The Window of Misery

Building with unmindgamable window, Paradise for Balanced Landing Survivors, generators alway spawn near to this.
I hate Ironworks of Misery so much. I am wanna die each time when I have to do something with this {BADWORD}.
Why not just to remove this window or at least replace it with a pallet? I am tired of this. @Peanits
Just put an entrance besides that window. Problem solved. There are still worse maps than Ironworks of Misery tho 😁.
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It's honestly how depressing that map devolves to, literally EVERY chase being just "can I hit them before they get to that window or is this a 1 min or more chase?"
It's almost as bad as the Wretched Shop.
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Grim pantry tho oof
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I always call that map "Help me out of my misery"
Because comon... Who came up with infinites like that.
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You really think that map is bad Wretched Shop is 10 times worse in my opinion.
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best part is instead of actually addressing that window and bs windows like it, they do an unnecessary change to fast vaults to keep people from "abusing" them. but guess what! u can still fast vault that window from both sides!
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Just don't do that chase. Give them that gen. If survivors want to 'abuse' that spot get yourself a nice 3 gen away from it.
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This map actually isn't too bad, ofc you shouldn't go for the chase in the main building but the layout is relatively small and weaker killers benefit greatly from it (Trapper, Bubba, Doctor)
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That's not how it should work, that's how Lery's works and that's the exact reason that map is unpopular with survivors.
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I think it's more because many pallets in that map are COMPLETELY worthless and might as well not even be there.
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"Don't do that chase" is not valid counterplay.
There's no excuse to have windows like that in the game still.
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Of course it's a valid counterplay. There are 4 survivors on the map. Leave your ego at the door and use your brain when it comes to choose who to chase.
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Remember when a streamer (bahroo, I think) had a three hour chase there, before entity blocking was added? I'll never know why it was never addressed.
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I love Lery's as survivor.
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Léry's has the 2nd lowest survival rate, even with all the Hillbilly DC's.
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And when they ALL run to that building the moment they are found over and over and over? How about you use your brain? EVERY Survivor will B-line for those windows as soon as they are found, they aren't stupid and know it's broken and will abuse it.
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No chase should be unwinnable or close to it for either side.
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When every survivor runs to it? It shouldn't be that hard to put a doorway near the window, but they insist on having a mega safe haven for low level survivors on every map. Unfortunately, high level survivors them abuse those structures.
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It's not unwinnable, exhaustion doesn't recover while sprinting anymore and you have bamboozle to block windows off , spirit to mindgame, and nurse ignores windows , there is valid counterplay but the same people will ignore it and complain because they actually have to use their brain to play and not be a zombie pressing m1 over and over
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When the window has no mind games and has at least a min chase potential AND is reusable its bad
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Dude, there is counterplay. I USE THE DAMN COUNTERPLAY ALL THE TIME.
That doesn't mean it's good design, that doesn't mean it's valid or healthy gameplay, and that doesn't mean it has to stay the same.
Stop being willfully ignorant.
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*insert stock Survivor answer of* "Use THIS perk the developers shoved in the game to band aid fix a bad game mechanic that may or may not help you at all, and/or play THIS specific Killer. Otherwise, LULZ GET REKT!"
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Stop crying because you refuse to get better , all I hear is I'm done adapting and need my hand held , grow up
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It's not my fault you aren't as good as you thought and need this forum to change your diapers for you, out of all the maps you want to complain about ironworks and the ONE window in the building, why? So you can get a 4k without thinking ? The strode house is the only thing that needs changed, ironworks complaining is you being a sore loser
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LOL you have no idea about nothing I do or don't in this game, or what I can or can't deal with
I'm commenting from a game design standpoint, which you clearly know nothing about.
I'm not even gonna waste my time with you anymore.
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You only would have a problem with the design if you couldn't beat it , otherwise you wouldn't complain so again git gud
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They wanted to do something about those former infinite windows this year. But im sceptical, they said that since release and eg looping Wretched Shop is still the same. It doesnt fix the core issue, which is the massive time investment. Lose-lose windows for the killer since release.
Those windows can carry the worst survivors against good killers. You dont need skill or take risk and you're guaranteed rewarded more than the best loopers. "Its a mindgame"
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Not my fault you need a brain dead piss easy Loop to save your behind cause you’re bad. What’s the matter kid? Can’t make use of T-L walls, the other loops, or anything else on the map? Gotta run to a broken loop over and over cause you’re bad?
Need to abuse something that hasn’t no counter play. Need to have your hand held by game mechanics. *yawn*