Demogorgon is just Freddy 1.0

What if they pull a fast one on us and just make the demogorgons power pulling Survivors into the Upside Down before he can hit them and just put the Old Freddy back in the game.
Wouldn't surprise me, after-all the devs did wait to nerf Decisive Strike right before releasing Mettle of Man. LOL
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That would make alot of sense since the Demogorgon got like 1 kill in season 1. If abunch of kids can get away, I think our survivors will be just fine.
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I'm hoping the Upside-Down just appears at random.
Like, as you running through the map, you will step through a portal you cannot see into the Upside-Down, which changes how the map looks to you (making it darker or something) until you exit again.
Like, you cannot SEE these portals. The map looks normal until you step on a tile, then the entire map looks different until you step back off.
While in the Upside-Down tiles, the Demogorgon has improved powers as opposed too if he's on a normal Entity tile.
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They won't do that they acknowledged old Freddy had issues.
They wouldn't just re release something they said was a problem.
If that happens just make Ch 14 Legion 1.0
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Don't know about improved abilities. In the series demogorgon didn't even have a better perception than usual. Most likely some penalties to survs. Also Upside-Down doesn't even have to be there, because of how demogorgons was in 2nd season.
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Fair enough. I need to watch the show. :)
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I think we are going to have something similar but WAY more different in sense of gameplay. Like same concept but another gameplay.
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MoM release right after DS change says otherwise.
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MoM was way different than DS.
Old DS was waayyyy better
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The concept of "we fixed a second chance perk because there was no counterplay" then releasing the exact type of perk they just removed.
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Well they changed Nightmare cause they deemed his old style to be unfun for both sides.
If they bring it back, his rework is a useless change.
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Yeah, old DS was WAY better then. MoM ever was. Then they listened to feedback and changed MoM in response to survivor/killer critique and it’s even more different.
even if it’s similar, they aren’t going to copy and paste the ability, it’ll function differently and they will make the power more unique as time goes on. They ALWAYS tweak the powers a little now.
You’re worried it’ll be too similar, but your example you used proves the opposite of your concern.
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I bet the killer will be more basic... No real special power... No Upside Down world...
Just a straight up... brute force killer... M1s... And their power is the ability to sprint everywhere.
Basically a M1 Billy.
I woudn't be surprised their power also had a built in spirit fury... but on a cooldown.
And probably just jumps through windows without any sort of slowdown.
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No, you didn't comprehend what I said. At all.
My point is that they can "remove or rework" something, then release something that is causing the same issues, or under the same umbrella. Not the same.
Saying it wouldnt surprise me at all if they did it, as theyve done this type of thing before. "We changed it because of X". "Heres a new perk, that is heavily based on X".
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Only a fkin trailer came out and people already whining and speculating about things that aren't even in the game yet nor have been seen. Resident sleeper at its best.
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You make more sense here, thank you for actually explaining yourself instead of using an out of context statement.
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The demogorgon actually killed quite a lot of people in season 1. It killed Barb, all of the soldiers from Hawthorne labs who were under the command of Dr. Brennan, some random townsfolk and in season 3 a demogorgon also kills a Russian prisoner during what looks to be a test. The only real issue is that the Demogorgon doesn't have any special powers. It's at its core just an animal in a vague human shape. The Mind Flayer on the other hand could control people's minds and spy on enemies through a flayed person's eyes and ears. It could also convert people into biomass that fuses together to make a physical form.
I would hope that demogorgon is at least immune to flashlights as it doesn't have eyes. It hunts by scent and sound and doesn't have skin that is photosensitive either.
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While it might not have powers, that hasnt stopped the devs from giving OTHER killers interesting abilities.None of our licensed killers so far have supernatural abilities except Freddy. They could maybe have it get on all fours to do a charge attack or something.
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This power idea could be similar to Freddy's traps, where he places them down ahead of time.
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I would love if this was the case, Freddy was more powerful in his OG state, but arguably less quirky and less "Freddy". Giving his old kit to a new Killers paired with some minor tweaks would be a dream.
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They don't have the same reasoning as Freddy though. The Demogorgon can exist and is still quite lethal in the real world as well as the upside-down.
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Is that a pun?
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The Upside-down world also had toxins in the air that made people lethargic and sick, so I think that it would be like Freddy meets the Plague, something like the doctor but with an illness, if they did use some of Fredy's original power concept.
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It's less that they repeat that, but that they nerf a powerful survivor perk right before releasing a new powerful survivor perk.
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It's also a beast, and not sentient. It really isn't smart like the way humans can be.
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We're talking about something people are trying to call a "horror" series.
Deaths don't count if you're literally cast as an extra. Even Barb was in like 10 minutes, max.
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Well if you don't want to count extras or Barb then by that logic the Demogorgon has never truly killed anyone. Bob was killed by Demodogs.
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I hope they have, like portals to the Upside Down around the map. The Demogorgon can go into the upside-down and move at like 150% speed and exit at another portal. While in the upside-down, he can "hear" actions by seeing the auras of survivors who are repairing, cleansing, searching, healing or sprinting. While in the upside-down, the Demogorgon can channel his disruptive powers to mess with survivors. He can cycle through disruptions including:
Induce skill check: Induces a difficult skill check on the survivor you are channeling
Deafen: The survivor cannot hear the heartbeat of the Demogorgon for some time
Hinder: The survivor channeled upon will face slower action speeds for some time
Blind: Survivor channeled upon suffers blindness and cannot see your red stain.
Well that's just my ideas
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Heres a tip dont believe what the devs say they never learn
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Can we wait until info about the killer is released before making assumptions and jumping to conclusion? lol
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We don't even know the Demogorgon's powers, so how can anyone say 'It's just Freddy'?
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The killer is not out yet and people are still complaining
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old freddy was fun, but i want fresh ideas, pls dont make his power similar to others, like the new freddy with nurse+ hag+ doctor
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Very far from Freddy v1 just kinda makes me think that he definitely has a teleport between different obstacles and walls across the map.
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When can we learn more about his power? Is there going to be a devs` stream leaking his power&perks like it happened with GhostFace?
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I heard the stream is happening today
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Not according to their site.
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Ghost Face was just a mishmash of Myers and Amanda. I don't see where your confidence is coming from.
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That's just a lame ass version of Spirit and Hag.
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Thank you for confirming! :)
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I believe it will be similar to old freddy by making a sort of combined wraith/current freddy.
He will be able to move between entity and entity upside down.
While in entity upside down:
*he is unaffected by auras (the new killer status)
*he cannot see survivors or scratch marks (but can see blood)
*he can of course still interact with the realm
(Would love to see aura reading of those in U/D but unlikely)
While outside, he can pull survivors into the U/D
Can move on all fours to move faster (short stand up animation at end)
(Maybe a few more abilities to make him stronger but unlikely)
Survivors can find portals to exit U/D as while in it they might have some form of debuff like not being able to work on gens or something
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id be quite happy seen as old freddy was actually quite good.
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Maybe more like old Legion, eh?
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obviously not? lol
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That would be a really cool idea. Sounds like it would make the Demogorgon a decent Killer at the very least. I love the effects that he can give to the Survivors.
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Pls @Janick Make the power unique to this monster, make the upside down incredible!
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I think something to do with the mind flayer would be cool, or at least make the upsidedown a place where you can't help other survivors unless they are there too. People have to find portals to get in, or escape, but the Demogorgon can drag you in. Maybe he can have the option to use that alien nest looking thing to kill them.
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Welp, now all I can do is hope Demogorgon has godly perks, 'cause that way my only real hope for it since I'm not a huge ST fan.