What does everyone think about legion currently?

I want to hear from both sides, both killer and survivors. I really want to hear everyone's opinion on him.


  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Pretty weak and somewhat not fun to play. They are okay at slowing the game down and decent at anti loop, but not even close to what they once were. You can still win with them at high ranks, but since their skill cap is so low, survivors have a lot more dictation on how the game ends up. I think the power is not a lot of fun because of the fact it’s on the weaker side and you can’t even use it that often anyways.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943
    edited August 2019

    There addons are lackluster af, there was no need for the movement/vaulting speed nerf when they can't down survivors in ff anymore and have that 4 second stun no matter what when coming out of ff and even though i like using current legion they feel really basic. Deep wounds needs a rework also cause it's only to make survivors waste time mending and healing so you can have time to DW other survivors and down the last one.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    When I play Legion I feel very slow when I use my power and I struggle to catch Survivors which is odd because I feel fast when I'm walking. The add-ons are bleh except for 2 of them, you NEED Duration and cool down but before the rework you needed Duration anyway. I don't enjoy playing Legion anymore, they're not the same, they're slow and struggle catch people, it doesn't even feel fun to tag Survivors anymore because my power isn't threatening. I love them but I don't enjoy being them anymore and that's ######### up because if they were real we'd be sick friends.

    As a Survivor I am not afraid of them, I feel comfortable looping them and know that when they use their power I get a free escape every time and wonder why they're even using it. I can loop them like crazy and they're not intimidating to me anymore. OG Legion with 110% movement speed with NOED was scarier than the 115% with NOED, because they were slower and always used their power it was very scary to see a Legion member just walk up to you at the end game. ''What are they doing, why isn't she using her power, OH #########!'' But now that they are reworked you know their power is useless and if they walk up to you to hit you then they either have NOED or they're being smart and know not to use their power or you'll get away.

    Legion CAN be fixed, they didn't need the huge nerf they got, sure they needed some fixing but they went too far with it. Legion should feel like an adrenaline fueled teen who's anxious but filled with a hot and heavy bloodlust to kill, they feel like they're superior and no one can stop them. We should feel that same way when we play them <3

  • darkmarc0324
    darkmarc0324 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2019

    Started playing Legion today actually, and I got a 3k and DC match, which rarely happens for me as I'm an average killer at best, usually only getting 2k, 3 if lucky. I wasn't around for before Legion was first released, so I don't know how it was then, but I think he's good, but with room for improvement. Feral Frenzy is an interesting power in theory and it's pretty fun to sprint after survivors with it, but Deep Wounds needs to be reworked. During the matches I played today, Deep Wounds didn't really do much besides give me a few extra seconds. The way I use Feral is to catch up to a survivor, which I know was not the whole intended purpose of the power. So yeah, my opinion is just make Deep Wounds a more viable effect.

  • purplerain
    purplerain Member Posts: 92

    sprint ? fun ? with current speed lol . he is so fast now he would give burger myers a run for his life ,,,,, just play wraith with windstorms if you want be fast

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105


    I play 50/50 Killer and survivor.

    From a Survivor perspective he used to be the most annoying thing in this game ever. After the rework, they did great by 1 thing and bad by the other thing: He is now not annoying anymore, but he is a low tier Killer, only beaten by Leatherface and Wraith maybe.

    As a Killer i think he is a lot of fun to play, but as said, he is not exactly a powerhouse.

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    I put him on the bottom of the tier list where Freddy use to be. His power just isn't good:

    It can't be used with Exposed.

    After gaining Killer Instinct, it's hard to catch other survivors unless they are very close. You'll go into cooldown. The last nerf made his Frenzy speed way too slow.

    Deep Wounds doesn't really do anything. If you hit the survivor once with your power, you should cancel it. Hitting them twice gives them two speed boost and they'll be completely on the other side of the map without even ending the chase.

    His add-ons are mostly useless.

    Really, the only benefit to using Legion's power is hoping pallets and a slight speed increase. It's just an overall bad killer. That being said, if you plan on farming BPs, it's relatively easy to farm BPs with him. That, and he such a brainless killer to play. It's chase and M1 basically. So yea, I think he's pretty terrible.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Legion right now is an unfunny, boring a day weak killer.

    The power is dull, like an inbuilt thanatophobia, killer instinct was nerfed when Gf was introduced.

    They need a total rework, if vaulting and jumping on pallets doesn't really work, they need to come up with something completely new.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    He's garbage revert the changes, at least pre nerf legion wasn't useless now he is.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    Imo, Legion pre patch was really fun without addons.

    Todays Legion is no fun at all. No matter if you play with, or without addons.

    Nothing is left from the feeling, to be a fast moving and stabbing killer.

    I have honestly stop playing the Legion (and dbd) on the patchday, after a few testruns. I don't waste my time with the mess, the Legion is today and wait for a undone in parts, or if it is unavoidable in complete, of the Legion patch before I play the game again.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651
    edited August 2019

    Legion is just weaker old Freddy.

    He applies a debuff to survivors that slows down the game, and by the time he's done chasing, the debuff is gone. His kit gives information in survivor's whereabouts. You even have the whole "Wait seven seconds before you can even hit the survivor" mechanic,it just comes in the middle of a chase when you don't want it to, with none of the mindgames old Freddy could pull. Freddy's dream transition could potentially guarantee the first hit just like Legion's power, with no added penalty midchase.

    The difference is that vs. freddy, you NEEDED to wake up to get anything done because his debuff slapped you with a fat 50% action speed debuff, aura reading, and you in most cases needed to reveal your position to wake up via loud noise. Legion's deep wound is a bit more consistent in the time it takes to wake up, but gives Legion no information on where you are and doesn't slow down the game if his TR is affecting you.

    Old Freddy's end game was also downright terrifying if he had set up survivors by sleeping all of them beforehand. Remember Me plus the action speed penalty made gate opening slower than molasses. Legion has none of these luxuries.

    I'll say it again, Legion right now is old freddy, but worse at stalling, worse at chasing, and with worse range. He's only better at tracking survivors he hasn't found yet, which is minor.

    Edit : Freddy was also a godlike point farmer

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Legion went from broken to dirt once that nerf hit them. The vaulting is slow and the legion pins don't hold no value to be used in actual gameplay.

  • tavdogg11
    tavdogg11 Member Posts: 59

    I got a dumb idea for the rework. How about he can summon other legion for a few seconds? It could be OP but if it's a split second it could work.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    edited August 2019

    Legion? Who’s that?

    Oh the killers in the corner who are in the fetal position crying because they watched Freddy bolt out of worst killer in the game and has now solidified their position in that role?

    Yeah, nobody cares about them.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Legion is a mediocre killer imo.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    I don't play him that much any more:( cause at the moment he's pretty weak.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I think their power should revolve around being more than one, so yes that makes sense.

    I don't understand why the power of "the Legion" is to run a bit faster lol

  • Alfred
    Alfred Member Posts: 272

    Reworked legion sux.

    FF is threat like something mega OP

    miss it is done

    you hit someone with bleed it is done

    you cancel it 4s of semistun

    But the effect is really average.

  • FreddysMixTape
    FreddysMixTape Member Posts: 78

    From a killer perspective:

    Legion's power lacks the momentum it used to have, is incredibly limited and punishing to use in most scenarios and severly lacks options on how its usable. Most powers can be used in a variety of ways but Legion's power is very linear, and while this on its own wouldn't be that big of an issue, the fact that the power isn't even good at the one thing it's still able to do is actually sad.

    Old Legion's power while incredibly exploitable and argueably broken was very fun to use: It was almost never on CD, it made you go from 110% to 130% which felt incredibly fast, the vaulting felt just right and being able to just swing around wildly without any punishment felt incredibly fun(People who enjoy the new Mad Grit can probably confirm this).

    Overall, while I still play them due to liking their lore and general aesthetic a lot, they just aren't as fun as they used to be and once I finish getting all perks on them(currently working on p3 lv50'ing all characters) I'll probably only very rarely pick them.

    From my matches as survivor against Legion:

    I honestly didn't fight many since the rework(big surprise). But from the few matches I did play against them I must say they were incredibly dull, Legion's power has very little impact on the game and honestly just isn't very exciting to fight.

    This is probably a very unpopular opinion but I really liked the fact that you actually had to escape from old Legion eventually as you would otherwise go down. It wasn't just loop untill they give up and actually encouraged trying to get away, which would lead to some very intense moments. I do know however how it was nigh impossible to shake off any decent Legion especially if they ran blood hound and essentially removed the downside of not having any tracking tools.

    So even though Legion is far less frustrating to fight they became a lot more boring to deal with IMHO.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Deep wounds is one of the least worrying statuses in the game and quickly removed. The status as a whole feels like it belongs on a brown addon.

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    Play as survivor is always nice to see legion because I don't feel threatened by broken #########. It's fun. Playing as killer is frustrating because I like a killer who helps me get the second hit to down survivors but they can't even use their power for that. I don't enjoy playing as legion because I don't like becoming an m1 killer for using my power. But I guess that's how they designed him so... Was expecting a cooler ability that utilizes each of the members for different things but I guess not.

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    He needs some buffs, but still in good hands he can kill all survivors. Just not as fast as Nurse, Billy, Spirit ot Hag.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Would it be possible to do something similar to the Hell Ember from Identity V?

    Maybe Frank could have the other members of the Legion be kinda like sentries that can detect other Survivors and maybe even do simple chases against them? Maybe have each of the other Legion members do/specialize in something different?

  • tavdogg11
    tavdogg11 Member Posts: 59

    Great idea. I was thinking of something like that. This needs to be implemented into the game soon.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I think it would be good to have something like that yes, it may require lots of programming but I like it.

    Even the idea of having a second legion ready to go is nice.

    You have your main with your regular perks and a second legion you can switch to, without hex perks and without repeat perks.

    It would make sense for the Legion, also good for map pressure

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,121

    Give us old legion but fix the dumb addons which were causing trouble, that's all that needed done, that and the hitting the same survivor twice (but tbh, what is the difference between this and Hillbilly insta down or nurse teleporting onto you when you are in bad position, OH I KNOW IT DOESNT DOWN THEM like they can.)

    Of all the killers to rework to make weaker there was so many above legion.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    He's alright. Could use some tweaks to improve him, but it's not super desperate.

    Tiny pp though, which is unfortunate.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    in a desperate need of the freddy treatment.

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328
    edited August 2019

    As survivor: Old Legion was very opressive. Your only hope when in a chase, was them being fresh out of frenzy or another survivor catching their attention. Facing him was extremely stressful and often impossible to counter.

    New Legion is just sad. The borrowed time effect now is not at all threatening and is essentially just there to waste time. When in frenzy, they can never down you. Outside of frenzy, they got nothing special.

    A healthy and fun Legion should be found somewhere between these two extremes.

    I'm no fan of aura reading basekit abilities, since a buff to Legion could very easily go into opressive territory again.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    He is incredibly weak. His power doesn't help down people, when every other killer's can (even clown's bottles can if you have the redhead pinky). Deep wounds does nothing, it takes too long for it to be a threat. Feral Frenzy also takes way too long to recharge and the cooldown is obnoxious.

    I want to play them (I've prestiged them twice, after all), but I just can't because the current setup is frustrating. Some perks work well (STBFL + BBQ), but there are very few things you can do to slow gen progression, and if they get to end game than you've already lost.

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    Honestly, I still play them cause I like the aesthetic and shiz, but they definitely had fallen down.

    The only reason I do well with them is cause I play the Trapper a lot, so I know how to push the forward stick and press R2.

    They need but a few tweaks, but the mods and devs on the forums ain't doing that, cause Legion is: "In a good spot."

    Being able to get kills doesn't mean it's any fun to do so.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Kinda ok, but needs tweaks imo. His vault is now a joke though, vaulting during FF means you'll loose track of the survivor most of the times.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Old legion was various, fun and something different.

    New legion is boring, slow and dont require any effort or skill cap.

  • LuluTheLion13
    LuluTheLion13 Member Posts: 52

    I hate him. I think he is soooooo bad. I have been playing the game for about a year now and I think he I saw the worst killer that has been brought to dead by daylight. The trailer is really good and makes u wanna get him. But it is nothing like the trailer. His power is so bad. Yes he can jump off her vaults and pallets. But when u hit someone. What does that do exactly. Cuz u can’t keep hitting that survivor. U have to go for another survivor cuz u can see where they are. I think it’s useless. I got the legion instead of the plague which was the worst mistake I have ever made on dead by daylight. I wish there was a tutorial on how to play the killer. Or u can test the killer out before buying them. 👍🏻 Ever since then. I have not played the legion.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    As boring as he was when he released.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    These adjustments would be well recieved, I think. Though, there should be a short stun of at MOST two seconds when cancelling FF. This could be tested in a ptb to make sure it's good.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    They are called the legion, not the runners or the borrowed timers.

    Their power should revolve around being more than one, not just running with a useless power

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Long story short: M1 killer with a big terror radius.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    He needs to be faster, I can still get 4ks with him, but he really needs a faster speed when using his power