The Evil Incarnate Achievement is BS Now and Tombstone Needs a Buff

MadManRS Member Posts: 12
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I have been trying to get all achievements and since rank reset came around I decided to give Evil Incarnate a go. I already knew that it would be difficult but I did not realize how much worse it has become since the addition of Endgame Collapse. Originally your best hope was to kill 3 people before 2 gens were complete but that has been ruined so now you have to hope that you can kill 3 people, find and close the hatch and hope that the gates are not far apart. The worst part is that if a survivor wants to they could just let Endgame Collapse kill them or if you close the hatch and find a survivor they can either D/C or hide in a locker and let Endgame Collapse kill them. So basically if you want to get the achievement you need:

  • A Good Map
  • Bad Enough Survivors That let you Stalk Easily
  • A Good Hatch Spawn
  • Gates Close to Each Other
  • And Lastly Survivors Who Aren't Complete ######### Denying you the Achievement

I know you can complete it with out those but it is damn near impossible, that's why I think they need to buff the Tombstone. I know that they made the Tombstone better so you only need to stalk 3 survivors instead of 4 but that was a while ago. My thought is that you can also Mori survivors on the ground or you can Mori the last survivor on the ground. Sadly with this change it only gets rid of survivors abusing lockers, they can still screw you over in other ways but this will at least help. I have de ranked to Rank 13 after attempting and I have probably wasted close to 1 million Blood Points.

Of my 10 attempts at the achievement I have lost:

  • 4 times because the survivors were good and I got a bad map
  • 2 times because the gates were far apart
  • 4 times because survivors were being pricks and denied me of the achievement

I know I can still get it as is but it is insanely difficult and costs a lot of Blood Points so I feel like the devs should do something about it. I know this went on for a while but im super annoyed and I feel like this is a problem that should be fixed.


  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    edited August 2019

    Not all achievements need a buff. Some are meant to be hard to get. I got this on my 5th try, and on a swamp map of all things. It can be done, but you will have to be patient.

    I think you should be able to mori on the ground too, since that's how normal moris work, but that's unlikely to change.

    Of course your build is also going to help you or hinder you. I'd reccomend at least having PWYF and Dying Light. That way you can get stacks to be 15% faster and slow the game down by a large margin.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Well I got it the bullshit way. So many games of people just jumping in lockers, or the hatch escape (which was still broken when i got the achievement , free escape and i couldnt slug)

    This is one of the most difficult achievements and it should be.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Could one ever hope to accomplish the Evil Incarnate achievement before two gens are done, though? That seems impossible unless you are a higher-ranked player playing against Rank 20s. IMO, the ability to close the Hatch outweighs the fact that the Hatch always spawns as far as Evil Incarnate is concerned, making this a net positive from my point of view.

    At the very least, I was not able to pull it off until Killers gained the ability to close the Hatch.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    I did this Achievement twice. For the 1st one I tried for 5 times (3x on a Farm map, 1x on Mothers Dwelling and 1x on McMillan) until I used The Game offering and got Potatoes. This was way before EGC came out. My build was the one Monto used: Dying Light, PWYF, Ruin and Brutal Strength

    Then I retried it after EGC came out - and about 1k hrs DBD later - and did it on my 1st try on Wrecker's Yard. My build: Ruin, PWYF, Bamboozle and Brutal Strength.

    Here is the Video of this last try (I think it was right after Rank Reset). In this video I talk in German. But I really don't say anything important. I hope this shows that this is still possible.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    It's been nigh impossible to get since the Myers ubernerfs.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    @Acromio which nerfs? I do not recall any.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    • removed the ability to be able to stalk multiple survivors at once
    • reduced the movement speed on the vanity mirror
    • reduced the point generation on the vanity mirror and the scratched mirror
    • removed bloodlust from evil within 1
    • added the vulnerable indicator for survivors when the shape goes into evil within 3
    • reduced the ammount of bloodpoints the Shape gets in the deviousness category from stalking
    • removed the Shape's hitbox while stalking
    • rendered Save the best for last and Play with your food essentially useless
  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    @Acromio these were so long ago.

    1. Maybe it was too easy to get EW

    2. to 4. Irrelevant for Evil Incarnate

    5. This is just the same indicator as for Devour Hope/Hounted Grounds. Irrelevant.

    6. Irrelevant for Evil Incarnate.

    7. Would you rather like a Myers that bodyblocks you like Hillbilly? I think not. (at least as Survivor).

    8. STBFL was OP in the beginning but now it's OK. PWYF is a thing on it's own. It was too strong in the beginning and made Scratched mirror too powerful. It is a strange perk, with few uses but there are perks that are far worse.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    You don't get it, do you?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    @Acromio I think that I understand very well. I just do not think that these balance changes affect the Evil Incarnate Achievement much. I have seen many people do this and did it myself twice (you can watch my video in a post above). So it is not impossible. Just difficult or time consuming as achievements should be.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Hint: multi-stalk meant faster EW tier up.

  • BingBongBoi
    BingBongBoi Member Posts: 90

    I think if you grab someone out of a locker with tombstone in tier 3, you should be able to mori them

  • MrScopesMan99
    MrScopesMan99 Member Posts: 15

    I feel you man. It took me several tries to get this one. I wasted hundreds of thousands bloodpoints farming Judith’s Tombstones, Fragrant Tuft Hairs, and Black Wards. I had several trolls dc on me so i wouldn’t get the achievement or hide in lockers like you said. I luckily ended up getting semi-decent survivors that basically let me get it in the end when i got 2 kills.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    @Acromio I know. But maybe this was too strong. Especially when combined with J. Myers Memorial and the old Tinkerer.

    So I can understand why they nerfed it.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    It was one of the core elements of Myers' original design: punishing survivors for grouping up and BMing him.

  • MadManRS
    MadManRS Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2019

    @TAG While it wasn't easy to kill them before two gens were done it was still the best method, the only way you can really pull it off though is if you have a good Ruin placement and you attempt it near rank reset.

  • MadManRS
    MadManRS Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2019

    Not all achievements need a buff. Some are meant to be hard to get. I got this on my 5th try, and on a swamp map of all things. It can be done, but you will have to be patient.

    I agree with you, not all achievements do need buffs, I think that achievements should be a skill based thing, that's why I hate this achievement. Like most achievements it requires some luck to win but the biggest problem is the survivors. If I do well and I am very lucky a survivor could do numerous things to sabotage it, which is why I think it needs buffed.

  • MadManRS
    MadManRS Member Posts: 12

    @LapisInfernalis Thanks for the video! It gave me ideas on how to improve my build! I still feel as though they should buff it because you (luckily) didn't have survivors who would try and sabotage your achievement. That is why I believe they need to buff the Tombstone, to prevent people who do that. I would have already gotten my achievement if it had some method to stop that.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    @MadManRS If someone jumps in a locker, just carry him at the edge of the map where there are no lockers in range, then mori him. Same when he sits on a Gen/Totem/Chest. For the last 2 you could also wait until it's done.

    You can't really do anything against dc's though. I think you should be granted the achievement when someone dc's nonetheless.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I got this achievement on The Game map after the EGC was introduced. If you have Whispers, The Game map is a pretty good place to do it, because the amount of ground you need to search for the hatch is halved, and you can instantly know which gate the last survivor goes for.

    Unfortunately, there's nothing to be done about lockers and DC's. When I was going for this achievement, first two tries put me on The Temple of Purgation map. Trying to carry the survivors as far away from any lockers as possible... there was no such location. It sucked. It's also my experience that the ones who hide in lockers to deny the achievement will also disconnect to deny the achievement.

  • FlipRickyDonks
    FlipRickyDonks Member Posts: 12

    A) Tombstone does not need a buff. I understand that at high ranks, tombstone is generally pretty bad. However, at low ranks it is much easier to use and get value out of. These players do not deserve to be alienated.

    B) The achievement will come to you. You just need the right game and the right set of circumstances, but it will eventually happen.

    C) You gotta be willing to slug with the build to get the achievement if you want it to be easier.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Good luck to the one trying this now without ruin. I tried to do it back then when jungle gyms existed so of course i didn't get it. Now its probably imposible.

    I wonder if it works with infinite evil within 3 and ebony mori people after you are in EW3. Because the achievement don't especifically says "use judith tombstone or piece". Anyone knows?

  • Animator
    Animator Member Posts: 372

    I believe that developers just need to add an animation where Michael kills a survivor in a locker. All. Well, the exit from the game will be decided by banning such players. They will think 100 times whether they need to leave the game and spoil their gaming experience or wait for 3 seconds of animation and start a new game.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Its what achievements are supposed to be, beeing something actually feeling good to achieve at long last. Years of bullshit steam achievements destroyed that.

  • GreenPufferFish
    GreenPufferFish Member Posts: 498

    just make it so you can kill in lockers with tombstone and walk faster then it would actually be possible

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    When I did it, they cleansed my (old) Ruin in the first 30 seconds. So, it's definitely possible. If I could go back I'd have used Corrupt regardless, the problem was that I didn't have it.

    Regarding the ebony, it doesn't count toward the achievement. Same for Devour, Rancor etc. You have to kill them with the ability granted by Tombstone.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Eh I agree Tombstone should work in lockers. IMHO the only "Strong" tombstone-related build is J Myers Memorial + Tombstone Piece since you are not slowed down and can still hit EW3 in a reasonable time span.(But can only tombstone 2, maybe 3 survivors if you're extra optimal with who you stalk and who you mori in what order)

    Full Judith's Tombstone + Fragrant Tuft Of Hair seems like a novelty build. You're slow (So you need PYWF) and you need to stalk every last drop out of survivors (AFAIK you need to drain 3 and a half survivors which takes AGES) and it's hard to really hit EW3 and apply pressure since you're spending 95% of your time staring at people.

    With how hard Evil Incarnate is + the general "impracticality" of tombstone (Lockers, inability to tombstone people on the ground, etc) some small buffs to tombstone might be needed.

    I feel either opening a locker with a survivor in it should just do a unique animation of you stabbing them inside the locker, or people on the ground should be "Tombstoneable" as if you were running a momento mori. (So just grab out of locker, drop survivor on ground, tombstone.) Either solution would make lockers unsafe.

    DADDYMYERS1978 Member Posts: 43

    I got mine back when i first got the game. It was actually one of my first few achievements. Im not exactly proud on HOW i got it, but the achievement itself is something to be proud of.

  • SeannyD115
    SeannyD115 Member Posts: 583

    I did it with iron maiden, pwyf, whispers, and insidious.

    You need iron maiden to know when they jump out of lockers. Pwyf for speed. I used whispers and insidious for the last survivor. Sit on the hatch with insidious and wait for the last survivor to look for the hatch. If they don't come to the hatch you will know because of whispers.

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    I got this on my 1st try, I was just trying to see what it looked like didnt even know about the achievement at the time