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Shouldn't SWF's Killer rank be based on the highest rank?

Member Posts: 853

For example: 4 man survive with friends played together with the following rank:





i think the killer's rank should be somewhere near the rank 2 survivor because it can be unfair for a rank 15 killer to get paired up with two rank 1 survivors and their rank 14 friend, what do you guys think?

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  • Member Posts: 3,445

    It should work on average, if it was based on highest rank it could possibly be closer to a 1v1 rather than a 4v1

  • Member Posts: 241

    Agreed. Other games either have restrictions on the ranking gap between players or just match them according to the highest ranked player, why not do so here?

  • Member Posts: 90
  • Member Posts: 241

    Weird, it only has ranked matchmaking, I must have missed the "party" tag on the steamstore page.

    FR tho, that is an opinion at best

  • Member Posts: 300

    Um, solo ques? I've seen some horrible matchmaking in solo que'ing. And even if some people are in voice, doesn't mean they're completely organized. I've been in SWFs from time to time and occasionally when I give a heads up on something, no one listens because they're too busy listening to their own ego still or just messing around and having fun (not everyone plays to win).

    Sorry that you've been paired against so many SWFs you forgot what solo ques are like. Who knows, if a SWF, the 13 might be somewhat new (its SUPER easy to rank up and a lot of higher ranked friends like to boost their friends).

  • Member Posts: 835

    It should. Only time I play swf is with my buddy and while he is good survivor he doesnt have time to rank up and we often get gray rank killers and its no fun for anyone.

  • Member Posts: 814

    Of course it should be like this whenever possible.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Yeah, except ranks don’t mean anything in this game

  • Member Posts: 241

    *Sigh* okay fine, Rina, rank means nothing. That means this thread has nothing to offer you, since it's all just a pointless number beside a name, and nothing is any different if that number is brown, yellow, green, purple, or red. You've made your case, and put before us your infinite wisdom, condensed into one-sentence replies. Truly thought art sagacious, indeed.

  • Member Posts: 853
    edited August 2019

    the horrible matchmaking you've seen is because 2 or more were a swf with different ranks, or the matchmaking is busted, regardless you said that just because you have voice chat doesn't mean we're organized, which is you and you're friends fault for not organizing, you even said that they're messing around and listening to their ego. and earlier you said "rank 2 killer fair for rank 13 survivor? nice logic" so would you rather have a rank 15 killer vs red rank survivors with their rank 15 friend? it's their fault for bringing their rank 15 friend. it's like making a toddler drive a car

  • Member Posts: 300

    I would rather it be average. I don't expect baby killer but I also don't expect expert killer. Granted, yes, a lot of people purposely depip so its hard to tell if the person is actually a baby killer or not sometimes.

    So your example was... 10, 8, 13, 2... hm... maybe around rank 7-9 killer would be preferred.

  • Member Posts: 613

    If you are in solo, how would SWF match making effect you? You'd be matched with Killers in your own rank exactly like it should be.

    If you a are worried about a couple of low rank players being dragged into high rank through SWF. ######### them. You're solo, make use of their deaths to farm BP and jump the hatch as their friends babysit them. Its their choice to be in SWF, so they should be accountable for that choice. If they cant handle it, then they can stay out of SWF till either they learn how to play or their friends derank.

    It's like jumping straight into hard mode. You should find gameplay harder from skipping ahead before you're ready. And if they drag the team down, blame THEM! Not the Killer, not solo players, blame the idiots playing outside their means.

    Better that than having high rank players go against low ranks. It's called Smurfing. A skilled player abusing the system to be matched in easy games to either feed an ego or simply be an ass. That's a clear bannable offense in most other competitive games.

    Ranks, although most assume are worthless, are there for a reason. Bypassing them should never be acceptable for any reason.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    If you're playing with friends that you know are higher rank, you should be accepting that you could be against higher rank opponents.

  • Member Posts: 300

    I mean I've seen solo que survivors (such as myself sometimes) be paired with much lower or higher ranked survivors. So even if I get a killer my rank, he won't be the rank of other survivors. or vice versa. Matchmaking really isn't that great right now for anyone. Maybe you get perfect matches for your rank all the time, but not everyone does.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Odd, the rank resets monthly and offers no reward. Almost like its not really ranked at all, but it's your mmr ranking.



  • Member Posts: 2,002


    Just like it isn't fair for a rank 2 survivor and a rank 15 killer to be in the same lobby, it also isn't fair to have a rank 2 killer up against a rank 15 survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    Althought tbh, sometimes I have trouble with baby killers because I'm so used to killers mind gaming and playing a certain way at rank 1 and 2 where I float, that when I play with killers who don't mind game, I end up mind gaming myself by THINKING they're going to mind game me, and I play myself.

    Don't ever play yourself, kids.

  • Member Posts: 763

    It should be by highest rank of survivors point blank. Because manipulation still exists when you do the average.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    I would average it, because we also don't want rank 1 killers steamrolling two rank 15s.

  • Member Posts: 7,669


    that would stop high rank survivors grouping up with low ranks to bully low rank killers.

    its stupid that thats even a thing in the first place...

  • Member Posts: 726

    @Mister_xD so youre telling me i cant play with friends because they dont play 60h per month to regain their rank? i have a lot of friends that are playing like 10h per month and as you can guess they are deranking per month (because of rank reset) and they dont play enough to climb back,

    rank doesnt mean anything xd youre telling me 100h (overall) player is better than 2k hour player because 1st is in R1 and other is in R8? for example i played maybe 10h in this month, and maybe 40h in month before, so atm im in R12 on both killer and surv, and youre telling me im equal to ppl around me (especially 5 days before rank reset) :) rank reset sure makes this game competitive

    AND btw youre all crying swf should play vs higher rank killers, btw do you have too quick que times to move survs into other players? i guess ques are so good right now that makes you picky, well good life you have there

  • Member Posts: 853

    who said you can't play with your friends just because their rank is not the same as you? you can play with them but if they're in green ranks and you're in red ranks the killer will be either purple or red rank, to compensate with your rank 10 friends playing against a red rank killer you can communicate and organize.

  • Member Posts: 7,669


    i... never said any of those, at all xD

    i just said that it would prevent R1 players to go down and bully low ranking killers. a rank 1 player with lets say 3k hrs shouldnt be able to face a rank 16 killer with lets say 100 hours. yet that is possible, which is just bad game design and encourages toxicity.

    i never said you werent allowed to team up with your friends, i said you should face a killer on the skilllevel of the best member in your team. i really dont know where you read all those things you claimed i said in my comment...

  • Member Posts: 156

    As a killer main I dont mind playing SWF as long as they are a good non toxic group. What about a compromise of the SWF group gets the average of the players but the killer should get bonus BP % equal the the biggest difference between their rank and highest rank so if your rank 13 and your fighting a rank 2 you would get a 11% bonus to your end game BP. Just a thought.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Have you ever considered the killer's fun in that equation? I can tell you from personal experience that being matched with 1 or 2 people who are like 5 or 10 ranks above you is not fun at all as killer. Those people vastly surpass your skill, and make the balance shift hugely towards the survivors side.

  • Member Posts: 726

    @ABannedCat well i hope killer has fun with 3min games when soloQ players are mashing gens, instead of having game in which survs are screwing around, looting, doing totems, etc xd, ofc they prefer 3min games :)

    @Mister_xD well (but youre into that idea) if i have red rank (not atm but most of the time unfortunatelly i had red rank) and have friends with 30-40h that are starting playing in dbd its for sure fair to play with red rank killer, and tbh recently i have like 4-5 friends that literally have at most 30lvl on 1 surv, so its fair to push them vs red rank :) (and btw these days its more likely for 200h player to have red rank than over 2k hours player because those with 2k know how trash red ranks are so its better to have chill games in purple/green, but new kids on the block doesnt know that so they are like lets hit R1 and be greatest players in community :) )

    but friendly reminder :) with current killer que, matchmaker is ignoring ranks anyway :) so even tho you hate playing vs SWF that avg rank is around yours, atm with current state of game you as killer can easly play vs swf (which you hate most in the world for some reason) that avg rank is way higher than your as killer xd im so fckin amazed how instead of fix you want a change which is fix but with overkill for que :)

    not every swf is sweaty and focused on making killers life miserable xd and remember 1 surv cant carry whole team unless killer will refuse to drop chase xd (which is his fault) xd so he needs to learn that lesson if he wants to rank up (as you would love to)

  • Member Posts: 2,529
    edited August 2019

    I dont know in what ranks you reside in. But vast majority of the SWF groups I encounter dont come to the game to screw around, but they come to the game to destroy killers. They see it as a competetive game. Which isnt always fun for the killer, unless its a strong killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    While that is true, there is one big difference. The survivor is the one that decides to team up, and which whom. Thus, he has some control over the rank of the killer. The killer simply has no choice other than dodge swfs.

  • Member Posts: 571

    And a rank 15 Killer versus a rank 2 and 4 Survivor = Fair?

    If you're going to survive with friends and you have two highest rank Survivor in the group, then it should be verses against a high-ranking killer, we don't need boosted survivors. There shouldn't even be any boosted survivors in the first place, you want to wonder why half of the survivors most people team up with in solos are bad? Even though they're red ranked survivors? Because half of them are boosted from Survivor friends and don't know what to do when they are on their own.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Yes, it should.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Nobody is saying that. If you choose to group up with green rank friends then do so. But, it was not the green rank killer's choice to face a SWF with 1 to 2 red ranks that toy with him/her all match.

    If you know you will face a red or purple rank killer, you still can choose to group up, but you likely won't be able to torture the killer as easily.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    This is why green ranks are litterally the wost place to be as killer. Full of red rank derankers or SWF groups that bring a yellow rank friend to stomp green rank killers.

  • Member Posts: 21,155

    So... rank 10 Killer = fair for rank 2 Survivor? Nice logic.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I say it should work on the average of the survivor ranks.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Killer rank should absolutely be close to whoever the highest rank survivor is.

  • Member Posts: 946

    You are an amazing specimen of logic. One rank 2 killer fair for a rank 13 survivor is unfair?

    But a rank 13 killer against rank 2 survivor with one or more friends and the power of voice and coordination is ok?

    Think before you type.

    Rank 2 killer against a Rank 13 survivor with at least the support from one Rank 2 survivor and the other survivors are likely around Rank 2 as well. You still have voice, that can give you a heads up to hide or run early enough and the Rank 2 SWF can either guide, protect and/or safe you. Or at least having a fun time playing with a friend.

  • Member Posts: 489

    SWF is such a big problem, I was just bullied by a SWF group, I am rank 14 killer and the I had a rank 4, 2 rank 8's and a yellow against my rank 14.

    Needless to say I did not have fun

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    I would love it if they took the two highest ranks and got a avg between them and that's how the killer was picked for SwF. Though with how people depip im starting to think All Time played vs Season Play vs Rank should be considered. This way new people can't physically be paired with people who have hundred to thousands of hours.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    You didn't read what they wrote carefully.

    That person was arguing against the OP's point that gearing it toward the highest survivor rank runs the exact same problem because you'll have the lowest survivor on the team way outclassed. At no point were they saying it's okay for a low rank killer to go up against high rank survivors.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    so in short you want to tell me that its unfair for low level survivors to face high level killers, yet its completely fair and balanced for low level killers to face high level survivors.

    that is quite the doublestandart there.

    since you mentioned "killer queue times", those have dropped drastically - at least for me. on top of that, i happen to always find survivors of my rank in my lobbies, unless i get an SWF group - this is whrere i face those red rank survivors currently.

    and yeha, it might be that not all SWFs out there are sweaty tryhards, its just that those i get usually are. if i find survivors that want to goof around, great! ill gladly join them and have a chill and fun time. and yet 99.95% of the survivor groups i face look for a competetive match and tryhard to win - that includes SWF groups.

    here is the simple truth: when i as a low rank survivor decide to group up with a rank 1 survivor, i should be prepared to face good killers. that was my decision, i actively made the choice to face those killers and i can stop whenever i want. the killers do not have that luxory. a low rank killer can not decide weather he goes up against said rank 1 survivor, he just has them join his lobby as 4 random persons with unknown rank.

    that is simply unfair. if i group up with a red rank survivor, i should be facing red rank killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    SWF is not the problem. The matchmaking system is because it should've taken the average of the group (between 7-9) and found a killer in that range.

  • Member Posts: 1,243

    People like to smurf their SWF groups. Bullying is fun to some.

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