So..who is your favorite killer?

I feel the best part of the killer roster is that there are so many wonderful designs , but everyone likes different aspects as their favorite attribute , so what's yours? Mine is nurse..not from her power in the game but from a design aspect, she has a very otherworldly feel that suits the game in the best way..the sounds of her teleporting, how the power of her stolen final breaths of her victims creates glowing cracks along her arm as she powers up, shes terrifying and just awesome to watch..that's why shes my favorite
Michael Myers...the whole reason I got this game in the first place ;)
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I really love spirit. From her design to her power to her backstory and lore. All top notch imo.
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What about her catches your eye?
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Lol a fair answer..your not alone I'm sure
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I can agree..the devs put a lot of love into the character you can tell?
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I like the feeling of being in multiple places at once and setting up a deadly trifecta forcing survivors to either crouch everywhere or set off traps leading themselves to their own demise, AKA me.
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I’m super excited to see more about her lore when the archives get here.
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The Legion. It makes me feel like a crazed slasher.
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Lol too true
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XDD fair
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Ditto, love lore reading
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Spirit. My kind of style.
Get your head out of the gutter!
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Design: Myers and Pig
Gameplay: None because I'm ######### at killer.
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Trapper, Michael Myers, Doctor
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You said it not me lol
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Do elaborate ^^
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For what reasons ?^^
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Lol nostalgia,?
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Interesting , why so?
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Like to creep eh?
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Ghost Boi or Huntress, both feel raelly good to play as
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No, he's a class killer. I love his play style. His music. And he's the only legitimate creepy killer in the game.
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No love for hag ? Lol
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I like her story, is kinda sad :c
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To an extend I suppose he is lol, I'd say wraith would get that title but, his stealth power does have interesting uses
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This is true..very tragic
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I enjoy GhostFace's Stealth ability and i also enjoy Hillbilly's Ability to chainsaw around the map with monitor and abuse you'd be shocked how many chainsaw snipes
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The only killer who can put survivors in their place.
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Legion, it's so much fun stab people.
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-Michael Myers
Every other killer needs to be removed. These 3 are the only ones I enjoy going against <3
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Too true XD
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Itd get repetitive XD
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Ain't it true?
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I mean it already is... especially at rank 1.
All you see are Huntress, Spirit, Hillbilly, and Nurse. Everyone else is rare for me.
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Pennywise. You'll float too..
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Fair but..its obvious why
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XDDD aw come on
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Freddy 2.0, been having so much fun with the antipallet build on him. Really highlights how overreliant some players are on them.
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Lol new freddy was quite a pleasant surprise
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I got the game because of Freddy but he's my favorite slasher not my favorite Killer in the game.
Before the huge nerf I would say The Legion is my favorite <3
Everything about them is beautiful(except the nerf), they're just a group of friends who traveled down a dark path but it was together, they're a real group who stick together. True, Susie was a bit less into it than the others and maybe she stayed out of peer pressure but she was still one of them at the start and still felt that bond. They're the best of friends I have always wanted.
Design wise I felt the OG Legion was designed perfectly for the character they represented, OG Legion truly felt like someone having an adrenaline rush and overcome with a bloodlust. You can hear them panting as they run, the swings their blade, and the rage when they lose. You can FEEL that speed when they jump over pallets after the Survivor, nothing got in their way, even if someone escaped you still felt like a winner because of the experience; beautiful. Sure they did need the nerf but the nerf was too hard, that's my stance on that.
The Legion we have now is not the Legion they were and are on some crippling medication right now so they aren't up to par. I hope the Devs ease up on them and let them shine soon because The Legion is the best group in this game, they got spunk and style and deserve a come back.
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less of a nerf, more that they were literally broken.
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@Catbucket True, they weren't balanced at all. They're balanced now but some changes they made were too harsh.
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They are actually mostly in a pretty good spot, they are one of my favorite killers currently. The main thing that needs to be fixed is their button addons, and thats coming sooner or later.
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I'd have to say any of my mains; wraith, Freddy, or GF
Wraith: the OG stealth killer his power and addons honestly in my opinion makes him one of the most versatile killers from yoinking people off gens with the silent build or speeding across the map like an invisible billy, keeping people on their toes with the bone clapper, or my personal favourite the hunter jus add an all seeing to a windstorm and no survivor can escape your ever watchful eyes (also he is probably the only killer you can easily go surv watching without malicious intent with).
Freddy: I fell in love with him pre-rework in my opinion id love to see a killer bring those dynamics back, but he is now more versatile and admittedly has been given more gen pressure (though I kinda loved the original debuff adding in a class photo and paintbrush with M&A created an unstoppable monster to be reckoned with but that's long gone R.I.P all seeing ninja freddy)
Ghost face: fits my perfect idea of an assassin (lmao Michael is too noticeable and piggy can't stalk someone from half the map away to insta-down from close range) his ability to crouch and go mostly unnoticed before ruining the lives of those he touches (my two favorite builds are the basement devil-face and the distance stalker that avoids all chances of being broken, admittedly the former is reserved for SWFs)