A New Perk Idea: Hex: Diminishing Hope

Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

This would just be a perk to combat endgame rushes.

A simple one: As long as there is a dull totem on the map, this perk will activate. When this totem is active, survivors will be unable to open exit gates, as the switches will be blocked by the entity. Destroying the totem removes the entity's grip. Each tier increases the amount of totems lit for this perk to be active (1 totem to break at tier 1, 2 at 2, and 3 at 3. All totems must be destroyed to exit the match).


  1. Punishes rushes
  2. Encourages actual endgame builds
  3. Hopefully encourages a buff to remember me
  4. It can compete with NOED
  5. It forces survivors to find the totem


  1. A Hex Perk
  2. Same weaknesses as NOED, in that if there are no totems, then it will not activate
  3. relies on RNG
  4. If there is one totem left, and you Have NOED or DH, then it will be a 50/50 chance of which perks activate
  5. Whether or not it works for you depends on how good you are

What does everyone think?


  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    It sounds really good on paper but I feel this would be much better if it was a timed perk like corrupt, just my opinion though.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Typically, you don't want something that can both be negated and has a failure chance due to being overridden by another of your perks. As you'd essentially run the risk of being left with only two perks. Next, I would say that this doesn't depend on whether your good or not. Totems by default aren't designed with killer skill in mind as killers don't have any say on how, where, and when they spawn. The most a killer can do is run Hex Thrill to monitor the active ones and try to protect thrill itself as it will be the only one that gives an alert.

    After that, you have the RNG factor. Players don't want more RNG introduced into hex perks as the entire mechanic is built around RNG by default and has negative consequences for both sides. Also, making perks to encourage buffs to other perks isn't a thing. If that is considered a strength then the perk isn't really needed as much as the buff to the other perk. There is also the fact we have multiple actual endgame builds that work, but typically endgame is not what a killer wants to shoot for as you're asking for either a lot of passive play or setup. If survivors can help it they will usually not give the time necessary to make either scenario worthwhile.

    This proposed perk does punish rushing, but it also just punishes doing the objective to completion before cleansing every totem. The same happens with noed, but doesn't prevent escape it just makes the game switch from normal to hard. Arguably, this idea is worse for survivors as if they rush the game, which is their prerogative to do, rather than having a difficult time escaping; They just can't escape. Having to break 3 totems is far too strong for something blocking the exit switch.

    The effect could be usable if it was a change made to Remember Me that instead of taking longer to open it just prevented you from using the switch for the same amount of time. You'd get the same value and introduce far less problems into the game for both killers and survivors. It could pair better with other endgame perks in this fashion as well.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Thanks for your feedback. I was just thinking of something that could compete with NOED that would be less frustrating for survivors.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Well, it just was a concept. I don't like RNG either, but it doesn't stop me from using NOED and BBQ. The whole game is already an RNG sink anyway...

    If there was an ability to restart certain totems perks or something, then it might be better.

    I mean, it would make the second objective a reality. I could get rid of that mechanic, but that's if they don't break totems when they find it. It's really designed to counter the toxic rushers more than anyone.

    I'd rather have Remember Me be reverted to pre-nerf stats, with 6 tokens for 30 seconds.

    Thank you for the feedback though. : )

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Yeah but remember me was nerfed bc of EGC. You'd have to adjust other things to buff Remember me

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited August 2019

    Holding hostage game Perk that Killer can camp and no one escapes.

    No, thanks.

  • Crowley_Da_King
    Crowley_Da_King Member Posts: 2

    We already have to compete with NOED and endgame collapse plus the possibility of camping and tunneling Killers. This perk basically stops us survivors from even escaping. Killers have it easy enough, this perk defeats the purpose of escaping if we don't want to do 100% objective completion, which should be an option not a necessity. You want this perk in, fine, but let that buff to perks be on the survivor side (DS, BT, and other anti- FC and tunnel perks) not another of your endgame perks when the game structure already (EGC) gives you a buff.

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2019

    I would say it needs a timer like 180 sec or something like that because if you blocking one totem then you can't do something as surviver. And why a hex totem ? idk if its just me but i hate hex totems.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited August 2019

    I was considering higher ranks when I made this perk design. Most of the time all the totems are destroyed, so NOED is effectively useless.

    And good killers will not tunnel or camp, because it's in their best interest not to do so.

    Pig got really nerfed in Endgame. I miss Endgame Piggy, when you save your traps for the end and then watch as they try to get them off...

    By the way, BT and DS are still strong. If you run into a locker you force the killer to eat the stun. BT rewards farming in front of the killer. I want those two balanced more.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I could make it like Haunted grounds where multiple are lit but one has to be cleansed...