A way to make low tier killers better (easily)

Make there low tier add-ons base kit. The ones considered unviable for high tier play. Hell even make some high tier add-ons basekit. And in the cases where high tier add-ons are made basekit, rework the add-ons as altercations of the killers power.

As an example of this let's take doctor : desperately in need of shock buffs. Give him a slightly higher range (moldy electrode) and shock speed by default. Make some of his yellow/green add-ons default (the ones affecting his madness not his terror radius.) Make the purple versions of those add-ons equal the power of those series of add-ons stacked ie for the calm series, have the two best calm series combined for the purple one, and take out the rest as new style addons. Maybe something to do with a global terror radius but being restricted to tier 2, or perhaps one that makes him have zero terror radius to those in tier 3. Or charge speed add-ons for ultra shock speed. Or an instant shock to tier 3 with it regressing when your no longer in his terror radius I'm just spitting out ideas here. Doctor could possibly be adjusted in other ways mind you to make him easier on beginners (like showing when your being revealed to him, and giving visual cues as to his powers affects perhaps even on skillchecks.)

Leatherface even could do with the exact same changes : making many of his yellow add-ons such as recovery etc base kit. Have him not be as punished for hitting things, lower his high tier add-ons rarity (except in his case carberator tuning guide, maybe increase that) and change his other add-ons to change his power. Give him the ability to bounce off walls even instead of tantruming. Raise his max stats through add-ons and make much of his lower stat add-ons base kit, as a pure example making speed add-ons instead raise his cap on speed, with the acceleration add-ons increasing him to that top speed faster. Maybe give him an add-on that doubles his ospeed briefly after downing a survivor, or one that increases his time in chainsaw mode. Light chassis, and depth gauge rake are two things that could be lowered in rarity and added to base kit. Making add-ons that change his terror radius or leave it at downed survivors could also be a way to buff his purple add-ons mechanically.

Trapper could do with some of the same changes too. Having more traps or rather the ability to pick up extra traps as basekit, you already made many of his high tier add-ons very transformative, with even the speed add-ons completely changing how he can be played.

Clown could use some of his ultra rares becoming green too - with his exhaustion bottle/bleach bottles becoming purples (let's admit there some of his strongest besides redheads pinky finger) Taking his extra bottles, keeping them basekit and allowing him even more on top of that would be a good start. Perhaps even allowing him to force slow vaults like Freddy would be the way to go.

Tldr: take the killers best add-ons, the ones that make them viable at higher rank play and make them cheaper, whilst making the cheaper variations into base kit therefore lowering the cost to play them optimally. Adjust the high tier add-ons to be transformative like the mirror addons for myers, prayer beads for spirit, pallet add-ons for Freddy and trap add-ons for hag.

Pure numbers adjustments - with maybe some reworks for high tier add-ons would go a long way to making lower tier killers more fun and viable at high ranks.
