Is deranking bannable?

Is deranking bannable and if yes, why?
Why is it bannable for a solo or killer to derank, but a SWF group can play with a low ranking friend and achieve the same outcome?
Playing in a more comfortable ranking position.
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Nah, depends on how you do it. There are even fog whisperers that derank on purpose by DCing, so I don't see the problem. Still, you'll never learn if you won't exit your comfort zone.
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I don't derank, I quiet like the challenge. I just want to understand the ruling and reasoning behind it.
Is there any official statement about this? And if, why are those chases threaten differently?
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If you DC habitually, you will eventually get softbanned.
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Lol, no it isn't. It all depends on how you go about doing it though. If you just DC every game then you will run into issues. But if you just perform bad then how are they going to punish the player? For instance if you are playing as a killer and you just chase a survivor around the entire match without hooking them or just hide in the basement then how are you going to be punished for that?
A.) Who is going to actually report a killer for doing that? It's a free escape as far as most survivors are concerned.
B.) Even if they did report it, what would the survivor include in the report "sob, sob, the killer could have killed me, but just didn't! What is the world coming to?!"
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No, but deranking a lot in a short span of time should be bannable.
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It's not yet.
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Not directly, as in the act itself, but mass disconnecting to derank is probably one of the times it's the most likely you'll get hit by a DC ban.
Not much that can stop people from just running at a killer and suiciding on hook instantly if they really want to though, or killers just picking wraith and standing in a corner or something.
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Stop being so mean on everything you post...
It depends on the way you do it, OP. Just don't DC.
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Deranking isn't bannable, but DCing is if done enough.
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What is the ingame difference from a survivor dc vs a survivor run at the killer and die on the first hook?
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No? It's not listed on the sheet of bannable offenses as far as I know.
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Not, if yes why DEV introduce punishment for camper that will let them depip?
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For B, the survivor can use game spirit as a reson to make report
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As long as you don't DC you are fine. If they start banning people for playing bad that will be most of the players gone.
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Well losing a match isn't bannable which is what deranking is.
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Is it scummy? Yes
Is it bannable? No, the only way you can be punished is if you DC too much to derank, but running to a killer and let them hook you at the start of the match to lose a pip is not bannable.
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Time and the rewards for the killer.
A survivor still has to be downed and hooked and then struggle so the killer probably won't leave till that's done Once we they get off. That's potentially half of three gens done still while an instant DC mean the killer can hunt quicker.
I don't like people killing themselves on the hook either and why I think they shouldn't be able to struggle for the first 30s and in second stage becomes auto for the first 30s and the new husk stays there even if they let go after which tuens into a static bot. This is so they can still be saved and the person can get the blood points and emblems and also the killer can down and rehook them for the same.
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No its not bannable.
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I can't believe I still play dead by daylight with all the people saying all this stuff about it it's like your trying to get rid of everything dead by daylight is
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lol, you could try to report it. It would do nothing at all. This is one of those rare games that the players can pretty much make up their own rules. For instance, if I'm killer and I want to bring Play With Your Food as my only perk and make a rule for myself that I can't attack unless I have 3 stacks of PWYF then that is my prerogative. I can pretty much guarantee that I'll lose rank doing it, but if that is my idea of fun then I won't get banned for doing it.
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That's why I said "on everything you post"? Btw he lied to the OP, so idk why you are defending him.
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No lie, just a misunderstanding. I was only thinking of the "brute-force" method of DCing, which is bannable. However, refusing to engage in normal gameplay (like, say, taking the Wraith and sitting in a corner to avoid getting points and thereby deranking) is also a bannable offense.
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Highly doubt it's bannable when disconnecting to give the hatch isn't because there could have been a real life reason to disconnect
Maybe there was a reason to go afk in a corner
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DCing is bannable past a certain percentage. I assume the same would apply to going AFK in a corner.
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1) My post still stands.
2) Being wrong =/= lying.
3) Here's an old post by Peanits I found from about a year ago. Take it as you will:
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This content has been removed.
Step 1: play Wraith
Step 2: stand in front of a gate
Step 3: turn on TV
Step 4: Open gate when all gens are done
Step 5: continue to just stand there until everyone leaves.
Repeat this until you're at the rank you enjoy playing. I'd recommend doing it every other session so that it doesn't take forever when you get to it.
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Not gonna lie people will be caught doing this ######### when dedicated servers eventually come around, but for now it's sucktastic and you'll have to suffer with the rest of us
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Dcing? Yes
Make yourself killed soon? No
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Careful, such things could be considered targetting specific people and get you a warning.
Dont talk bad about the whisperers.
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I derank because game incentifies you to do so.
There is no reward or incentive to hit red ranks and the only thing you get from it is longer wait times.
Rank means absolutely nothing in this game so there is no point in being in high ranks and better off being in lower ranks.
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In terms of reward, yes rank means nothing. But playing against Rank 15 when you are good enough for rank 1 is extremly boring for yourself (and the R15 killer).
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If deranking was bannable every survivor main Fog Whisperer would be banned.
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Careful, that's accusing people. Dont want to get in trouble. Trust me. Cant say ######### about.....those people...
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How to derank without DC or suicide
Survivor: Go help find hex totem and do only chase
Killer: Camp
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I wish there was a way to derank legit. I hate being in high ranks. Maybe I'll just go stalker wraith.
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If you derank by DC'ing you risk a ban.
If you derank by throwing games then you are fine.
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Waiting 30 minutes and having your lobby close several times is a lot more boring. I would rather play something then not being able to play at all.
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dont know where you are playing at, maybe console? R1/R2 and i dont have trouble finding games at the moment.
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No practice mode, you run in open doors.
I always wondered why I cannot practice killers in a dummy mode. Like KYF but access it solo vs the AI survivors/killers from the tutorial. Just to see how the powers work, testing perks and learn the basics map layouts. Why don't we have a practice mode after 3 years but we will get a battle pass... @Peanits ?