We were told no more exclusive skins.

Yet Switch
is getting an exclusive Trapper skin.
They said they wouldn't do exclusives if they weren't pushed to do it I believe, this seems more like a push from Nintendo than Behavior, after all, Nintendo loves it's exclusives
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Oh well..its Nintendo, they have deep pockets
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Its not like it's a good skin.
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It's literally just a red mask. Calm tf down dude.
You really wanna complain about exclusives? Talk about Legacy.
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Eh, it's ugly anyway.
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Easy fix make a green and blue variant for xbox and playstation and what pc players color want
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Hey, I like it!
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So what if its an exclusive. if its one everyone on a platform has access to and is not locked behind a paywall its just the equivalent of having a collectors edition of said game on another console.
its really not that big of a deal.
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As excited as I am for the archives, my biggest worry is that the battlepass will introduce timed exclusive skins. It is possible that I’m wrong though as the devs have not answered any questions regarding it though so one can still hope.
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If they had anything good to say about that predatory trash system then they would have to generate hype
Therefore you should assume that yes, there will definitely be timed exclusives
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@PrincessPoop They already confirmed it would in the anniversary stream that announced Rifts.
Rifts will have exclusive cosmetics and every 3 months a new Rift will release. They showed concept art of a shiny glowing blue Rift jacket for Claudette.
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Yes I did watch that stream, and I do know about the temporary nature of the rifts, but they never actually specifically said that the cosmetics would be exclusives. There is the possibility that the devs are planning on releasing those cosmetics through the in-game store once the rift period is over, letting those who missed the rift period have the opportunity to still get them for a higher price. It’s most likely just wishful thinking on my part, and you’re most likely right, but I’m still going to stay hopeful until the devs 100% confirm otherwise.
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The skin looks awful just let it go
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That's ok, it's Trapper. Come back when a real killer is being denied cosmetics.
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They specified you'd be able to buy the cosmetics afterwords in the shop, same as any other outfit. It'd just cost more than simply getting the battlepass and playing. Also, only cosmetics will require the battlepass. Progress items (bp and shards) will apparently always be on the free track. I'm not too worried about it
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They once told us they'd never allow premade teams to play ranked matches, but here we are.
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Wait, they implimented a ranked mode?
Oh, no? The "rank" you mean only represents matchmaking? It resets monthly and offers no rewards?
Exactly. Your point is moot because ranked play STILL does not exist. It's an arbitrary term for the number used in matchmaking. Too many people just assume it means "competitive play".
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Angry Trapper's Traps Snapping
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The things people choose to complain about, smh.