Mori Suggestion: Causal Mode

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

So, whenever as a survivor you see a secret offering, 99 out of 100 times, it's a bloody mori. It's unfun for the survivor, and it also doesn't award the most points in the world for the killer. Therefore, I decided to add something to this already existing mechanic without nerfing its power!

Causal Mode

No, this isn't a new queue, but something that activates when a game changing offering is used.

When activated, your rank cannot be lowered for this game only (I.E. You Can't De-pip). This allows survivors and killers to not lose any rank progress when they run into a mori.


Since these games tend to net a low amount of BP for both parties, there's now a Bloody Party Streamer bonus attached to all mori. This encourages survivors to keep playing instead of DCing during the loading screen, and encourages the killer to possibly not mori a survivor instantly to get more BP. Yes, I know killers will still mori survivors if they really want to, but killers who want to get more from their mori will play with their food just a little longer before giving the final blow. :)

Cypress Mori

Should definitely be base kit for the killer because you're basically dead once you're the last survivor, and you're in the dying state.


Hopefully, y'all will agree with my suggestions, and if enough people of the community agree to a change, I'll edit my OP for everyone! :)

Post edited by NMCKE on


  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Interesting idea. Just a few questions:

    So are mori offerings the only ones considered game changing, or are there others as well?

    Can survivors vote if they want casual mode? Wondering just in case they want to attempt to rank up regardless of the Mori.

    I feel like Mori would be used so often since the BP offering attachment. Do you think it would be good for the game? Would it kill Rank?

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    So are mori offerings the only ones considered game changing, or are there others as well?

    If a survivor DCs during the loading screen because they know it's going to be a waste of their time to play an already losing game, then that would be considered game changing. However, I don't think any other offering is as game changing as a mori because you still have a reasonable chance of winning with other offerings.

    Can survivors vote if they want casual mode? Wondering just in case they want to attempt to rank up regardless of the Mori.

    We could strike a balance with Casual Mode, @Masantonio and I talked about being able to pip when a mori is used, but not being able to de-pip in the case you get destroyed by one.

    I feel like Mori would be used so often since the BP offering attachment. Do you think it would be good for the game? Would it kill Rank?

    I feel it will have a positive effect on the game, and it could add the horror aspect back to Dead by Daylight! If you get downed for the second time, you might get scared in thinking you're dead, but the killer might go for more Bloodpoints and hook you. You just don't know!

    I personally don't think it will kill rank, if we find a delicate balance on what the offering does to your rank. :)

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Umm...I have to disagree with this.

    Why should I, as Killer, not be allowed to pip up if I bring a mori? I get that I don't get as much BP from mori kills but still..

    Plus, as Survivor, what if I'm looking forward to ranking up and 4 killers in a row use Moris? That's roughly 1-2 hours of playtime without pips.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    You're likely not going to pip up anyways because you don't get a lot of emblem points from instantly killing survivors. However, if you read my comment above, you'll see that me and @Acesthetiic came up with a alternate idea for rank. Give it a look, and if you agree, I just might change it!

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Funny enough, killers don’t pip usually when they use a mori. It’s also unfair to survivors going up against an ebony mori. So this idea is very well thought out. Especially with the BP offering attachment. Only thing I’d suggest is allow the killer to pip if they mori on 3rd hook

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    So, it's settled, you can't de-pip on Casual Mode, but you can pip or double pip on Casual Mode.

    I'll update the thread to reflect community feedback! :)

  • sirnewbington
    sirnewbington Member Posts: 78

    No, swf can all bring in engineers tool boxes with brand new parts or insta heal med kits, my ebony mori & noed is perfectly fair. Sorry, not sorry.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I think this could be a positive change for everyone involved, this says ''hey guys I'm going to murder you absolutely but you're still going to get a lot of points from this so it'll be a lose/win situation for everyone no matter what happens''. That's a positive feeling right there, like going to the dentist and getting two teeth pulled out but having the dentist pay YOU.

    Also this is just a cool twist on the Bloody Party Streamers in general, normal ones give everyone points but Moris not only give you points but also kill you, a deadly twist <3 I might actually run Ebony Moris if they did this.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    Honestly, i really like this change. Though i still would like to see more changes to moris, since its still unfair on survivors to be taken out of a game very early on just because the killer ran an offering.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Did you even read what they proposed? Ebony mori stays the same and they grant bloodpoints to everyone. Plus no one depips... While everyone still has the chance to pip! And NOED wasn’t even mentioned??

  • sirnewbington
    sirnewbington Member Posts: 78

    I dont like that idea, at all. Dont get mad at a killer for using whats in the game. Should just make devour hope a casual perk while were at it.. Lets be real, if you are using a mori you are likely running noed.. i do, but i run noed and mori after particularly frustrating rounds lol

  • Feck3
    Feck3 Member Posts: 15

    They should just make a causal mode although i just want to have fun with the game lol, and as a killer main I like the mori idea with the bp streamer aspect."win/win" i think

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    Honestly, i dont like this idea. If i have like 3 or 4 ebony moris and like 20-30 green ones, (lets be honest nobody uses em and they only used for an early dying light lol) i could technically go 20+ games with absolutely no fear of losing my rank. No matter how poorly i did i can not lose my rank and i also get easier kills and easier games. This can and will be used like this for many players.

    What i said above can only realistically work if green moris are deemed "game changing" but now the survivors will know "okay he has a pink mori 100% fact or he does not have a pink mori and maybe a green one" issue here is that this gives wayyyy to much info if they are told that they get double bp. But if you change it to it doesnt mention it until the game is over they will still most likely dc or kill themselves on hooks to not deal with ANY mori. This also hurts the shrouds if any moris are considered game changing because now they will know that it isnt a mori.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
  • Feck3
    Feck3 Member Posts: 15

    Yeah idk about the not losing rank thing but the extra bp is a good idea on moris

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    To be honest I'd rather play against any m1 killer with an ebony mori then to play against a spirit.

  • Cayde1342
    Cayde1342 Member Posts: 96

    Interesting idea with solid points

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Wow, guess i'll be spamming Moris then.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    I’m conflicted on this. Here are my main issues:

    a) I want to control whenever I play for ranks or not. I would much rather like two separate modes where ranked mode entails more restrictions in terms of add-ons and offerings. This would make the ranking system more reliable and valid.

    b) If we want to keep it fair, it would require other strong items (potentially) being included in the mix. Three insta-heals isn’t very fun to go against either.

    c) potential increase in BP-farming. I’m personally over these kinds of games and would much rather move on to the next quickly.

    Aside from this I think it’s a very nice proposal. I have toyed with a similar idea, but instead of granting kills, we add engines for the survivors to complete. Imagine doing 8 engines instead of 5?

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    haven't u seen that we asked for it from 3 years ago and still nothing?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Perhaps nothing happening for 3 years is them sending us the signal that it's a useless suggestion.

    Doing nothing can in some cases still be an act of doing something.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    People also tend to forget that developers are humans with actual lives as well, so they have to manage their time very well!