Killer idea: The archdeacon

TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
edited August 2019 in Creations

Killer idea:

*The archdeacon*

*Perks* ;

1- *Unholy halo* : The killer through their faith creat a unholy golden collar and can put it on a survivor. If they stay lock in it for 20s/15s/10s they get a stack of sin. Staying on them for an additional 20s/15s/10s will cause them to be injured. Cannot down survivors this way only hurt them. Collar can be taken of but you can't move and take 17s/16s/15s to remove.

2- *False prophet idol* : The killer can put up to 1/2/3 idols on the map with a fake terror radius half the size of his own. Increase on size each time sins are applied. Up to double its size. They stay there for 30s/40s/50s and recharge every 60s/50s/40s.

3- *Confession* : After being in the killer real terror radius for more than 50s/40s/30s the survivor reveal the aura of another survivor who has a stack of sin, for 1s/2s/3s and duration is double if the survivor has 2 stacks.

*Status* ;

1- *Sinful behavior* : When the archdeacon is present or one of his idols: everytime a survivor miss a good skill check, come close to an idol or cleanse an hex totem, they gain a stack of sin. Maximum of 2.

*Power* ;

1- *Repentance* : If the archdeacon down and hook a survivor everyone working on a gen has to succeed a tremendously hard skillcheck. If they fail they get a stack of sin and the exposed status for 40s.

*Weapon* ;

A sharpened gold cross dripping with blood.

Post edited by TheUnendingNightmare on


  • MajorSyn
    MajorSyn Member Posts: 27

    I like this except for the power. I feel like a lot of submissions really want that power.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Ty and idk I'm new I didn't Read Much around. :P

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172
    edited August 2019

    Killer idea:

    *The archdeacon*

    *Perks* ;

    1- *Absolution* : The killer can lock-on (like the old Freddy) to a survivor with at least 1 sin. If he stays on them for more than 6s/5s/4s they get injured.

    2- *False prophet idols* : The killer can put up to 1/2/3 idols on the map with a fake terror radius half the size of his own. They stay there for 30s/40s/50s and recharge every 60s/50s/40s.

    3- *Confession* : After being in the killer real terror radius for more than 50s/40s/30s the survivor reveal the aura of another survivor, for 1s/2s/3s and duration is double if the survivor has any stack of sin.

    *Status* ;

    1- *Sinful behaviors* : When the archdeacon is present or one of his idols: everytime a survivor miss a good skill check, cleanse an hex totem or comes within the terror radius of an idol. They gain a stack of sin for a maximum of 2.

    *Power* ;

    1- *Repentance* : If the archdeacon down and hook a survivor everyone working on a gen has to succeed a tremendously hard skillcheck. If they do it, nothing happen but if they fail, they get 2 stacks of sin and the exposed status for 40s.

    *Weapon* ;

    A sharpened gold cross dripping with blood.

    Post edited by TheUnendingNightmare on
  • danut1311
    danut1311 Member Posts: 41

    The perks are teachable,you can't have those perks on trapper for example

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    By using False prophet idols you could.

  • ritsuno
    ritsuno Member Posts: 16

    So while being chased you vault. Then get a stack of sin. Then he uses absolution to stun you for 4seconds....

    Also his power makes no sense. And that would never trick anyone dwight is on the hook obviously the clone dwight is a fake.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    That's not how you would use it.

    But first yes, you jump and then get stunned (remember everyone get stun and thus lose a stack of sin + takes 20s at best before he can stun again) my point is too reward stealthy actions and playstyle.

    Now on the topic of the clone. The idea is that you WAIT before showing yourself. It could also just randomly assign you a survivor model currently in the game but not the one you Hook.

    Btw I love constructive criticism but pls do have arguments. Don't just "ew I hate that, make no sense" and instead explain why you feel this way. Ty ^^

  • ritsuno
    ritsuno Member Posts: 16

    Well, really the only 'sin' in the game would be missing a GOOD skill check. Or cleansing against plague. Heh.

    Which would still be a cool power. It would feed into other builds that make skill checks harder like lullaby.

    If you nerfed the sin gain to only that. I like the stun with it.

    His power doesn't make sense and will never work against swf which is what you have to balance for.

    I like false idols. More TR works with skill check builds.

    And confession is good to. Gives the killer a choice on chase.

    Really it would be a really fun killer to vs.

    Just needs a new power. Something more holy.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    See I really like those ideas. Let me rework it a bit. I agree I could nerf sin a little.

  • ritsuno
    ritsuno Member Posts: 16

    Actually now that I think about it. You need to consider the perks on other killers. And only running one. You can't run confession without absolution or the sin stacks do nothing.

    His power needs to be absolution.

    And confession just shows a random survivor no sin stacks needed. Since it's not that powerful really.

    Somehow he needs to see you or force you to fail a skill check like if you're repairing a generator when the Killer looks at you you are forced to perform a tremendous skill check if you fail you gain one stack of sin then his power could also stun you.

    That is to strong. But his power needs the stun and the sin.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    I kept a few of your ideas, changed the power and rework some of the perks. Tell me what you think.

    Also, by random survivor I mean before the perk being rank 3 basically it'll be random which survivor Gets down of their knees not necessarly the one you're chasing.

    I thought it would make it a bit less op, at least ar rank 1 and 2.

  • ritsuno
    ritsuno Member Posts: 16

    How about his power is whenever a Survivor is downed all other survivors repairing a generator perform a tremendous skill check if they fail they become sinners.

    At any time the killer May perform Absolution stunning all Sinners for 2 seconds and removing their sin.

    This is a good power because the survivors have a chance to not become sinners based on their own skill and they don't know when the other Survivor will be down so could make people not repair during chase of an injured survivor slowing the game down.

    I have taken the Absolution perk away and made it his power so now you need to come up with another perk for him I think the other two perks you have are very good and work well on other killers for certain builds.

    Sorry I'm using voice to text at work >,>

  • ritsuno
    ritsuno Member Posts: 16

    The perk absolution is causing damage. This would make all killers have a ranged attack.

    Also this perk requires sin, which can only be gotten from this killer.

    So no other killer could run this perk.

    You need to remove sin from the perks because it makes them unusable on other killers.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    True true but I'd have to inc the timer seems OP if not.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    I made it so it cause survivors to gain sin overtime + it Will require minimum 8s (cumulative but dégrade fast if Link is broken) to hurt someone.

  • ritsuno
    ritsuno Member Posts: 16

    I think your straying away from balance with this perk and his power. Please reconsider the wall of text I wrote earlier about absolution and his main power.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    I just increase the amount of time it takes to get sin with the perk and how it work.

    Now it takes at least 7s to get 1 sin on a single survivor with the perk.

  • ritsuno
    ritsuno Member Posts: 16

    We'll you are never going to look at someone for 14 seconds without braking LoS.

    imagine following a survivor for 10 seconds only to break LoS again. or looping a killer only to take a random point of damage because of low walls...

    Also sin only works with confession now as his power doesn't require it for anything.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    The point is exactly to punish loopers and vaults. Also I changed the time a bit.

    Btw the idea is to use the leash during a chase and to stick on this person. This rewards not getting bamboozle.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    I'll also be adding extra effects for the perks depending on sin lvls

  • ritsuno
    ritsuno Member Posts: 16

    Sorry i'm out on this, Good luck.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    -_(•_•)_- ok

    I took away LoS and change the leash to a collar like the pig. If anyone else has ideas feel free to share them!