SWF Balance When?

βLAKE Member Posts: 544

The only games I get at red ranks are against SWF because solo players can't fill my lobbies. Feelsbadman. Like I can't pick any killer that is not top tier because I will get merk'd and then if I pick a good killer, I need to put good addons and maybe a mori so I can stand a chance. Regardless, I am not having any fun either way. People will say, "wait for rank reset", but that only prolongs the inevitable that I am just going to get sprung back into red ranks because killer matches at lower ranks give me 2 pips or at the very least a guaranteed pip and maybe 10 matches later I am top ranks.

I know this topic has been made countless times, but I just have to reiterate that this game is so not fun for killers at red ranks. Unfortunately for me I try to step away from survivor from time to time because my teammates either suck (red ranks btw) or I get matched with a killer that has a grudge against me so that's no fun either.
