Why Reset our Ranks?

Stop resetting our ranks it freakin sucks for everyone who has to play with noobies and they all are trash.
Rank reset is gold. i can't wait to play tonight with basement and meme builds and undeservingly destroy. Maybe get called a hacker a couple times
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Im gonna hop on killer tonight and blast past 15. Maybe survivor too if the game doesnt throw a fit about my connection type
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There aren't any rewards for ranks whatsoever, who cares about rank reset. Plus it's necessary, otherwise sooner or later everybody would be in red ranks, and newer player wouldn't be able to play.
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When playing Killer, I don't want to rank up anyways because it just means I'll deal with more SWFs that the devs havent figured out how to balance.
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They shouldn't stop resets, they should replace them with something better.
We can't have you just sitting at rank 1 forever, that'd be cheesy.
For example, what we could have is a daily drain of everyone's rank: Every 24 hours, everyone loses a pip.
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True but I'm rank 14 in killer the main problem are the dc and that sucks bad
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No cuz not all of us can be on 24 hours
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Rank 1 becomes mid rank after a certain period of time. You would still be stuck with "the noobies" if rank reset didn't happen.
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If you can't make the time, then you don't deserve the top spot forever.
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They should introduce rank decay instead of a rank reset, if you don't get on within an x amount of time you begin to lose rank. Combine this with depips of regular matches, I think this would be a solid implementation.
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so I don’t hear a chainsaw and wheezing with a dash of phasing sounds every match. plus not seeing p3 david’s and claudette’s with meta perks and instaheals is nice at times.
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So I actually prefer rank reset it gives me a chance to test my skills on the pros so I know if I got better or worse lol
So I'll be looking forward to it 😁
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No not necessarily cuz some of us have jobs and family matters that will get I. The way so that's another reason I like rank reset cuz it gives me a chance to try again, I understand some people who plays this game are able to play all day non stop but not all of us can due to life
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rank reset is just bad for the legitimately new players
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Great Idea! Probably a longer time period and heavier impact but rank decay would be better than rank resets
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That's great for you, but having been part of the forums since it was made, you appear to be in the vast minority to like reset.
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Rewards for rank resetting, like other competitive games, would be sooo gooood
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No it's actually a great for u cuz u can complain all u want buuut it won't change I thing, buut wat CAN change is ur toxic attitude of thinking u can [BAD WORD] and complain so u don't have to lose ur level 😂
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And the rest of us that do like rank reset cuz it doesn't let people that think they too good to play with noobs stay in a high rank, honestly I don't mind playing with noobs cuz I'll be able to show them a good game and not just kill them off to win, cuz did u ever once think bout wat happens if u drive away the newcomers? I bet u didn't well let me tell u this game will die so rank reset gives the newcomers a chance to play and not have to wait an hour for a match
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Rank reset does not really affect killer too much and also not SWF but it is hard for a solo survivor like me. Annoyingly I have to use up a perk slot with kindred the first few days of RR as don't trust getting saved
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No need for a negative attitude.
I can imagine you dislike opposing opinions, but that's how discussions work.
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Because your rank isnt a rank. There is no ranked play.
It's only to separate people (very loosely) based on time played and skill.
It's why it resets monthly, and offers no reward.
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i agree with you 100%