Nerf prayer beads please

This add on is waaaaay too overpowered for survivors. Every time i play killer and someone uses it, i can't do anything! Prayer beads with blood amber allows survivors to see the killer all the time! It gives 15 seconds of use to key, with is way to long, it shloud be 5 seconds, or it should be reworked.
But spirit has a whole necklace made out of them. So clearly that should be reworked first.
Whole necklace> 1 bead
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i dont know about you, but adding 15 seconds to a key isn't that op, however i think the prayer beads bracelet should be buffed, it's uses are so weak and it's so terrible for a very rare perk
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I forgot who posted it but someone else already beat you to this prayer beads addon joke.
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Prayer beads should have all or some of these effects added to it
- No collusion for spirit(so you cant know where survivors are on gens, have to guess)(really is a mind game killer now)
- Moderately or slightly Decreased Duration (Less time for pallet mind games and must be closer to gens giving away your terror radius sooner)(gen grabs less often)
- Increased rarity to ultra rare for sure (even with these added effects)
- Slightly decreased movement speed (once again must be closer to gens giving terror radius away, especially if duration is also decreased)
- Dont think is needed, but perhaps slightly decreased power recharge
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Someone with a spirit icon complaining about something being op 😂 lol
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These downsides are bs..the killer already needs to be blind to chase you..and her red addons kinda suck by themselves...blus survivors get iron will and qaq , she gets beads...its strong no doubt but far from unbeatable
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Run spine chill, totally worth your perk slot. Great against all killers, amazing against stealthy Killers, ungodly against PB.
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What if we got Father's Glasses as a Purple and turn Prayer Beads into an Ultra? It's obviously a lot more powerful and coveted.
Also I would love to use Father's Glasses a lot more often ;)
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I'd argue she has multiple add ons that need to be toned down. Once you start getting into the green and purple add ons, it becomes practically impossible to escape a competent Spirit.
Just my opinion anyway.
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Not being able to see survivors is not a big deal, for anyone decent with spirit.
People already complain how avoiding spirit without iron will is near impossible.
The number 1 thing complained about for spirit is prayer beads. It's doomed to be nerfed eventually, I'm just giving suggestions
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As much as I love spirit, this add on is a little OP. Add on an ebony mori and not even the most coordinated SWF stand a chance.
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No offense but those survivors are ignorant as hell...and if prayer beads gets nerfed iron roll should too (just saying it because to you itll surely sound dumb) but what your suggesting will make the addon worthless
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No more OP than iron will and qaq
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Well for starters were talking about addons not perks, and secondly they are more OP than both those perks.
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How so? They effectively do the same thing , the difference is as a perk it is something you always can use
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Honestly after playing for about a year I have only gone up against prayer beads once. And made poop myself
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It honestly doesn't need to be nerfed. You have Spine Chill which can tell you she's coming. You have OoO which is just a double edged sword there. You also have your own ears, honestly you can hear her foot-steps. Especially when's she's trying to align herself to grab you off a totem, or generator, etc. I had a spirit on PS4 tonight rage quit because I kept touching her totem on and off and I would hear her try and get up behind me and at the last second I'd get off an run away.
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I'll admit. You baited me good. I was expecting a Spirit addon discussion (for the 4 millionth time) and was intrigued that someone with a Spirit avatar would call for a nerf. Got me good man, got me good.