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PSA survivors mains who say they are a killer mains.

If you are playing as a survivor and you initiate hatemail and complain about anything you can (e.g. using noed when the game didnt even get to that point) then call the killer bad and justify it by saying "I'm a killer main" or in some way imply you are a killer main.

check yourself because you are not.


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  • Member Posts: 793


  • Member Posts: 3,145

    We don't need another reason to perpetuate the "I'm a ___ main so ___" argument. It's annoying enough as is.

  • Member Posts: 482

    What even is this? xd

  • Member Posts: 28

    Last time I’ve cheaked you’re allowed to me a killer an survivor main lol

  • Member Posts: 3,348
    edited August 2019

    You can't know if someone is a survivor main or killer main. I know it must be incredibly hard for you to comprehend since you're participating in the caveman tribalism bullshit, but there's people that play killer that might disagree with you on things.

  • Member Posts: 1,742


  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Saying you main either side is stupid because your only playing 50% of the game.

  • Member Posts: 375

    Brings back good old swizz meme:

  • Member Posts: 626

    @Night13. And what do you think about killer mains who say that when they play as survivor they escape 90-100% of times, when trapper at lvl1 gains more than 50% of games?

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    Nothing makes me stronger then a succulent chest wound.

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    My buddy had a dude who ranted and raved at him about Clown gameplay. The dude criticized my friend for ''using his bottles too much'' he literally judged him for using his ABILITY in a CHASE. Then he was saying that he plays Clown and he doesn't use his bottles that much because he doesn't have to, not necessary. It was hilarious to hear the whole thing down lol

    Imagine yelling at someone for using Spirit's Phasing too much XD

  • Member Posts: 3,755


  • Member Posts: 2,410


  • Member Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2019

    I was wondering if you had any stock tips while you were at it? You are obviously wise beyond comprehension.

    Crap, I used sarcasm again. Here comes my ban.

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    @Warlock_2020 NO WARLOCK! I SHALL PROTECT YO- -is banned too-

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    @Shad03 Your sacrifice is touching. You will not be forgotten.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Survivor mains probably drink disgusting Coke. Us cool Killer mains obviously drink delicious Cherry Pepsi®.

  • Member Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2019

    @TAG ######### nobody gave me the Memo. Me and my Trapper prefer Dr. Pepper with its perfect blend of 23 flavors.

  • Member Posts: 14,110
    edited August 2019

    My Trapper and Hag like Dr.Pepper.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Watch out, it's the main police

  • Member Posts: 19

    Survivor main actually

    In my 3 weeks of playing I've noticed some trends.

    -When I play survivor the killers never sends hatemail no matter what I did to them.

    -When I player killer most survivors whether they win lose will send hatemail on xbox and/or send party inv after to group bash over voice chat with swf group.

    -You can obviously play survivor and killer but being a main suggests you primarily play one and are adept at it. You can be adept at both and play them equally and that means you dont "main" either because having a "main(s)" means you prioritize 1 or a few not all. At this point the only thing you can say is that you "main" X killer when you play killer. You cant really main a survivor since they're just skins essentially but it still makes sense if you were to say you are a nea main. (also if you main something it doesnt mean you play that side only, that's half the game and that's dumb but I'm sure it happens)

    I play both sides because understanding one improves the skills as the other it also depends on if my friends are on and want to play or not.

    -For everyone here who is probably assuming "oh yea hes a killer main for sure" you are doing exactly what ur bashing on. which only proves the point. that it becomes clear, if you play the game and visit the forums or subreddit, who primarily plays what based on what they say and what mentality they have. i.e. killers hate all the crutch perks survivors get and survivors hate the crutch perk killers get, survivors hate tunneling and call everything camping amd killers hate "gen rushing" and looping otherwise known as a survivors gameplay.

    so sorry if I hurt your feelings but this is the gist of things in my experience on the forum/sub/game. These thoughts are based on you guys from someone who is relatively new. This community is by far the most toxic I've ever experienced beating out csgo, early lol seasons, mw2 many years ago. The community at any given time is 80% playing survivor.

    But maybe it's not the survivors who are toxic I just so happen to get hatemail for no actual justifiable reason (which is really only camping everyone you hook as it's a low tier play that harms the killers score for the sake harming that survivors score) from people playing survivor 100% of the time I recieve salty messages. Also, I've only ever gotten friend requests from killers who killed me after some friendly messaging to swf at some point.

    This post is only here because more than one person sent a message containing " X because Y main" I would very much like to enjoy both sides equally but I literally have to switch from killer to survivor half the time just to take a break from receiving salty messages or a streak of unfavorable maps.

    so for this post im a survivor main but I play both equally I just prefer survivor so that's what I'm saying I'm maining now.

    As if what I say I main determines what I actually main. It's actually the mentality, skill, and relatively current play-time that determines it not what you say. otherwise you can say you main something even if you havent touched it. If you could then I'd say I main huntress but I dont own her so I cant...

    as much as most of us would like the general toxicity of the community to be reduced it is a product if the game, or everyone that's never won easily at freeze tag flocks to this game along with some that did. So I'll go ahead and say it's the game and I expect people to disagree for the sake of disagreeing. why y'all so toxic lol. I usually tell hatemailers to git gud and stop complaining.

    Dont hate the player, hate the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Still no stock tips?! What am I paying for on this forum?

    Back to my Dr. PEPPER.

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,596

    Sorry I don't see any discussion here, just an argument of what a killer/survivor main is - a lot of people on this forum (myself included) play both sides pretty much equally.

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