

Killers & Survivors Appearing

Member Posts: 46

The Plague was absorbed by the entity the longest ago right?

So why are we only seeing her now has she always been there and now the entity is just revealing her to us. But if thats the case then why is the temple of purgation coming out of the red forest which was made along side the Huntress Which came long after her.

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  • Member Posts: 748

    Killers and survivors being added to the game is just another way of telling us that there are still several survivors and killers out there in the Fog.

    We've just yet to encounter them

  • Member Posts: 968

    Theres a lot of other killers and survivors in the entities realm serving out matches as we play the game we just aren't able to go up against them until The Entity feels like we should.

    Also I think Nurse was the first ever killer to serve for The Entity.

  • Member Posts: 47

    I like this theory about The Nurse being the "first" killer to serve The Entity. That could possibly explain why she is arguably the most powerful killer in the game. The killers could be more powerful in relation to how much devotion they have to The Entity. The Plague could be considered to be the first to serve, as she is the "oldest" according to our time; But, seeing as The Realm is not bound by our concept of time, it doesn't have to be that way. The Entity seems to be able to snatch it's victims from any time period in no specific order.

  • Member Posts: 97

    No. The Nurse was confirmed to have served the entity the longest. But she is not the oldest in time. Meaning, the Plague is the oldest but hasn't served the longest. Huntress is younger, but has been in the Entity longer.

  • Member Posts: 816

    My bad :p

    Where was it said the nurse had served the longest? I'd like to read about it from the originating source material.

  • Member Posts: 286

    We could take it as that: Killers and Survivors we play currently, are there in the realm and when new killers and survivors come out, they came into the realm as soon as we can play them.


    Everyone already is in the real but we are only able to play as a few of them, because they haven't been added yet.

    I'm pretty sure it's the second one.

  • Member Posts: 757

    The second option.They have all always been there from the start when the game was released even if we don't get to see them as of now.(talking about future and present survivors and killers)

  • Member Posts: 4

    Pretty sure that The Entity doesn't care about linear time/space, especially when taking killers. We know it can reach into different dimensions (Bill, Halloween, ect.) so it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that The Entity can reach into different points of time in other dimensions.

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    Common misconception she is the one who (of the killers still around now) has been there longest but it was also confirmed that the first was emedietly thrown to the void

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