yes do not trust killers that are trying to farm with you
i swear i ran up to 10 games killers trying to farm with me and my teammates but guess what .
the killer attracts all survivors to one gen and kill us all
had lots of experiences with the trapper too
just saying ....
dont . Trust . Killers
I just made this just to warn you guys all and trying to keep the game a bit real .
edit : sry for making myself stupid at this point
but just dont fall into their trap of ‘FARMING’
anyways i edit this out
to make it clear and warn the others
are you ok?
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To be fair the killer doesn't get all that many points without hooking people
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Don't listen to this person. Please survivors run up to your local friendly neighborhood killers. Everything's going to work out fine. 😎😘
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Lol i just here to say it .
Because not just me
my friends happened to them
i just wanted to make it fair for the others
and yes im ok lol
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You kind of right .
but still
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But still nothing, you got your points, let the killer get theirs.
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Don't try to farm next time maybe?
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When I see a maniac with a knife, chainsaw, or literal human cranium and spine, my first thought is always "That seems like a trustworthy fellow".
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Sry just edit it out now
so you can under stand i just got alittle bit crazy with it
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I'm more likely to trust Legion than Meg.
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Whatever dude 😂😂😂😂
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I second this, I’ve had more baby megs rat me out and sandbag me then legions giving me the hatch :(
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@ClogWench Your loss. I’m trusting Meg 10/10 even if it kills me.
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It will
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@ClogWench Anything to do with Meg > Legion.
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Pretty much this. If I am lucky enough that a killer actually wants to farm, regardless of what my team mates do at the end, once the exit gate is open, i make sure to lead the killer down to the basement to final hook me, because I'm aware a killer doesn't get as much as they give in a farming situation.
I also understand the risk, that if I accept an invitation to farm, the killer might change their mind and that's just too bad for me.
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I won't offer to farm unless the survivors have been put at an unfair situation. (DC or someone lets themself die on first hook)
but that's also because, unless the survivors are being toxic tryhards, I typically play in a way that is basically farming without letting them know.
(slugging 'dead on hook' survivors instead of hooking, and playing tag-and-release with them)
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The simple solution is to stop those farming parties to begin with. I literally had to rename myself on steam during the 3 years anniversary to "IDGAF about your farm" just so the killers would stop trying to get me to farm with them. If i wanted to half afk play a game, this wouldnt be it.
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"These fingers? Oh, they're not real. They're just keychains. I made them. Class. Yep."
-Friendly neighborhood Clown
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I mean, I wouldn't trust big man with cleaver or smol man with mask and knife along with the bad fedora man. Its hard to trust people after they try to kill you ya know
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Have only had a killer do this to me like once. But yeah I’m always cautious when it’s an insta down killer or when they want to hook farm in the basement.
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Same! mostly because im also carrying a knife! they must just cut down trees, or open boxes C: honest tools for an honest man!