The ranking system is so messed up!

I'm pretty sure there is a bug right now effecting rank progress, but holy #########! I just played a game at purple rank with Plague, had no gens completed and hooked 3 survivors all three times, and one twice and still only managed to safety! If this isn't a bug, then why is this even a thing?
You need to hit a gen thats why you safety pip also its very easy to pip
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I did kick gens. I kicked several. That combined with Ruin is why they didn't get ANY gens done. Yet I still safety after hooking all but one three times. This is broken. There is no reason I shouldn't have pipped.
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What's new. In the roadmap, they're going to work in this after the next chapter (correct me if I'm wrong)
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Bro today I had a match where everyone was a different color rank besides green. Idk how that's fair but ok. Literally a rainbow.
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Kicking gens doesn't give any points towards any Emblem category. It's not relevant for pipping.
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Almost. Rank reworks are scheduled for next year.
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They're gutting the whole ranking system and making a new one, so there's no real plan to bandaid this oozing pile. While that might not be what you want to hear now, know that the problem IS going to be solved, just not as fast as any of us would like
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Mouse over each emblem im the tally screen it will show where u missed points
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For plague, you miss out on points if your getting 1 shot downs. You got Iri on the first 2 categories for your hooks and gens, but I bet the other 2 categories were bronze.
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Was it a swf
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you got a picture on that cause you gotta do a bit of everything you know usually people complain about it like omg i dident pip still had 5 gens but thats the problem you need to damage the generator and actuelly get chase points aswell. Also why you wanna pip anyway your just gonna end up getting long que times and vs the same people over and over again also rank dosent matter in this game-
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I did. It didn't show me that I missed anything. Just what I did.
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Which emblem gives you points based off kicking gens?
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No. I don't take pictures of everything. But I assure you, the game was flawless. I like the accomplishment of getting to red ranks.
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Probably SWF. The matchmaking doesn't take the rank gap into account. Just picks the lower rank. I hosted last night as a rank 4 with two of my friends who were in yellow rank. We got a rank 20 killer.
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None if I recall correctly.
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Thats why I think its funny ppl keep commenting you shouldve kicked more gens. If you had all 5 gens still up, you got iri on gatekeeper... Kicking gens doesnt do anymore
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Clearly you needed 8 gens remaining and 15 hooks. Otherwise you're clearly a Noob.
Also your chases need to last -5 seconds and you need to hit everyone 4 times per down, and you can't ever let them heal at all.
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The problem is that people think their points and score categories have ANYTHING to do with the rank system. The only thing they share are the names. And there are 4 of them. And the wording. Ok anyone with half a brain would make that assumption but in actuality there are specific actions that result in rank.
Your teamates performing a bunch of unsafe unhooks will totally hurt your altruistic emblem for example.
It's like a running back in American football accumulating amazing stats for the year but his rank is actually based off of not only his team's performance, but how pretty the Ice Skating judges thought his form was while running down the field. Pure-Comedy-Gold!
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Dont know with 1 but everytime i kick a gen you get blodpoints for it and blodpoints goes into the emblems right ? so surely it has to go to something @LordGlint
The regression thingy aswell to make a gen go down in progress.
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Common misconception and don't feel bad as anyone would think the same. Emblems are based off of stats in the game and specific actions/outcomes, not your points in the category. Go read each of the emblems and do your best to decipher the overly-complicated explanations on each and how they apply to your rank.
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Oh My God! You're right! I see what I did wrong now!
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As the person already said, the ranks NOW work based off of certain actions/outcomes. You are thinking of the old ranking system.