Learning Doctor Carter

DarkFox Member Posts: 13
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

So I recently (finally) got Doctor to rank 10 (yay..one more perk slot), but throughout the grind, all my games have been a 0-1k result, mostly cause I find one person and a short time later 2 generators are done already within 5s of each other.

I don't have any other killers beyond the base ones (tried it like over a year ago, only recently came back after watching A LOT of DBD youtubers over time), but I've opted to try and farm bloodpoints on him for the time being.

So long story short, I don't have too many outside perks, I know the clear weaknesses of hexes and just don't use them (I have a green no one escapes death but most games I find the totems are all destroyed anyways so it wouldn't have done a thing for me), and I get looped a little too easily cause I'm already sick of palettes and overcautious around them cause I don't have enduring.

What kind of perks and tips should I try out as I work my way up the ladder? I actually do find him a little fun, if not frustrating cause I feel like I have no real pressure more often than not.


  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    Doctor is fun yet addon reliant if you add a brown range extension youd be able to actually get decent shocks which stop them from pallet dropping, vaulting for about a second which is enough to run over and smack them. And i enjoy the illusion pallets so other survivors are tricked into safety. Also i saw a video on how to play killer and if you condition them a few times that you respect them but then switch to swinging through them youll get "free" hits since they may default to sticking around waiting for you to kill your own tempo.

    I personally never use enduring but dont fear the stun because if it is an unsafe pallet you can either shock them switch and hit them before they get to the other side or just break it if it is safe like at a long loop.

  • DarkFox
    DarkFox Member Posts: 13

    I don't see how it stops them from dropping palettes cause I just dealt with a DS punk who got to mad 3 and I saw literally no kind of stuns appear, like at all (and I M3'ed multiple people cause I KNOW they were farming points off me being pains in the ass with those lousy flashlights).

    But I'm not seeing how you can shock, switch, and hit cause switching takes a good length of time to actually happen from my perspective.

  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    Use Moldy Electrode for faster shocks. This will allow you to Pallet stop the dropping when being looped. (ONLY MUST Add on), After that Range extenders are good or any effect ones you have.

    Tips with doctor, have Ruin, Don't run around aimlessly in attack mode, Use treatment mode (slower but builds the fear). In a chase always zap them 2-3 times to build the madness, this will cause them to scream throughout the match. Use pop over overcharge. Lock down 3 gens (find the closest 3, then stay in that area monitoring them) Leave the farthest gens alone, if they do them so be it, you need a smaller play area to take advantage of Docs ability. Games will be long and you will rank up on gen defense alone.

    Anyway I have a P3 Rank 1 Doc (pre reset) He is not easy, he is still an M1 killer but you can do a lot of damage if you know how to stop loops for free hits.

  • DarkFox
    DarkFox Member Posts: 13

    I've taken to using treatment over punishment after doing some minor research about the field.

    However, I don't have any of the dlc killers (nor can I buy them outright with funds right now) so...in place of pop and coul and such? I do have sloppy butcher, though I don't feel it does much and I'm hesitant to run hexes cause most games they're just gone (I have a tier 1 noed and thrill of the hunt i think it was?), especially cause I don't know the spawn points at all nor could I remember them all.

    And how many generators are on the map again in total? Cause I will admit I play with minor ADD where I get tired of being looped by one person so I'll go off and look elsewhere for someone else in a less irritating location that I can actually hit or stomp a gen since the "speed boost" from tunneling feels essentially worthless.

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    Don't be afraid to run Hex perks. Every moment they're working on a totem is another moment they're not on a generator. If they decide to ignore totems, great your NOED will pop or you keep Ruin and the game will slow to a crawl for them (until you get into single digit ranks). If they're smart and work on totems, oh well you can hunt them with a bit less worry about gens.

    As for the doctor, ALWAYS stay in treatment mode until you're ready to smack a survivor. The shock prevents them from preforming any action, or will interrupt any action, for a brief period. If you find they're a bit more pesky than normal, focus on just shocking until you force them into rank 3 of madness. They cannot heal, do totems, or work on generators until they snap out of it and you can leave them to hunt the other, less pesky survivors.

    For the very beginning of your killer career, NOED and Thrill of the Hunt is a great combo to farm blood points. You'll be notified any time a survivor starts working on a totem, taking away the guess work of where. You'll eventually not need them, but it's a great starting place.