need to say everything from generic "tryhard" or whatever post-game to actual death threats and slur salads though. I've certainly seen more of that from survivors but I don't think there's any deep "survivor mains are bad people!!" reasons to it, it's a combination of the fact it's 4v1 and how survivors can die and be removed from the game early, they can objectively lose before the game is even over which some people don't handle anywhere near well enough. I've honestly not seen a lot of trash talk after 4man escapes compared to how much that comes from survivors that are dead, and if it's a 2k it's usually the dead survivors that complain, if any.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    If you're a killer main how can you know?

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Both are toxic, but the survivors have more ways for proving they are, so they seem more toxic. The only toxic things a killer can do for being toxic is camping, slapping you in the hook, shacking the head when they down you or tbag only with pig and ghostface. The survivor can Tbag after a pallet, starting to heal themselves after a pallet for scoffing you, waste your time hiding, following you and annoy you with the flashlight for taking your attention, vaulting a window/fence for annoying you and make you chase them, failing intentionally madness cure when you play doctor for taking your attention or simply annoy you (happened to me yesterday), and before the endgame collapse, waiting you in the opened gates for tbag you.

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    Ever met a bully on his own??

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145


    In my opinion, toxic is none of the things listed in this post.

    In my opinion, toxic is when people cheat.

    In my opinion, toxic and BM are two separate things.

  • pichumudkip
    pichumudkip Member Posts: 155

    As someone who's a survivor main, I completely agree that survivors are definitely a lot more toxic than killers, but not by much TBH. I respect killers who play an honest and respectful game, unlike an interesting game I got with a killer being pissy that I kept "looping" him (just FYI, I don't think I'm good at this game at all, I really do suck).

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    As a killer ive gotten 'too eezzzz' messages quite often when failing to kill anyone.

    As a survivor i have never gotten a messege from a killer after a 4k without a gen pop proclaiming how easy the game was.

    I play on xbox so maybe its different with a dedicated post game chat but just seems like survivors go out of there way more to be ass hats.