2 v 8 New Game Mode---Light The Way


So this game mode changes small but important aspects of the game.


Lanterns are placed randomly throughout the map and Survivors must carry these lanterns towards 3 statues placed around the map. Once enough Lanterns have been placed, the Exits of the map are opened and Survivors must escape.


There are 8 Survivors and 2 Killers, Killer abilities have been tweaked to either make them less or more powerful depending on the Killer. There are no hooks in this mode, a Survivor can go into the Dying State twice and then they're consumed by the Entity. Whenever a Survivor goes into the Dying State they have to Recover, when they are fully recovered the Entity teleports them to a random campfire placed around the map and are fully healed. Once a Survivor is put into the Dying State they have a set time to Recover and get picked up before they respawn, this is to prevent Survivors from not Recovering at all and just wait to bleed out or get picked up. After the required number of Lanterns have been placed all Survivors become the Obsession and now have Rancor activated. If 1 Survivor is remaining in the trial the Hatch still opens and can be closed as normal. The Rancor bit might be overkill, it might not but since the Exits just OPEN and don't need a switch I thought this would be cool, just one last massacre as everyone is leaving. All Survivors can be Morid when they are on their last down, so after 2 downs their 3rd one is when they die if they don't get picked up so they can just be Moried since they'll die anyway.

Survivors must traverse the map and find the large glowing Lanterns and then make their way to 1 of 3 different statues around the map and place it in its hands. When a Survivor enters the perimeter of the Statue a bright light shines into the sky. If a Killer catches a Survivor and hits them once while they are carrying a Lantern they drop it and it stays on the ground. The Killer can perform an action and place it back where it came from or keep following the Survivor and down them.

This can either be played with speed or stealth, the more you draw attention to yourself the more likely you'll go down, the stealthier you are the chances of succeeding are higher.


Not all perks will be available in this mode but all perks and add-ons that are available will be able to be chosen whether that player has unlocked them or not. Perks like D-Strike, Gen related, and all hook oriented perks will not be available. Almost all totem perks are unavailable as well.

Exhaustion perks are all available and the cool-down has been reduced to 30 seconds as you'll want to use them more often. This can be changed of course.

Healing centered perks are all available except for 'We'll Make It'' as there are no hooks. The Syptic Agent add-on for the Med-Kit is available but not the Ultra rare insta-heal add-on.

We're Going To Live Forever is still available but will be significantly harder to get tokens as Protection Hits are the only source. Since Detection Hits are wonky right now I will say good luck.

Thanatophobia is not available as the only action it can cover is healing and could be too overbearing when stacked with other healing perks in this mode. Coulrophobia and Sloppy Butcher are still available though as they can be stacked but is less punishing as it won't effect everyone at all times.

Save The Best For Last, Play With Your Food, and Dark Devotion are available but the other Killer Obsession perks are not as they are either redundant or have no place here.

Mad Grit, Agitation, Flip Flop, Unbreakable and all struggle related perks are all available as Survivors can be picked up. If a Survivor wiggles free it does not count towards their Death, if a Survivor is picked up by another Survivor it does not count towards their death. Knockout and Third Seal are available. Survivors can be placed in Lockers forcing them to struggle and free themselves, while struggling they must succeed fast paced Skill Checks, failing 3 will count towards their Death but will not respawn them at the campfire. Unnerving Presence is available to make these Skill Checks harder but Huntress Lullaby is not as failing these Skill Checks is more damaging here than on Gens.

The Locker feature exists so Killers have 2 ways of getting rid of Survivors. Teams can pick up their friends pretty fast so slugging them may not work. If you put them in the Locker then their friends cannot see their Aura and they have to struggle with hard Skill Checks. Yes it is possible for this to not be difficult so this would need to be tweaked, this is what I came up with right now.

Thrilling Tremors now effect Lanterns, any lantern that is still at a post will be blocked for 16 seconds. This has no use other than that lol In this vein Corrupt Intervention now blocks Lanterns as well but it's a lot more than 3.

Certain Killers are tweaked such as Trapper.

Trapper---starts with 3 traps and can carry 3 traps. This means his Bag add-ons are unavailable, this is base in this mode because speed is of the utmost essence and since the Objective is less time consuming he would be even weaker otherwise. His Honing Stone add-on is removed in this mode for obvious reasons.

Hillbilly and Cannibal---Chainsaw hits will not put Survivors into the Dying State as the Speed Limiter is now base which includes the bonus points. These two Killers would be too powerful in this mode if they could instadown, the saw is still powerful as Billy can get to statues quick and it is possible to get two hits with Bubba.

Doctor---Tier 3 Madness will not allow Survivors to take a Lantern but they can still deliver it.

The Shape---Fragrant Tuft of Hair removed for obvious reasons but the Tombstone add-ons are still available as they are difficult to achieve and the chances of using that ability is now higher.

Huntress---Irridescent Head removed

The Nightmare---There are no Gens to teleport to but he can teleport to the 3 statues

The Pig---Amanda has 8 traps and they activate as soon as they are placed. If a Survivor is not picked up by another Survivor that Survivor will respawn with the trap on. Amanda is another reason why the Locker feature exists, she has to put her trap on Survivors who are Dying and no one can keep track of all 8 Survivors and Amanda might get no use from her traps if it turns out that person will die if they don't get picked up.

The Clown---Red Head's Pinky Finger is Removed


So only the big maps are available in this mode, Farm maps, Yamoaka, Red Forest, maybe one of the Badham maps as I haven't seen all 5. If the maps are too small then it's GG as the Killers will be too oppressive. I don't know if Lery's or The Game can be used, they're indoors so there are lots of corners and rooms, maybe that's enough to make it feel bigger and give Survivors some breathing room?

EMBLEMS/Blood Points

Your items and add-ons carry over into this mode, unlike the perks. Gate Keeper is now tied to the Statues and how long it takes for all the Lanterns to be turned in. Lightbringer is the opposite obviously. As there are no hooks all ''Sacrifice'' and ''Hook'' Event points will relate to the Dying State, every time someone is put into it you get the Hook Event but it will not be named that. Sacrifice will be when someone dies by the Entity. Altruism is not that effected as you can heal your friends and pick them up, Flashlight saves is till a thing as the Lockers are less frequent so Killers still have to make their way over there. Unlike Kill Your Friends you will get BP in this mode, Kill With Friends is the Killer equivalent of Survive With Friends.

Inspiration/Final Notes

Obviously this is inspired by Death Garden, they went out of their way to make this mode and it only needed small tweaks to make it work. My plan was to find some way to implement this mode without requiring HUGE changes and new things, something mostly simple, the best way to describe it is a quote from Bird Cage ''don't add, subtract''. The statues and the lights with the statues are all from that game because their formula for this type of mode is pretty balanced. If Survivors could just go to 1 building and place Lanterns there then 1 Killer would camp the building, if there were 2 statues the same thing happens so BAM you get 3. The light shines when you enter the perimeter so Freddy knows you're there and so Killers know which statues are being frequented, everyone needs direction and that's what that is.

The Lanterns made a comeback because that event wasn't too bad, it needed some balance tweaks but overall the concept was really good. This mode cannot have Gens and everyone has pointed that out so a new Objective, but one we've already had is required for this mode to work. There are no hooks in this mode because saving is not a good strategy in this mode, Gens require team work but this does not. If you have to hook someone then 1 or 2 players will only make saves and Killers won't get any kills, period. That is why there is a counter when you go into the Dying State giving Survivors the same number of chances but in a different way.

There are things about Survivors that I KNOW I missed, everyone is worried about Killers being too strong but the real direction is making the Survivors balanced as well. Exhaustion perks are more useful in this mode than ever and that is why the reduction in recovery time. I know I missed some things but those things slipped my mind and should be added.

Final Words

If we can find a way to make the 2 V 8 work then the Devs don't have to. We could create an entire mode ourselves and then the Devs can take it and implement it if it meets everything that is required to make it balanced. I know they don't want to divide their attention into new areas, their plate is full this year but what about the future? A lot of people want a Kill With Friends feature, the 2v8 and it can work and can be simple if made to be simple.

Though I am pretty sure the Devs are just not interested in this and never will be so it probably won't happen and someone will have to make their own game with it. Hopefully that game isn't a shooter lol I can't aim for ######### with the mouse.
