What are the best killers for console?

I mostly play hag, but I am getting a new killer soon. What is the best killers for console so I can make a good decision?


  • tavdogg11
    tavdogg11 Member Posts: 59

    BTW I am considering spirit mostly but I do like some opinions so I can see what is best.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Which console? I don't think it really matters platform wise they're all the same except for Nurse, the console can't handle her so she's weaker.

    I always say pick someone with a playstyle you enjoy. If you like being sneaky pick Ghostface or Pig, if you enjoy chaos and discord pick Freddy, mind games then obviously Spirit.

    But you need to buy Leatherface regardless for BBQ and Chili or getting Bloodpoints will take a lot longer.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Lmao only killers i dont have are pig and clown they just seem too uninteresting to me ghost face is really fun to play but you'd wanna keep two builds ready or him one that highly toxic for swfs (because they will just be toxic and try to bully you) and one for fun i used to main hag myself then i moved to old freddy then kept him and added wraith to my mains then when GF dropped into my main list he went

  • TurboTestosterone
    TurboTestosterone Member Posts: 56

    Spirit is really good you can't go wrong getting her. Her perks aren't great though.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Rancor and Spirit Fury are good perks what are you talking about sprit fury can break loops easily. Rancor can help you get at least one kill in the endgame without having to rely on camping and losing bloodpoints that way

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Haunted ground gets more use than most think, and spirit fury is quite the staple in pallet eater builds

  • Feycromancer
    Feycromancer Member Posts: 19

    I'm on xbox and I have no problem playing nurse well

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Get a mouse and keyboard adapter you will surpass well and reach great or amazing

  • Feycromancer
    Feycromancer Member Posts: 19

    What does a mouse and keyboard offer me that my controller cant do? I'm already landing ontop of them almost 100% of the time

  • nan1234
    nan1234 Member Posts: 131

    Take spirit. You won’t regret this. Strongest killer on console with good perks. I would also take the shape, he’s pretty solid.

  • xnes_galax
    xnes_galax Member Posts: 149

    There are no difference. PC, Xbox and Ps4. All 3 have the same killers with the same powers. The only difference is that Nurse is harder to learn, but once you take enough pratice, she will be the same as a PC Nurse. So yeah, same game, same tier list.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    It doesn't really matter what platform you're on (except you might get more frame rate drop on console), but as far as new killers, Spirit is amazing once you learn how to play her. Personally though, I will always stick with my Hillbilly. He crushes the competition 99% of the time.

  • FiftyCalReaper
    FiftyCalReaper Member Posts: 110

    Tier list isn't the same. A lot of people on here are talking #########. Nurse and Huntress usually suck on console. Not just from a lack of Mouse + Keyboard but mainly because of FRAME RATES. And if these people ever played on console they would know that. Even if you are mechanically perfect, you will still be robbed of a solid hit because the frames dropped to 5 per second. Especially on maps like Red Forest.

    Also, it's easier for survivors to abuse the 360 dodge on console because of the lack of a mouse. You can't quickly reaim your swing as easily as on PC. You can definitely still hit somebody attempting that strategy but it's much much harder. I would say Spirit is still good but Hag definitely suffers from the drop in frames as well, making a quick teleport and free hit a lot more difficult.

    I won't create a tier list for you, but just take that information for what it is. Nurse definitely isn't the queen on consoles. Billy is still good though.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Killer main here, I adore three specific killers, Spirit, Freddy and Trapper. XBOX BTW

  • LostxPanda
    LostxPanda Member Posts: 7

    My vote would go to leather face he has one of the best teachable perks and dominates overly altruistic groups. The only down side is the only cosmetics he gets are a few survivor faces and p3.

  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845

    Billy and Spirit are the best in terms of effectiveness on console. All others are wayyy too tricky with a controller or just aren’t that good/decent

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Nurse is still the best killer on console if you know how to play her, she’s just not as easy. Somebody who can play Nurse well can still easily win.

    In terms on simplicity it would be Spirit, Billy, and Hag (although I do drop frames with Hag a lot especially on Red Forest and Ormond). They don’t rely on sensitivity like Nurse does. They are just as easy to play on console as they are on PC.

    The tier list remains unchanged though. Nurse is still at the top with Spirit below her. Then Billy. Then Hag.

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  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    @DudeDelicious Plague is really underrated to be honest. I do well with her at any rank I’m currently at. I don’t understand why people think she’s bad, she is high mid tier.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Nurse is the best killer on any platform, she is just much harder to learn on console.

    Someone who has mastered Nurse will do better than those who have mastered Plague or Freddy, Plague and Freddy are good but they can’t compare to Nurse since she can become OP by equipping add ons that you’ll commonly find in your bloodweb and even without add ons she still has a strength Plague and Freddy lack, someone who has mastered Nurse cannot be looped, they will be ending chases faster than plague or Freddy will and her map pressure is much better.

    It isn’t a “biased” answer since she has way way way more strengths than any other killer.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Nurse will do better because she can’t be looped, has map pressure, and can end chases in seconds.

    Still doesn’t mean people can’t do good with Plague and Freddy. Nurse is undoubtedly better but you don’t ONLY have to play Nurse to win. It’s nice to switch up your roster of killers.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited August 2019

    My point was that Nurse is undoubtedly the best, not that other killers can’t do good.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Nobody ever argued that Nurse WASN’T the best. @DudeDelicious was only stating that they do well with Plague and Freddy.

    Nurse isn’t the only viable option ya know.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Once again, my point wasn’t that nurse is the only viable killer, I too do well with other killers, I actually do really well with Wraith. He did imply that nurse, billy and spirit are biased answers (he then said his comment was naive.)

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Trapper is a OK killer on console imo. But it's all who you enjoy the most.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Spirit's good, but trapper also is decent. Freddy's good still, although pallets tend to work more than snares.

    Nurse isn't as easy since pinpoint turns aren't as easy with a controller.

    Bubba also isn't as good either.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Um.. no. That's not how it works. Sure the mechanics are the same, but a controller makes it harder for certain killers (Hag, Legion, and Nurse), while others are not really effected.

    That, and Frame rates suck on Xbox sometimes: Especially on Haddonfield and a few other maps. You can blink perfectly, or run them around perfectly as Legion, but then miss the hit because your frames made you think you were in range when you weren't. There is a big difference.

    And this will continue to be the case until consoles catch up with computers.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited August 2019

    Of course everybody is gonna say Nurse, Spirit, Billy, and Hag. I would even recommend one of them. I probably misunderstood the context of what was said...sorry about that.

    Just gets boring for me playing Spirit and Hag over and over again against good survivors. I like seeing a new variety of killers instead of the same four on repeat.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I feel you, I cannot hardly play Nurse because people suicide once they find out you’re good and if I get the cornfield it is pretty much a guaranteed loss. Wraith is also fun imo.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529
    edited August 2019

    Spirit is the best killer. Always the most difficult killer to play against IMO. Rarely do I come across a nurse on console that is really good. Not saying that people can't get really good with her it's just not as common as a really good Spirit in my experience playing the game.

    Nurse's are usually easier to juke unless she has more than three blinks. You just have to be unpredictable. Spirit just gets me all the time. I suppose there are perks you can use to counter the spirit but I'm not going to equip a bunch of perks just for her.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Spirit and Hag.

    Any killer that requires mechanical skill should be avoided on console.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Spirit is good but luck based, better play Billy or Trapper.

  • MartiH
    MartiH Member Posts: 34

    The best killer will always be Nurse, but with the terrible FPS, controller sensitivity and all that stuff it's gonna take waaay longer to get good with her than on PC.

    I'd say the best killers on console are Spirit, Billy and Hag. But every killer can do well if you have mastered them.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426
    edited August 2019

    @Mister_Holdout you are completely wrong, console players are understimated, ok a good nurse or huntress on console will never be as good as pc, but not by far. It takes longer to play well, but at least i can play all killers on console pretty good on red ranks, maybe i just played too much.. i was getting good even with huntress, but i'm not playing her as much anymore

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231

    Honestly I love playing the doctor I main him, but Billy is also good to

  • tavdogg11
    tavdogg11 Member Posts: 59
  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231

    Is he good cuz I was gonna buy a killer probly two, one will be leather face so I can get BBQ and chilli and make it a teachable for Doc, but idk who else to get so would u recommend ghostface?

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,121

    People seem to forget her swing is auto aim these days, you just need to space the teleport correctly...

  • Corrupted
    Corrupted Member Posts: 157

    Huntress is good, but she can suffer from bad maps and she has a huge skillgap. Perhaps the new Freddy isn't a bad idea?

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Spirit has one of the best Killerperks, dont know what you have against Spirit fury.

  • TurboTestosterone
    TurboTestosterone Member Posts: 56

    It won't work more than one time against a survivor unless you swing to get hit(can still get countered by not putting it down) and you need to pair it up with enduring. Definetly not worth half your perk slots to get 1 or 2 faster downs. Could easily get wasted by hitting someone through the pallet and having spirit fury active.

  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147

    Oh? Need a new killer to play?


    Myers can play Mind Games well if you got the right addons and/or Perks.

    If you are on Lerry's Use these Perks:

    -Monitor and Abuse


    -Nurses Calling

    -Thrilling Tremors

    If you are on Lerry's Use these Addons:

    -Boyfriend's Memo

    -Scratched Mirror

    If you want Lerry's use:

    -Shattered Glasses.

    You can try and use the above perk build on other Maps but it mostly works on Lerry's.

    But those are my Perk suggestions so just play around with him and have fun! =P

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Best killers on console are roughly the same as on PC. Despite that Huntress, Nurse, and Legion suffer a bit from the FPS randomly dipping on you.

    My person tops would be in no particular order

    Spirt, Hag, Billy, Huntress, Ghostface, Myers, and Nurse.

    While this list is not in a order Billy and Spirit are honestly far better then most. While Huntress suffers from FPS loss like the other two it's not nearly as punishing.

    Honestly the biggest thing with killer is practice practice practice. Mastering a killer will keep you in red ranks. It wont matter who it is either. Know the limits for your killer and what they can do. Your perks should accommodate that.