######### is wrong with tose toxic Survivor's?

Kikki Member Posts: 536
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

Today 100% of my Games I had Toxic Survivor's where unhook if I am in the proximity (I don't want to camp) or hook camped.

I got today : Hook camper's


Rage quitter's

Infitive looper's

Gen rusher's

Bt user where unhook if I'm going to leave.

Gen camper's(people where will work on the gen when I am in a chase or going to leave)

I only want to have fun.I don't want to tunnel or camp if I don't have to.


  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Infinite looping isn’t toxic, just buying some time for the others. If they are teabagging after a pallet that’s toxic, also gen rushing isn’t toxic you are supposed to do generators it isn’t bad if they do them straight off the bat.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536


    You are the Killer,you are supposed to be the power role and not the Survivor's.

    If I hooked someone and know someone is in the proximity,of course I look quickly around the hook.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    You can abuse them... did you play killer? If you did you would know that

    Of couse I can go to someone else but what if 2 Survivor's abuse them?

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    edited August 2019

    I hate crybaby ragenauts who DC and get salty in postgame chat just as much as anyone else, but half of what you've described here is just smart, aggressive survivor play.

    A BT user is incentivized to hook-dive, because it keeps you optimally distracted while at least two people are clear to work gens. It's still a risk on their part, but it's what the perk was designed to do.

    "Gen camping" is one of the dumbest terms I have ever heard anyone use. Survivors are supposed to be as aggressive as they can be about gen repairs, it's how they win. I've fixed a gen under an occupied killer's nose many times; I'm not trying to be toxic or unduly harass anyone, I'm making a play that I believe is smart in the moment, probably because a gen is close enough that I think I can finish it. The killer's proximity is not my concern, if he's distracted.

    As for infinite looping...I dunno what to tell you, man. You need to know when the best play is to break off a chase. If I'm playing killer and I see that a particular survivor is exceptional at wasting my time, I'm not going to fixate on them at the cost of everything else.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    If you are on haddonfield with balanced landing the whole map is an infinite. Still surprised it has escaped 2 years basically unchanged, aside from them nerfing Blood Lust which was the only counter killers had to those kinds of loops.


    I got today : Hook camper's - People that sit by hooks, yeah those people actually help you more than harm you because they aren't doing gens

    T-bagger's - Ehh, fair enough t bagging is toxic, but until they remove the ability to croutch its here to stay.

    Rage quitter's - DbD does nothing to punish these people, at least 90% sure since I have never heard of someone who DCs a lot getting banned, but they say dedicated servers will introduce a queue lock to people who DC so they are working on it.

    Infitive looper's - Bad map design

    Gen rusher's - Bad game design

    Bt user where unhook if I'm going to leave. - Again more of a benefit since they aren't doing gens.

    Gen camper's(people where will work on the gen when I am in a chase or going to leave)- That's something that they are just meant to do, if you don't get found by the killer after hiding from them while you were working on a gen, then why wouldn't they just go bad to working on the gen.

    Most of this stuff helps you, but others of it are out of your control. Basically BHVR has dictated to killers, if you want to win, you have to play scummy sometimes. If someone unhooks in front of you, and you need someone out of the game, because gens pop to fast, tunnel. If everyone is going for the save, camp. If you don't have ruin on your killer, substitute it with NoEd.

    The survivors book of rules shouldn't influence your gameplay if you want to win.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    I did actually state in my reply they were being abused.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    This is normal looping for me,Infitive is for me if you using a spot like Ironwork in Mc Millan or that Big house on Crotus Prenn Asylum. On spots like that you can loop infitively with Balanced Landing.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    It's not an Infinite it's just an extremely long loop. You will eventually catch someone so by definition it can not be an infinite.

    Any competent killer will get them it just takes a lot longer than it should for most and some deploy mind games which stealth killers are good at, cut them off, trap the window/stairs, blink, throw a hatchet, some killers just have better tools than others.

    Actual infinites were removed long ago.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313
    edited August 2019

    Don't blame players for issues that are caused by map design and general balance issues.

    If YOU decide to not tunnel, milk the ironworks window for 3 vaults or whatever else that's fair and your decision. Others might disagree and do such things without hesitation, and you shouldn't blame them for using what they have available to win (obviously except if they use straight up exploits/cheats), blame the systems allowing them to do it in the first place. Blaming them for doing something you wouldn't is nothing more than scrub mentality and is completely unproductive.

    Same goes for if you do tunnel or whatever and people complain - you made the decision, and it's a legal decision. What they think isn't relevant at all.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited August 2019

    Read above. An infinite and long loop are different. The ones you mentioned are no where near infinites just long loops which can be ran for too long.

    By definition an Infinite is a place where it would be impossible to ever catch them.

  • Spicybarbecue
    Spicybarbecue Member Posts: 183

    if gen rushing isn't toxic then facecamping isn't either. killer is suppossed to kill after all

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    So you say Ironwork,badham house and haddon field aren't infinitives?

  • TR_stonez
    TR_stonez Member Posts: 54

    Whys is looping and gen rushimg considered toxic us survivors shouldn't feel bad for doing our job and surviving just like killers say we aren't friends so why should we care about killers feeling so Yeah I'm gonna keep being a toxic survivor

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Same goes for Killer's why Killer's shouldn't tunnel the hell out of you? Not my problem of you don't get many points.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited August 2019

    If you're chasing a survivor in what you might call a "infinitive loop" , that was your choice no one put a gun to your head forcing you to loop there.

    You could have easily broke off the chase, chase someone else.

    It's how this works. Sometimes you have to break chase, even when it's not in a strong loop.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    None of these are toxic except for teabagging. Just like tunneling, camping and slugging is not toxic. Only teabagging is toxic when it is done by a survivor to a killer or the few killers that can do it to a survivor.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    You want to know why you should care? It's called having empathy. Basic human decency. There is a human being playing against you that should be respected just as you should be.

    How bold of you to outright state you will continue being toxic. How deplorable...

  • TR_stonez
    TR_stonez Member Posts: 54

    Oh I do get tunneled/ camped so that's why I play with swf, bt and insta heals or i dc to not let the killer get all of his hook points if im not getting any im mot letting you hook me 3 times for your points or achivments

  • TR_stonez
    TR_stonez Member Posts: 54
    edited August 2019

    But killers don't care about our feeling so why should we care about theirs I've tried playing respectively but it anyways resulted in me dying until i realized that the only way to survive is playing toxicly meaning doing the objective as fast as i can, looping to stall as long as possible. Like the killers say we aren't friends. until killers show humainty i won't

  • vh_
    vh_ Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2019
  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    You think they are?

    Ask yourself a question.

    Can you catch a survivor running round them? If the answer is yes but it takes a long time then they are not infinites they are really long loops.

    Again an infinite made it impossible to ever catch a survivor which used to be in the game but we're removed with various changes.

  • michaelrandom27
    michaelrandom27 Member Posts: 100

    You don't need to add an apostrophe to every word that has an S in it. The apostrophe is used to show possession.

  • Sashabella1
    Sashabella1 Member Posts: 2

    In my opinion there really isn't such a thing as Gen Camping. That's just playing the game. If you notice them doing it it gives you an advantage knowing they'll come back. Break the Gen then stalk it. Looping has been complained about for years. Is there actually a thing called hook camping?

    T-Bagging is infuriating. It's rude and instantly angers me. It takes away from the spirit of competition and makes it toxic.

    Face camping makes you give up. As a survivor, when you know your killer is a camper it makes you want to quit playing and ruins any chance of a meshing of you and your team mates.

    There is no better feeling than knowing you've played well and with respect and dignity. I never get mad at a killer that's just really good. I could be the first out and give him props if he plays a good clean game.

  • thereals3vin
    thereals3vin Member Posts: 24

    If this is considered toxic what would you prefer I do as a survivor main? I dont taunt killers, but a lot of that seems like its the game? If I cant run fron a killer or work on generators, why am I playing the game?

  • PoisonHurts
    PoisonHurts Member Posts: 48

    Gen rushingnis completing the the objective as fast as possible. The killer equivalent of that is downing, hooking, and finding the next survivor as quick as possible. Face camping is not at all the killer equivalent of gen rushing.

  • PoisonHurts
    PoisonHurts Member Posts: 48

    Well this is a game and we are supposed to have fun as long as it's not directly hurting the feeling of someone or giving personal insults. If im playing the game very toxic like the killer has the right to be toxic right back and take revenge and if they don't than that's their own fault

  • Wizards4Hire
    Wizards4Hire Member Posts: 10

    Thank god you said that, I didnt know how to respond to that

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Guess what?


    None of those are toxic because none of those things listed break ANY of the rules of DbD. Therefore, your supposed "toxic" Survivors weren't toxic at all.

  • PuckGOA
    PuckGOA Member Posts: 27

    Map pressure slows gen rushes but doing gens is the survivors role you can't blame them for playing the game. T-baggers are trying to get you angry so you make mistakes don't give them the satisfaction. If someone is BT hook rushing they aren't saved by their own BT so get the unhooker. It supports your style of play. Loops are sucky but you have two choices, break the chase if its going bad or anticipate their actions and position yourself. In one comment you asked if someone else played killer. Maybe you should play more survivor so you can understand how they do it and use your knowledge to improve your ability to anticipate them and up your killer game. The best players in this game do both sides.

  • 8obot1c
    8obot1c Member Posts: 1,129

    Face camping isn’t toxic, insidious camping omega toxic, burn if they are proxy camping they are at least giving them a chance to get them off while also checking things near by. I would like you to explain how in any way, shape, or form gen rushing is toxic.

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    So what you’re saying is: Trying to survive and using helpful strategies is toxic now? ok.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    We should really start hiring the myth busters for this forum..

    Ok, teabagging and rage quitting, yes these are toxic.

    Hook camping....I'm assuming you mean people heading in for the hook the minute your back is turned. This is not toxicity, this is a survivors job. If they keep doing it, use it against them and down the unhooker. Otherwise move on. Personally i don't usually mind if they get an unhook, more points for me when I eventually hook them again!

    Infinite looping...Again, not toxic. It's the survivors job and often their only means of defence if caught, is to loop you. If i find myself on a loop i know I'm not going to win, i head off and go back to patrol gens because 9 times out of 10, the really good loopers are there to distract you while the rest do gens.

    Gen rush...not toxic, literally the survivors main task in order to escape. People sit in front of gens all the time, they get better at skill checks, and they are under no obligation whatsoever to slow down for you. As i mentioned in a previous post, it is the killers job to maintain map pressure.

    BT camping...the whole point of BT is to achieve a risky unhook when the killer is nearby. Not toxic.

    Gen camping...this is the silliest of the bunch. If a survivor is on a gen while you are near or in a chase....whack them then whack the gen. If you leave them there, then it's on you. NOT TOXIC.

    As for the comments about tunnelling and face camping. Go for it! They are not toxic either. Though if you don't like getting gen rushed then i would say that face camping isn't the best option.

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    The only toxic things you mentioned are rage-quitters and teabaggers. I think you should learn what toxicity is. The term has been strewn about so much in the game that now I've even seen people saying it's toxic to heal at pallets.

    Toxicity is being an overall #########, to the point where the behavior spreads and becomes more of an issue, I.E. teabagging and rage quitting, thus why it is called 'toxic.' People like yourself spread the stigma that survivors and killers should follow specific, made up rules and it's so annoying.

    I agree with being against the giving up after being downed enough times (sometimes enough times is just once :/) as much as I agree with being against letting survivors bleed out because they ran loops on you. But I'm against literal parts of the game, I.E. perks like BT and DS, as well as perks like NOED and Franklin's, being frowned upon because they made a person inconvenienced a few games.

  • Number22
    Number22 Member Posts: 27

    Absolutely ridiculous. The game is called "Dead by Daylight", not "Spare Your Feelings by Daylight." It's a competitive game where the objective is to either kill or try not to be killed. If someone is that sensitive that you need to consider their feelings during a competitive video game, it's probably best that they stay clear of competitive video games and Dead by Daylight. I hear roblox is good for children.

  • Number22
    Number22 Member Posts: 27
    edited August 2019

    Some of your complaints are simply part of the gameplay. Gen rushing is a strategy. The whole purpose of playing survivor is to escape and survive. Shocker, right?. Completing generators as quick as possible is the goal when playing survivor. They allow more than one person on a gen and speed up the repairing for a reason.... They also give altruistic points for a reason.

    Also, you think it's toxic when survivors repair generators while you're not in the area? Are you [expletive] kidding me? "Yeah, let me wait for the killer to come near me and see me before I work on this gen. I'll definitely get it done that way." Do you not realize how [expletive] ridiculous that sounds? Unbelievably ridiculous.

    You said it's toxic for someone to unhook someone when you leave the area? Umm no. It's smart is what it is. Unhooking someone in front of a killer is an easy way to get your team mate down, even with BT. Sorry if people don't want to give you easy downs and have their team mates get tunneled to death. Also, you said you don't want to camp, and implied that unhooking survivors in front of you leaves you no choice but to camp and tunnel. I can sort of get that, but at the same time you have the option to go after the person with full health and not the previously hooked survivor.

    When it comes to infinite loops, you should already know when to break the chase and move on to another survivor. It should be common sense that if you're chasing the same survivor for 5+ min, you're giving the other survivors plenty of time to complete gens while you're wasting time trying to get that down. Apply map pressure. Patrol gens and don't chase a survivor for half of the game.

    Tbagging and rage quitting are toxic, but everything else you said is just you whining because you didn't win. "I just want to have fun." No. You just want to win. When you feel entitled to win, everything is toxic.

    Post edited by Number22 on
  • Sashabella1
    Sashabella1 Member Posts: 2

    " No. You just want to win. When you feel entitled to win, everything is toxic."

    Truer words have not been spoken.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926
    edited August 2019

    "Absolutely ridiculous" What did I say that was ridiculous? Treating somone else with respect should be a given. Also, what's obvious, is that playing the game as intended and not being a dick isn't toxic. It's a game. Believe it or not, this is not actually life or death.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited August 2019

    "Gen rushers" "Gen campers"


  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I don't know dude... The only thing I actually hate that you said are DCers...

    Gen rushing? Improve patrolling, hit everyone to make them scatter.

    Hook camping? Thank you for an easy hit and wasting time you could've been fixing a gen.

    Loopers? Leave them for last, kill the weak and then go for the hard ones, they'll have no pallets or options, even if he escaped, that's a 3/4 game right there, nothing to be ashamed of.

    T-baggers? Unless a looper, you've got my attention and you're gonna die first

  • Number22
    Number22 Member Posts: 27

    Yeah, you should be respectful towards people. What's ridiculous to me is the notion that you have to play a certain way to accommodate and spare someone's feelings. If someone is that sensitive that they can't handle certain styles of (legit) gameplay, or even tbagging, then maybe they shouldn't be playing dead by daylight or competitive games. And avid gamers should already know the general toxicity in the gaming network. The only toxic things that the OP mentioned was tbagging and rage quitting, which is my main point. Feel free to read my other comment and the comments of others about why everything else was just whining from the OP.

    The person you replied to was correct. Why should we feel bad about doing our jobs as survivors? As I mentioned before, everything the OP mentioned was not toxic, except for rage quitting and tbagging. I'm sorry if the OP and others alike don't like it when a survivor is repairing a gen while they're not there or when team mates gen rush. It's part of the gameplay, and it's exactly what you're supposed to do. I'm not going to do gens with the killer in front of me and sabotage myself because that's the way the killer thinks that I should play.

    "Believe it or not, this is not actually life or death." Exactly. So why so sensitive about it? You mentioned that ethically speaking you should care and consider the killer's feelings because "it's called having empathy." I have empathy for others, but I do not feel bad if a killer loses in a video game or if they don't like my style of play. It's a game. I don't expect people I'm playing against to accommodate my wants in a game unless it's against the rules of the game. Just like I don't care if a player tbags me. Is tbagging rude? Yes. Do I let it bother me? No. It's not that hard to not take [expletive] on console seriously. Less than an hour, and I'll have forgotten about it.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    I have over 100 moris stacked up and now I use Dying Light with a mori where i just tunnel the obsession. I mean, its a way to play the game, so nothing wrong with it.