(I changed my mind) Survivor issues, starting with body blocking.

tavdogg11 Member Posts: 59
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

(UPDATE) I changed my mind, but I can't delete my post, so I'll just keep this post here. And the video is kinda outdated, but interesting none the less.

I find body blocking to be very annoying. When it's something like a body block to take a hit for someone that is not an issue, but when hooking I can't get to hooks when people body block me. This gets annoying when I can't do anything but slash at them, and of they are good at juking I can't hit them.

Also why are survivors finish generators fast? I know we need to consider both sides, but the keyword being both. Yeah, survivors can just finish gens in under a minute without issues.

And don't get me started on certain items like toolboxes. Why can a survivor instantly finish a generator and win this way? This is why Nurse and Hillbilly is known as the best ones, as you can get all the way to each generator and pressure them without issues.

Here is a video on more things that are an issue with survivors and even the maps. https://youtu.be/mB1fLYPme5c

Case in point, survivors need to stop being the ones to control the game, and the killer needs to have equel map control in order for the killer to actually be the killers they need to be. Not just people who are abused by pallets everyday.

Post edited by tavdogg11 on


  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Body Blocking at hooks isn't a problem. If you run into it often there's plenty of perks that help avoid that's and even a nonteachable perk which makes your bodyblocking issue a less of a problem.

    Generators are probably being done so fast because your not applying pressure or you aren't stalling the game there is plenty of killers that help with this, learn them.

    Toolboxes can no longer instantly finish a generator which was changed by the developers a long time ago not only that but there are plenty of perks to help with your issue.

  • tavdogg11
    tavdogg11 Member Posts: 59

    I was applying pressure, hell when I play my main I tend to apply a lot of pressure. But even when I play Billy apparently the gens are still done too fast.

  • tavdogg11
    tavdogg11 Member Posts: 59

    And when I mean body blocking the hook, I ment multiple survivors blocking the way.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929
    edited August 2019

    Bruh. You linked a video from January 2018, tbh i don't even think you actually played killer during that period. Now we almost found a balance, and without watching the video (which actually i've probably watched when came out) i can say that more than a half of the things he was (rightfully) complaining about, are now solved.

  • tavdogg11
    tavdogg11 Member Posts: 59

    Yeah sorry about the outdated video.

  • tavdogg11
    tavdogg11 Member Posts: 59

    I think my issue now I think about it is that not only I play on console, but that on console the best time to play as killer here is night, so I can't really play then since my family use the TV all of the time. This messes up matchmaking and makes me play against higher ranks, since I seen more higher ranks as a killer during the day.

    And yeah I might need to improve.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I honestly don't see the problem with that sort of bodyblocking. Unless you're in a hook deadzone created by either sacrificed survivors or sabotage it will probably take several blocks and it is only worth it if near an open gate. If I don't get a hook but I get 2-3 free injuries that's not that bad.

    The only time a single bodyblock is usually a huge problem is flip flop (pretty uncommon perk) or hook greed like a killer trying to take someone to a basement when they can barely reach it in the first place.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Okay, first of all, body blocking by the hook, much like camping and tunnelling, are annoying and yet legitimate play styles. We might not like them, they can make winning difficult, but they are part of the gameplay and quite punishable both by slugging and using certain perks such as mad grit.

    Secondly Generators. This is the survivor goal, this is literally what has to be done to escape, and most survivors have been doing the damn things for months, meaning they have become practised at skill checks and knowing when best to strike, such as getting that risky middle gen done asap and doing their best not to get three genned. People improve by time and it is not realistic to expect them to do it slowly because it annoys you. I'm not saying it to be mean, because It isn't in my nature, but gen pressure is the killers job. Getting gens done quickly so as to expedite an escape before being killed, is the survivors.

    Toolboxes do not instantly repair generators, even with spare parts. But just as killers have perks and addons that aid them towards their objectives, so do survivors. You also have ways and means of dealing with items brought in, such as franklins, and perks to regress generators you find. Again, this is your job and it's unrealistic to expect people not to bring these things into game. I don't expect a killer to nerf themselves by eschewing tactics, perks or addons because its frustrating for the other side, nor do i expect this from survivors.

    If you want map control, you TAKE map control. All i see on these forums, from both sides, is the expectation that the other side should be nerfed or handicapped when something gets difficult, instead of people learning and adapting. It IS hard work, it DOES take trial and error, but to be perfectly honest, the more people cry out that this, that and the other is unfair, the tighter you draw the noose around this game.

    Survivors cannot play without killers, Killers cannot play without survivors, and people need to realise that the more people play, the better they get at the game. I see so many childish statements of "Git Gud" from both sides, and yet the minute people actually do master part of the game...well lets call in the nerf police because suddenly getting good isn't fair anymore.

    I sympathise with the OP, because some games do seem like an absurd lesson in frustration, but that is unfortunately how we learn, how we get better. I'd rather lose 10 games if it teaches me how to master certain killers, than cry out for changes to be made so that i get an easier life, and the same with playing survivor. I don't have a particular flag to wave for either side, and my post history will support that.

  • tavdogg11
    tavdogg11 Member Posts: 59

    You are right, which is why I recently changed my mind as I realised it was sort've my fault.