Locker Grab D-Strike

Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I'm a firm believer that the change to D-Strike was a beneficial one. THAT SAID, it needs another "nerf" but not really nerf?

So more or less what happened to me, had just finished hooking a survivor and turned around to see a survivor climbing into a locker who had recently been rescued. As 1:) you can't tell who has D-Strike and who doesn't due to the person potentially not even being your obsession and 2:) I was not aware what was about to happen to me was even POSSIBLE, I went for the locker grab.

INSTANTLY I got D-struck after the locker grab animation completed, and the individual fast actioned back into the locker. "SURELY," I thought, "There is not ACTUALLY enough time for this next bit to activate."

But sure enough, the moment my D-Strike stun ended, I got nailed with a Head On and had to deal with THAT full stun. For 8 seconds I was taken out of the game. 8 seconds. That is MASSIVE.

Survivors can do a ######### ton in that amount of time, and while YES I do admit that part of this was my own ignorance, I still don't feel as though D-Strike should function that way.

It was changed to be an anti-tunneling perk. If you're baiting a killer to grab you out of a locker, you should not be allowed to activate D-Strike if you're grabbed out of one. Honestly I feel like you forgo your protection if you're asking the killer to come get you in that regard.

So in closing; either make Enduring work with survivor perk stuns again or please make it so D-Strike can't be activated on locker grabs.

*edit* changed survivor to killer in terms of baiting someone. My pre-coffee brain wasn't working right.


  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853
    edited August 2019

    it is actually possible to drop survivors who have d-strike active, however there are rules for this to work:

    this only works if you grab them from a generator or grabbing them while they're unhooking someone, and the last rule is that the skill check success zone is to the left side so that the skill check arrow has to spend more time spinning to reach it, giving you time to drop them. it is impossible to drop them when grabbing them from a locker or picking them up after downing them, once the grab animation happens and u know the survivor just got unhooked spam the R button and you'll drop them, also if you down them EXACTLY under the hook, pick them up and immediately hook them giving the game no time to react to the skill check. keep in mind that pressing r will not immediately drop and a 0.5 second delay will happen before dropping them

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Ok that's all fine and dandy but how does that help this situation besides promote that video clip? Because as you stated; you can't do it on locker grabs.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    thats the unfortunate part, it has counters to all scenarios except the locker :<

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Once again I ask what was the point of posting that then if it does nothing to aid the situation? Because, and not to sound rude, it almost comes across like trying to self-advertise one's channel by making it seems relevant to a discussion when in fact it's not.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,566

    if that person D-struck you and went into the locker for Head-On, they lost less ground than they would have if they just ran point blank from D-strike. This also means they can't use BL or Dead Hard to assist them in a chase. He's honestly doing you a favor.

  • Whomst
    Whomst Member Posts: 168

    A quick band-aid fix I've heard suggested on here is to change the locker interaction to where the killer automatically drops the survivor on locker grab instead of placing them on their shoulders immediately.

  • MarksmanSpecal
    MarksmanSpecal Member Posts: 117

    Seriously, I don't get the problem.

    Most times you are aware, that at least one survivor runs an obsession perk. If it's OoO, you know it a few seconds after the match started.

    If not all survivors playing the same char and outfit, u should be able to memorize which one was hooked.

    When an unhooked survivor jumps into a locker, just be happy. He is waisting his time, he is not repairing gens, not getting healed, not healing anyone, so what's the problem?

    If u had chased and downed him, you also would have been stunned by the DS when picking him up.

    He decided to waste his time in a locker, instead of doing a Gen, while DS is active, which would be more optimal. You grabbed him, his DS is gone for the rest of the game. Instead of running away, he stunned you again, so he is exhausted and can't use any other exhaustion perk.

    Most survivors have to deal with getting slugged after being unhooked, so this locker - meta came up. Instead of getting slugged for more than minute, survivors are able to force the DS, when they are getting tunneled.

    At the end of the day, u both wasted about 10 seconds, and nothing got done. If u just chased any other survivor, he would have left the locker and started repairing. Same numbers, one gets chased, 3 on the gens.

    If u are doing good with protecting the gens, force the DS, so u can be sure, it's wasted. Then u can decide if u wanna chase him again, tunnel and slug or hook him, or if u go for another chase.

    If they already did the most gens, leave him and apply pressure to other survivors, he is still injured and not repairing gens.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,900

    The problem is that there is no counterplay. The "counterplay" is to leave them in the locker. That isn't counterplay. That is just going away from the locker. The problem still persists. People say the same thing about god windows "just leave chase" meanwhile those people don't acknowledge the real problem that the map/building/window isn't balanced.

    Decisive Strike is not supposed to make you invincible for 60 seconds.

    Knowing the devs, they'll just make another band-aid fix for this.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,755

    If the counter play allowed you to completely ignore the perk, then the perk may as well not even exist. The solution to decisive strike is not to go after the person who was unhooked less than 60 seconds ago in the first place.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    But at the point when there's a potential four d-strikes in a single match with the showing of Obsession and ranking has zero measure of competency (seriously, even in red ranks I see people pull crap like this and they have no d-strike available to them nor are capable of thinking of a strat like this) why should I have to worry that each survivor is a potential stun-locking nuke?

    At the point where I have one survivor dead due to dc (downed the guy a second time and he pulled a NSync Bye Bye Bye), one hooked, one somewhere else, and the one obvious one climbing in the locker, why should I ignore the obvious target? She got into a locker right next to the person I hooked. People pull crap like this all the time and fully expect killers to not notice. There's no clear cute way of knowing that a person can pull a stunt like that, nor should there be. My job is to kill quickly and efficiently and taking out the first available target to me makes the most logical sense.

    My point is that if a survivor is downed shortly after being hooked then yes it's the killer's fault for tunneling and then suffering the penalty for what D-Strike/Enduring were changed to protect against. At the point where a survivor purposely climbs into a locker at a strong loop to stunlock a killer for 8 seconds with two perks, and then get away is broken as hell and should not be allowed to happen. You climb into a locker, you forgo your D-Strike. It's no different then when they had to nerf Survivors in lockers after the aura change because Survivors would just hide in them with OoO and report the killer's exact location to their buddies.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    By the way, the survivor actually loses distance by using Head On on you after the DS stun, because DS stun is longer. He was just memeing and you were an easy target.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    ...because survivors who do crap like that are generally idiots that think they can get away with stuff like that regularly and I see it all the goddamn time?

    Irregardless of meme or not, it's still slightly broken that it CAN happen and can keep a killer from responding to situations for the full duration. Such as say the third remaining survivor coming in for the uninterrupted time of 8 seconds to rescue the hooked survivor and all you can do is watch.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,900

    But when that person basically throws themselves at you because they have that 60 seconds of invincibility and you're not even going for them in the first place. A situation comes to mind where a player with active decisive strike had gone inside a locker that was next to a near completed generator and left me with 2 options, leave him in the locker which would mean they would come out and complete the generator or take them out and get stunned and letting them either leave or chase them in which case someone else would come in and swoop in to complete the gen.

    If decisive didn't make the survivor immune, I could've either slugged them or they wouldn't have been brave enough to even come for the generator in the first place.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    what rank are you?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    I don't think it needs a nerf, especially when survivors farm (A lot without BT) and you know the killer is just gonna leave you on the ground, so your best chances are to find a locker.... "keyword: Find" because you have to be very lucky to be close to one at the time when you need it.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    between 5-3 depending on coffee and after-work tiredness.

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    This is a 1 time per game situation that only works if you fall for it.

    if you tunnel someone and they get in a locker, pretend to leave and then smack em when they get out instead

    or just don’t tunnel them.

    obviously it can happen even when you don’t, but the situation is so rare it’s not worth considering

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Then sorry, you should know better than randomly grabbing survivors who get into lockers in front of you.

    You're either boosted or you didn't have enough coffee when that happened.

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    Happens once a game if you are clueless enough to go for the locker grab. Take it as a lesson learned.

  • Fieryaura
    Fieryaura Member Posts: 47

    I don't know why you keep chasing the survivor who has just been unhooked ?

    When you see an obsession in your match you know there's a possibility of more than one DS.