I come back to check on killer community and the forum section gone.
What happened?
alot is gone.... O.o
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The Killer and Survivor section of the forums were merged with the General Discussions section.
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Why though.... nevermind its why they probally take away forum buttons. Just reasons
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The devs made a post about it last week: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/81021/forum-cleanup-august-2019
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im gonna miss killer own community cause were alot of cool people in there connecting with other killer ideas.
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i feel reading that and seeing only a vote up option. Glad to be in deathgarden forums sure its dead forum but we can make polls and have a full range of choices. The other behaviour team is a great team letting us express ourselves all over the place. Really miss vote downs expressing unhappiness in posts and each subforums having own communities felt pretty magical. Killer community felt like people full of love for killers in horror genre. Survivors section felt like survival genre loving gamers that enjoyed being able to talk about how had fun goofing around on killers.