Trapped exit


I was playing as a survivor against the Spirit. I thought I was doing ok. Towards the end I got one exit open (it seems that the rest of the survivors were at the other one) and I was running to my escape when a trap appeared on the floor, out of nowhere, and that clawlike thing spiked me through and started stabbing me all over.

What was that? Can you tell when an exit is trapped like that? Is there a way to either detect it or disarm it?

How do you play against it?



  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 1,009

    The end gamer timer must've ran out. When a gate gets opened (or killer closes hatch) you see a timer on top of the screen. Once that runs out the entity (the trap you're talking about) will kill you if you haven't escaped.

  • Sobreviviente
    Sobreviviente Member Posts: 12

    That must have been it. Time was running low but I didn't realize it was over. Thanks