Poll: how often do you play as solo survivor?

When i started to play DbD i used to play almost exclusively with friends (since they were the ones who introduced me to this game) but over the years i've learnt how to enjoy this game as a solo survivor, i've mostly been playing solo since then.
Wanna know about the others though.
PS: be honest with your answers pls.
I play swf mostly, I like to play killer when my friends aren’t on but I do try to play a few solo matches a day.
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I used to play a lot of SWF a few months back, but now i'm going more for solo since a lot of my friends stopped playing and others i kinda stopped playing with (too much whining every time lost a match). Also, some people talk too much during the match and ruin your focus.
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I only ever play Solo (PS4) anyone I used to play with quit because “the game is too hard” but lately the queue times have been horrendous. Especially survivor.
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Yeah i got almost insta lobbies as a killer, no more than 1 minute at least and about 5 or more as a survivor. Red ranks PS4 EU.
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Theres no option for "play SWF but treat them like a random".
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Add me on PS my dude.
Red ranks huh?! I didn’t think that was possible on console seen as we can’t 360 xD
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For a short period I had a couple friends I played with occasionally, but aside that I play 100% solo.
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99% of the time I play solo.
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You can absolutely 360 on consoles....
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As I had play 2-4 games on maybe 20.
Mainly to get rid of dailies. Even I had start with it, to understand survivors better as a killer. Still after that, the damn dailies had keep coming to me, thanks to the dailie survivor cards^^.
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I also get instant killer lobbies but survivor lobbies often take awhile, red ranks Central U.S.
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I’ve never mastered it my dude.
i just use my trusty Lithe! xD
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I mean, it's not guaranteed and a lot of killers will just side step anyway, but it is possible.
I'm not good at it, I've just seen my buddy do it a looooot.
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I was hesitant about saying that this poll was aimed mainly to survivor mains (since most killer mains just play as survivor for the dailies or just not that much), but ended up including everyone.
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@My_Farewell I actually play a ton of survivor (rank 1 btw).
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Yeah, you might be the exception, but many others aren't. But whatever :D
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All the time and will continue to do so.
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I used to play swf a lot about a year ago, but all my friends stopped playing, so now it’s just solo for me.
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I used to sometimes play with a couple of groups of players I met through the game, when it first came out. Now I only play solo 99.97% of the time
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Most of the game's player base are solo players. I my self play like 90% of games as solo player.
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If I am on the game alone, I play killer, otherwise I am playing with friends since they want to play.
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I almost exclusively play solo survivor, but I almost never find it fun. I play solo survivor at least once every day, to get the daily survivor match exp bonus.
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I typically ALWAYS play solo when I play survivor. Had too many games where Ill join a team for SWF, just to get hugely peeved by them... If im playing solo, at least my teammates cant hear the stuff Im calling them and I get a different squad next game.
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I used to always play solo, but the higher up the ladder I go, the more unenjoyable solo survivor becomes.
Playing with friends I know what they can or can not do. So I know what to expect. I know they will do generators while I am being chased, I know I will be saved of the hook, and I know that they will try and save me even if there is a risk to their life. (A lot of times teammates open the gate and run out immediately.)
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I mainly play SWF , randoms are terrible in like 9/10 games and make the game totally unenjoyable, for example yesterday I played a spirit on lerys and immediately a random sees we're at lerys throws down a pallet and DC , then the other randoms DC immediately when they see the spirit is the killer and I'm the only one left with five gens and this is at rank 1 not noob ranks, I would expect this in brown ranks, so I run the killer until I just don't feel like doing it anymore and I give myself up to her to move on then get a message calling me toxic for not giving myself up sooner...
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Do you run kindred when playing solo?
Also, personally if i'm on the hook and there's a risk for the others to get killed by rescuing me (when all gens are done or doors are open) i rather kill myself than give more kills to the killer, so it's ok for me if they leave in that situation.
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That has happened to me, but it's quite rare in my experience.
A few days ago we spawned at the game map and immediatly 1 survivor DCed, followed by 1 more a few seconds later. Had to send a pm to that guy asking what was his ######### problem.
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Never anymore, used to be 50/50. Now I just play with my one friend and 2 randoms. Feel as if playing solo isn't worth the effort I put in, at least with 2 man swf I have fun even if I'm being camped etc.