How would you change Mettle Of Man?

In my opinion MoM Is useless right now, unless they change It in something like a perk that prevents exposed status (Just 1 hit)
The same perk but safe hooks count as tokens for this perk
How would you change it?
I'm content with it being useless honestly. Lot of older perks deserve the attention first.
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remove the aura thing from the perk
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If they want to keep its extra health state effect, then i'm fine with the requirements. Adding safe unhooks was already done, and it was an enormous buff, since you could get 2 tokens instantly (hit near the hooked person + safe unhook). It deserves to be a dead perk.
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I would mostly like to see them making it work in the healthy state (so you cant get one shotted) and for the perk to not have the aura downside. Its incredibly situational anyway so
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Survivors dropped it immediately after it was changed. No one has a clue what other potential use it has because no one is trying to find out.
Imagine now if Nurse-mains had done the same in 2016, causing Nurse to actually get ridiculous buffs since then. Instead they stuck with her as-is and found a new playstyle that worked.
I would change MoM by making it mandatory for four months, see how quickly a meta develops when people are forced to find one.
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I'd give it the Tinkerer treatment. (Give Tinkerer another Tinkerer treatment, btw.)
With all the Perks that already exist, this Perk will either be too hard/annoying to activate its main use, or it'll be too easy/...easy, making it sync too well with other Perks and the fact that 4 can run it.
It just needs to do something else now.
I don't know what though.
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Mettle of Man 3.0 - Whenever you rescue a Survivor from a Hook, unlock the ability to heal yourself without a Med-Kit for 60/75/90 seconds at 125% the normal Healing speed.
In addition to that, We'll Make It QOL change/Buff - 60/75/90 second duration (up from 30/60/90 seconds).
Inspired by a comment made by another user in the other MoM thread, I would change MoM to a self-healing version of We'll Make It. IIRC, 125% would mean the same healing speed as the yellow med kit (IMO: fair and good, but not broken).
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The thing to understand with Mettle of Man is this: The ability for a survivor to ignore a hit is OP by nature.
Therefore the only way this perk can be balanced is by making it difficult and unreliable to use.