Regarding Leatherface: A Plea For A Cannibal Buff

The Cannibal is among the least useful killers in Dead By Daylight, and a full-scale add-on rework is overdue; however, there are more pressing issues in the game right now, and in the short term a small buff would go a long ways towards making him less masochistic to play.
The unfortunate reality is that Leatherface moves at a lethargic 87.5% movement speed when revving for 2.1 seconds at base then accelerates from this poor movement speed up to a petty 118%, 3% higher than just walking. Doing so also foregoes lunging, which means Leatherface is still giving up distance to go for the saw (even post-buff).
The reality is that for his chainsaw to catch up to a survivor, the following must be true:
- There is no pallet within 10 feet
- There is no window within 10 feet
- There is no large structure within 10 feet
- There is no large prop within 10 feet
- None of the glitchy terrain hitboxes are within 10 feet
- The Survivor is within 5 feet of Leatherface
- The Survivor has already used their Exhaustion perk
The intended strength of Leatherface's chainsaw versus the Hillbilly is that he has more control so he can chase survivors around props; he cannot leverage this control, however, because he will NEVER catch up.
Hearing the Cannibal's chainsaw is a relaxing sound becuase it means it's literally physically impossible for him to catch up, and you can loop again with impunity.
Suggested Buff
Increasing his movement speed whilst revving would be a phenomenal, skill indexed buff to Leatherface and would facilitate both mind games and counterplay for both sides.
For whatever it's worth, I have over a hundred spare ebony moris on Leatherface alone and he's my most played killer. I've hit Rank 1 repeatedly and I run the Basement Discord for Leatherface mains.
Just thought I'd try to preempt the "git gud" rebuttals.
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I can totally agree. I'd honestly make his chainsaw endless so it's a Billy but with turning instead of speed. Then the 118% MS would be fine. If he breaks a pallet with his saw, it stops so the survivors have a chance. He can only get bloodlust 1 though. Idk, that's my ida for Leatherface.
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The Basement and I have drafted several full-scale reworks that addressed both Cannibal and survivor grievances, but they never gained any traction with BHVR.
At this point I'm just hoping for a marginal number tweak to make Leatherface usable at least, this would hopefully be as simple as literally editing a string value and shipping it to the PTB.
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Honestly I'd really like to know if BHVR even considers him in need of help, I may be wasting my time if they don't.
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I wish I had some Peanits bait to see if he could add insight as to what BHVR thinks about the Cannibal, but I don't know which foods attract a wild Peanits ;-;
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Ive had the pleasure to play against really good leatherface players and honsetly i dont knoe how they do it its beautiful to watch someone play him well i have nothing but respect for bubba mains i can definitely see him getting a rework tho because the camping basement plays i see alot with him will not fit in with the "fun" experience dbd is going for. Its a damn shame to as ive seen good bubbas that play amazing plus i love being facecamped by bubba hes adorable ❤️🐖
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Honestly, if they changed his charging movement speed from 3.5m/s to 3.8m/s, and made his chainsaw charge in the same way that Billy's charges, that'd be good for now.
At least until they can fully rework him.
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I agree, and I'm thrilled to see public sentiment shift towards this position. I really hope the developers share our mutual opinion of Leatherface needing help, but I haven't heard from them.
Maybe a random BHVR will show up with some insight!
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Truth be told I've pitched so many LF buff and rework concepts in the hopes that BHVR will like one that my goal is sincerely to get attention to him by BHVR.
He's one of the few killers to frequently just not have a power during a trial.
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I'm thinking a 92.5% movement speed while revving and 120% Chainsaw, a little more reach, but longer penalty for hitting an object, that would make him good, his add ons need to be fixed, they are super insignificant and do little to nothing.
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Having extensively tested every add-on combination conceivable, they fall into a couple of categories. The consistent problem being that a few stats, namely cooldown reduction, acceleration speed, more quiet revving and tantrum duration reduction, do absolutely nothing, and the on-hit chainsaw effects are impractical.
Slightly Helpful
Tuning Guide
Primer Bulb
The Beast's Marks
Barely Does Anything
The Grease
Spark Plug
Long Guide Bar
Everything Else
Either useless, basically useless or actively hurts you
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@Leatherbilly Yeah, as stated in one of my older posts regarding Leatherface being the worst killer I can agree with some of these changes.
Most of Leatherfaces add-ons are copy&paste from Billy, and his two unique add-ons don't even work (Chili and Award-Winning Chili) all they is waste space on the bloodweb.
The only viable builds he has is Enduring + Spirit Fury or a ironic basement build, he has nothing going for him. At least Freddy has add-ons that assist him and builds. YES hes add-on dependent but at least they work and can be interchangeable.
He needs his chainsaw also to not have a cancel when you stop charging, its really not needed and makes it worthless to use in 90% of scenarios unless there's no windows or pallets around.
I feel like hes incomplete as stated in my older discussions on him, it feels like they derived most of what he is from Billy called him Leatherface and called it a day. He needs something, a tweak, a rework, anything. And his Chili's need to be fixed, they've been broken since the game released him...
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Spot on, on all counts. My build has consistently been BBQ (Purely for BP), Enduring, Spirit Fury, FLEX (often Bamboozle). He definitely needs san add-on rework, like I said above the only two stats he really cares about without a rework changing things are movement speed and rev speed.
I really just hope he gets some sort of buff to time him over because it'll be a long, long time before he gets his add-on rework.
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Traditionally my take on a rework is to increase his Chainsaw attack movement speed and remove tantrum from touching walls, instead making him tantrum if he finishes his chainsaw attack without hitting a survivor or a pallet.
That way he can cut corners faster to catch up to people, which is the whole point of his power, making him consistent. On the other hand, if you outplay him, he's going to lose you almost certainly.
That said, I just proposed something simple because I just want to see him be less atrocious between now and his inevitable add-on rework, and the simplier the proposal the more likely BHVR will consider it I suspect.
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Right, anything would help at the moment.
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As long as i Can play basement tum tum Im happy
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This change wouldn't negatively impact it in any conceivable way.
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Add my voice the masses that say he needs a buff/rework. I absolutely love Bubba. His release is the reason I came back after losing interest shortly after the game's initial release... only to get a quick reality check on exactly how weak his saw -- his pride and joy, his everything -- is against semi-intelligent survivors. He was my first, and still favorite, P3 prestige, and I'd like to see him brought up to at least a mid-tier level.
As it is, his gameplay doesn't even fit his lore image from the movies. Think of his initial reveal from behind that sliding metal door with the sledge, the moment he appeared out of nowhere in Franklin's flashlight, his relentless chase scenes. Hoping the devs will take the multitude of suggestions in thread after thread here (and elsewhere) into consideration, because he needs something done. I want to keep faith that Bubba will end up eventually being as menacing and deadly as his original likeness.
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I don’t know if it’s just me or what but I’m having a problem with the chainsaw not even working. I rev it up and the bar will be full but when I let go he just drops the chainsaw and don’t use it. It royally pisses me off when it happens.
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I don't understand how there is still no answer to any of these "please fix Leatherface" threads from Behaviour. It's both saddening and infuriating to me. Especially considering that the "Chilli" / "Award-Winning Chilli" add-ons (a.k.a. the acceleration add-ons) have been confirmed USELESS over a year ago, and they STILL aren't fixed. It really does feel like the dev team doesn't care about certain Killers anymore.
-1 for Behaviour here 👎️☹️
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How about first they give survivors some nice perks? They keep nerfing survivors and have not given them a single strong perk in a long time.
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Balancing brings in less money than churning out new content