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Devs: Please Tell us The Legion Is Going To be Reworked Again? Please?



  • Member Posts: 2,171

    Can y'all please stop with these threads?

    It's been made abundantly clear that the devs aren't interested in making Legion stronger, more fun to face, or more fun to play. No amount of asking or begging will change their minds.

    I whole heartedly agree with every bit of this, but it won't happen. People have been asking for these two things (as well as the still absent button changes and removing the power loss for successful M1 hits) since The Legion nerfs went live on the PTB and it hasn't been changed.

    The devs have their priorities and unfortunately the Legion isn't one of them.

  • Member Posts: 143

    Glad that there are some changes coming for the Legion, but I hope that we don’t have to wait too much for them, specially for one change that I thought would happen quickly after the update: The animation vaults. Te main issue that I have with New Legion is how slow, frustrating and boring they feel, and a factor on that was just how slow their animation vault felt. And I remember how, in a stream I think, they said that it would feel better once they adjust the animations...which hasn’t happened yet.

    Of course, in my opinion, there is really no need to adjust the animation, as given that the power of Legion is now non-lethal, I don’t see the harm on giving it back their old running and vault speed or at least giving them rewards for actually using their powers and augmenting their speed after they hit more survivors, like a lot of people had propose in the forums. Never really accepted the reasoning that they gave about making them slower, when they are other Killers that can move faster, for longer and don’t have so many obstacles to use their power. Like, if the wiki is correct, the Wraith cloaked is, technically, faster than Legion, without even using windstorm. That just embarrassing.

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I feel like

    1. vault speeds could come back
    2. make feral frenzy cover the same distance it does now, but with higher speed at the cost of duration. That way it feels better to use and duration add-ons become more impactful
    3. the pin add-ons should have never been released on their current iteration so that's a no-brainer

    And see how they perform with that.

    It's absolutely crucial that none of the bad aspects of old Legion come back.

  • Member Posts: 407


    Hopefully sth like more movement speed (without reducing his ff duration) and if you hit someone in deep wound your FF refills. because when I can smack him without downing him why I should get stunned? if it doesnt matter?

    And also to be fair, his ability is not-killing, can we reduce the cooldown? Also when I get stunned by a pallet, why must the bar fully resetted? Isnt it enough to just let it refill from where it got interrupted during ff


    A full rework sounds not relevant. Legions just needs some love in the numbers.

  • Member Posts: 44

    As long as devs don't change their mindset about Feral Frenzy not being able to down Survivors, any sort of rework is a waste of time and resources better used elsewhere (buffing perks that need just a little push to become meta, giving some add-ons the Brutal Strength treatment etc.).

    Feral Frenzy could literally be a Thanos snap that caused all Survivors to be instantly injured and Legion would still be low tier: being a no power M1 Killer for the downing hit is that bad.

  • Member Posts: 495

    They are nerfing Nurse. But she also can't M1 brute Force her way through a chase like Legion can.

  • Member Posts: 78

    They changed legion to be this way they made him an m1 killer to satiate the people

  • Member Posts: 82

    WAIT....... so we won't need to use ff to apply the status effect then?!?!?!

  • Member Posts: 306

    Legion needed to be nerfed and he’s still the least liked character to go up against. Dude is more annoying than pre-reworked Freddy. I’ve never seen so many people DC just because it was a Legion. He should just go away and never come back

  • Member Posts: 495

    No. The way the add-ons work is you need to use FF and hit someone with the deep wounds in order to inflict it. This would make it so you inflict the debuff and deep wounds at the same time

  • Member Posts: 1,457

    I honestly think Legion needs a full rework like Freddy.

    They are boring to play against and play as.

    For me it’s their core power mechanic. Deep wound holds no threat.

  • Member Posts: 82
    edited August 2019

    @Peanits If you can think about giving legions speed back it'll be nice since the vault speed is super sluggish plus vaulting a window as them is the same speed as a medium vault and vaulting a pallet is the same speed as a slow vault on it. So if legion can get his speed back it'll probably make a lot of people happy since you can literally loop his power on certain pallets.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Make that if Legion miss and attack lose 25% (or 50%) of his power. The miss attacks is a normal thing that happen, maybe for newbie player or maybe for lag and fps drop.

    Doing that if you miss and lose all power is stupid.

    You always saying: "We don't want make M1 Killer"; Ok that is ok, but this is not the problem that we ask.

    We ask to revert some not necessary change like speed nerf, the miss attack, the 4 second of stun. And no, you can't coverage the map with the buff duration, as you said in a live streaming.

    You always says that you listen to us to make changes, especially from ptb, but you did nothing as we asked.

  • Member Posts: 923

    Every power is pointless : Freddy , nurse , billy , huntress , spirit you were saying. play nurse without her power and tell me it's pointless, huntress without her hatchet it's an m1 killer with reduced ms (she moves at 110%) she's the slowest killer with and without a power.

  • Member Posts: 819

    Learn to play Legion instead of complaining about nonsense. Legion is good as it is.

  • Im very happy that the Developers acknowledge this silliness.

    It's been my biggest gripe with Legion since his patch.

    Please BHVR remove the Silly parts and replace with awesome Survivor slaughter!

  • Member Posts: 1,611

    Stop missing attacks you shouldn't be missing attacks

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    Can't wait for the changes.

    Throw this missing hits penalty finally overboard. Also reduce the stun after frenzy and speed up the vault speed of the Legion.

    Also frenzy should be shorter, like in the days back then, because it was important in the past to suggest for Legion players speed.

    1 of the reason's why I had never use Franks Mixtape was because the frenzy time was with Franks Mixtape to long (the old addon). The longer the duration of frenzy is, the more boring it gets.

    On the flipsite - the shorter it is and the more impactful it is in this time - the more fun makes it.

    The same can I now say of the frenzy duration of the new Legion. The duration is to long and has no real impact on the game since deep wounds is nothing that a red rank survivor is worried about.

    That is a double on the boring score.

    Imo, be brave devs. You had 1 time a very good design for a new type of killer. Go a bit back in the past and take some features of the old Legion in the world of today and you will also have something for people that look for more as a standard m1 killer.

    The goal should be imo, that the people can have fun again with the Legion and that she is again innovative.

    That is at least something that a lot of people who have main the Legion, would like to see, I guess.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    well developers didn't think through their nerfs when they nerfed Legion. For example, When they nerfed his movement speed and increased duration, they forgot factor in that survivors can "split up" as legion chases each individual survivor to injure them, so though your moving the same amount of distance, survivors are further away so your less effective at injuring multiple survivors which is what his power is designed to do. I don't think anyone knows what terror radius and vault speed nerf was about. The higher terror radius makes it harder for him to capitalize on injured survivors if he ever successfully uses his power and vault speed change just made him clunky in his power.

    It's good that nerfed moonwalking,frank mixtape and added miss attack function to allow some juking/counter-play potencial to his power, but other parameters did not need changes. If there was one change that I wish that was reverted from old Legion, It would be fatigue time change, It feels bad to get stunned for 4 seconds, I wish it was back to old values.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 306
    edited August 2019

    As we all see devs is fine with lowest tier "POTATO" Legion after those nerf. Legion should be much more faster while in Frenzy. All this topics about him, how he weak, how easily he can be countered and still devs looks like "lalala, whatha you sayin? lalala, i am not hear you!". Pathetic. Sadly, but i am done with this game until they buff Legion. 

    Looks like devs not playing their game. Why Nurse not nerfed btw? 😹

    Also nice new "kid" chapter. "Hype" is real.

    Post edited by Oshi on
  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    They said, they will look at the addons of the Legion. Just without a date. Also 1 answer of a dev could be read as they would also consider to do more, but that is maybe just my hope, that had lead me to that assumption.

    If they really just look to the addons, -it will be no help at all, if they make the addons then not so op, as it Franks Mixtape was before the Legion patch and if they do that... We will see all the nerf threads again.

    I just hope that they getting one day brave enough to undone the changes they have done on the abilities of the Legion and until then, I wait like you for this day, without playing this game because it would make me not the same amount of fun, it has make for me in the past.

  • Member Posts: 302

    They could at least change some numbers… It isn't that big deal.

  • Member Posts: 529

    I made thread awhile back that explored some rework/buff options for the legion. Here you can take a look and see what you think :)

  • Member Posts: 14
    edited August 2019

    Honestly I’m hoping for a new power. There’s not a whole lot of options that can sustain this particular style of game play without complaints to being to strong or too weak. From the threads I’ve read there really doesn’t seem to be a viable happy medium here. I’ve thrown out an idea (on a potential different power) on another discussion I made already so I wont post it here to keep from over saturating the forum with the same words but I’ll add a link to the bottom of this for those whom are curious. Feral Frenzy is a cool idea that I like but it really does need some sort of rework and at this point I’m not sure what’d work. I really want to go from like playing legion to love playing the legion.

    Ps here’s a link to my potential idea.

    Post edited by MightyBardin on

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