Cool ideas for the game

  1. Campfires - Put campfires around the map and if you heal around them it increases healing speed by like 50% or something.
  2. Doors - add doors to the game they work the same way as pallets survivors would run through and shut the door the only difference is the killer doesn’t see where you go after you shut the door in the killers face. Killers have to break door down same like pallets
  3. Bring back the Bouquet offerings
  4. 2 killers in KYF
  5. More Nea cosmetics
  6. Season Pass
  7. Make the basement bigger. Add two exits to the basement

just some random ideas I had. Anybody know when the next chapter is coming? Or the season pass?


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,605

    I hope the season pass never comes. It is an awful idea. The basement is fine. Survivors don't need more stall, nor do they need faster healing, as we would be in the exact same place we were before the healing nerf.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Hmh. 1. How campfires works seems to me a legit Fortnite ripoff, plus "The Campfire" is already a single specific place justified by the lore, you can't scatter them around the map. 2. Doors are just reskins of pallets, and since we talking about some doors, you could place them only in the shack/ lery's/ the game. 3. I liked bouquets, but they stated many times, they will never come back. 4. Pointless request, if they'll ever add this feature, it will be next year. 5. (A user said that this community cares more about balance than about skins). 6. Hell no! 7. Basement is fine as it's now, especially after the hitboxes change.

  • Sean
    Sean Member Posts: 107

    why no season pass? if you don't want the cosmetics and whatever extra bloodpoints you get out of it then don't buy it.

  • MoonwalkMyers
    MoonwalkMyers Member Posts: 82

    They should bring youre Ideas, its time that you can do more in the maps and have more decisions. I love this game but after 2 years its geting slowly boring, always the same.

  • Sean
    Sean Member Posts: 107

    Yeah I love this game but it’s always the same. Would be nice if we had more options to evade killers and maybe more objectives not just gens to escape. Maybe some more game modes would be nice

  • MoonwalkMyers
    MoonwalkMyers Member Posts: 82

    True, instead of just generators and hooks they should add power poles and piles on the ground so they can do more little killers and maybe more maps like a theatre, old Cinema .......just something different. but youre ideas are the best.