Perk idea
Couldn't think of a good name, just the concept.
Crippling hooks
At the start of the trial, 4/5/6 random hooks are chosen. If a survivor is hooked on one of these hooks, the survivor will lose a random perk for the remainder of the trial. Survivors can only lose one perk each. Hooking a survivor who has already lost a hook on a special hook will not cause the hook to lose special properties.
It feels incredibly painful to have a perk taken away from you lol Survivors and Killers get this. It would combat D-Strike, Adrenaline, Self-Care, everything; and it would suck. I can't say it's a good idea or a bad idea but I will say that if it came into the game I wouldn't complain.
The bright side of this perk though is that it would incentivize Sabotaging Hooks because Survivors would want to get these out of the way ASAP. This also gives Hangman's Trick a viable build :) So this perk does have benefits for both sides.
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To clarify: Would the hooks be recognizable as crippling hooks for the survivors and the killer?
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Interesting idea, but I don't like how much luck based that is. It would be very good but at the same time lot of frustration for Survivors (rip combo builds) or almost worthless for Killer (only the weaker Perk from Survivors would be removed)
Btw. Imagine playing No Mither and lose it. #NoMitherOP
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@NoShinyPony For the killer absolutely. The impacted hooks will glow blue like they are in an event. I think testing would be needed first to see how strong it is then maybe give the hooks some visual differences.
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I'd actually like to see a random fun mode where every 30 seconds everyone's perks rotate out to new ones. Start with nurses, bbq, spirit and ruin, and end with distressing, monstrous shrine, bamboozle and bitter murder.
Survivor thinking they have dead hard, go to use it but it was replaced with no mither or something.
Instead of doing gens, maybe just make it a regular game of hide and seek. Try to last for a certain time limit. With stillness crows speed tripled for hiding in lockers
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Way too OP and I'm saying that as a killer main.
It gave me an idea tho;
Survivor perk
Fragile: When the survivor is hooked this perk triggers and the moment you are saved the hook break.
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This perk already exists and called breakdown.
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Break down ? Doesn't just make it so the hook you break stay broken for a longer duration...?
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Nope, it just breaks a hook you're on.
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Oh well I guess I just never noticed. Lol
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@TheUnendingNightmare it wouldn't be OP. It would be completely luck based if it even does anything noteworthy.
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It would turn down perks for a whole game that's ridiculous, I say that as a killer main.
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@TheUnendingNightmare I'm also a killer main, I say it's not op. It can be countered, it can not even proc in the first place, and even if it does it could be meaningless.
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I do not agree.
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@TheUnendingNightmare Why not? It can be absolutely very strong but at the same time it can also be very weak. By your logic trapper's traps are op.
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Trapper's traps do not turn off perks for an entire game.
Also, it's his power not a perk all killers can share.