Tunneling Complaints Are Out Of Control

I had a match today, & I had Dying Light. (I know not all Survivors are like this, but those that are..Whew, boy!)

The first guy I find is my Obsession, so I down him, hook him.

I go 5 steps; his friend unhooks him. I go back, decide to chase his friend (NOT the obsession)

I down his friend, hook 'em. Go towards the closest Genny.

Low and behold: Obsession is doing Self Care nearby & I hear him. I down & Hook him. (second person is unhooked by this time)

I go 5 steps: Obsession is unhooked. I got back, I chase the unhooker. (AGAIN: NOT the Obsession.)

I down the unhooker. Obsession, still injured, tries to Flashlight me. I down him.

Hook other guy. Hook Obsession (Now dead).

Finish match.

Obsession: OMG! You scrub no skill tunneler! You tunneled me hard! Learn to play!

Me: Dude. I randomly found you the first two times.

Obsession: No, you tunneled me! Even at the end!

Me: You tried to flashlight blind me. I hit you.

Obsession: That's tunneling! Learn to play, scrub!

So...what? I should have ignored him when he tried to Flashlight me? Apparently hitting someone more than once is now 'tunneling'. Killer aren't supposed to get KILLS. We're just here to make the game kind of scary, give the Survivors a lollipop, and let them leave?

Bloody hell.


  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    You reaaaaallly need to stop paying attention to bullshit.

    Just brush it off as salt and move on. Creating the thread for it for some confirmation bias boost ain't gonna cut it.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Oh, I do it because it feels good to let people laugh at the idiot.

    Just think; if the Survivor is on these forums, he may read this, watch people laugh, and MAYBE feel ashamed..maybe.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Yeah people's definition of tunneling is dumb. A kate got saved off a hook and because I had no other leads I went back to the hook and the kate was just healing behind a rock, so I downed and hooked her.

    She told me I tunneled her so I asked this exact question "what was I supposed to do let you heal?" And she answer yes.

    Some people

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    I mean it doesn't even matter, half the people who post here seem to have big grudges against the survivors/killers.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300
    edited August 2019

    Most survivors don't really know what things like Tunneling and Camping really are. Usually because their friends or favorite streamers taught them wrong. I know one small streamer who literally calls every single killer they face a hacker, tunneler, or camper (even though they're not). Even if she makes it out alive.

    So survivors feel that after you down them once and hook them once, if you find them anymore it's tunneling or feel that if you stay in the area because you wanna kick a gen or pallet (or maybe you even saw scratch marks), you're camping. However, this is not the case and yeah, it is annoying to see. Probably all apart of the dumb, made up, non-existent Survivor Rulebook that should not be a thing.

    For this guy, he was literally unhooked while you were still there it sounds and if anything he should be mad at his team for trying to farm him. Survivors get soooo impatient to unhook that they immediately decide you won't leave the area and they have to unhook right now. Not really the case but okay survivors. It's also his fault for not going farther from the area and even bringing Self Care (I personally feel it's one of the worst perks in the game).

    People just need to learn what Tunneling and Camping truly are. BeHaviour should get someone to make a video for their YT explaining things like this and then put it in the Help & Tutorials tab in game where it'll have a link to the playlist of these helpful videos and tell people what the playlist is about and how it will help.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Little did that Kate know, the emblem system punishes you when survivors heal.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    I don't really get it either

    Some people should just go play a different game and then come back because its having a really bad effect on them

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    See as a survivor..I only unhook by killer cause I have BT..Now the killers I play against they dont care they just keep going after the person that just got unhooked..even after they hit them with bt active..THAT is tunneling..Finding someone over and over..well that's just bad luck on their part...

    As Killer -- If someone unhooks close to me or in front of me..Ill wack the person that got off..Because it seems like you dont down them anyway lol..They have to have their feet on the ground..Then I go after the person that unhooked..

    I think people are just so tired of Q-ing up for a game (Survivor takes me about 5 mins to find a lobby not bad, but its not great either used to be so much faster) just to be hooked, and after they get unhooked most MOST MOST MOST..Im not saying ALL..killers go after the person that just got unhooked and they do this until they are dead..Now that's not fun..It really isn't..But to each their own.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    People don't seem to know the meaning of the word anymore. Hooked a Feng the other day while playing as Huntress and went to go chase a Nea. Well after she got unhooked, Nea gave me the slip so I went back to the hook and Nurse's shows me that Bill is healing her 5 feet from where she was hooked. Bill ran and I hit her with a hatchet. She let herself die on hook and called me a tunneller. I told her that it's not my fault she didn't leave the hook. I'm not required to let her heal. People seem to think that finding them is now tunnelling.

  • ShadowReaper11
    ShadowReaper11 Member Posts: 56

    Your completely right i'm a killer main this happens so often

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    What gets me is when they unhook, then sprint burst out of there. What am I supposed to do, chase after them instead of the poor sap they left behind?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Honestly, I set my friend request to private because I got bored of the salt and would prefer to just keep playing.

  • sirnewbington
    sirnewbington Member Posts: 78

    I take the salt and gather it.. if i get three games of salty comments i bring out an ebony mori and ruin some poor survivors' game. Then we reset. Its all fun to me

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    That was pretty bad tunneling, you should be ashamed of yourself! Any killer can tunnel better than you, I know I can. When dead survivors call me tunneler it is because I tunnel real good, I can have a survivor make less than 3000 Blood Points in a good day. Their cries of anger fill me with joy :-)

    Work on your tunneling please, it is below average.

  • SenatorAcadia
    SenatorAcadia Member Posts: 72

    The game already has rules. Making up new ones is just adding stress. So what if I get tunneled? It's not like I lost a quarter.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Even if you had tunneled, so what? Dying Light is a strategic perk (like Remember Me) that encourages you to tunnel the Obsession to death as early in the match as possible. It's the perk's design.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Yup. At first, I only set messages to private but then I got friend requests instead, so I had to disable them as well. Only because of one single video game smh...

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    I recently went against the guy with a name of sorts: "Hex:RuinMyXXX" which actually ragequitted when I quickly downed with my ruin-less huntress :D

    Made me laugh tho :)

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Lol if a surv even attempts to message me after the game hat is anything other than gg or that i as extra scary Sony gets a notification of it and they have to restart from the beginning and buy all their characters back, i dont want your toxic salt gave it to the next killer lol

  • killersarecowards
    killersarecowards Member Posts: 6

    Yeah im a survivors main and I’ve got to say that yeah that’s def not tunneling he’s just an upset baby boy

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Disable the post-game chat window and never open it again.

    Then you can play however you want without any salt coming your way.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Its unwritten. Just disable the end game chat. Because every player wants to best, and easiest games for 'their side' (i've never seen a game like this). Just disable the end game chat by clicking on the chat symbol next to your chat bar. And just play how YOU want to play, dont let them dictate you with their unwritten rules.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450

    Then they spam your profile page

    You have to set your profile to private, otherwise they will spam it or your friends comment sections if you set your comments to private

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    I got my profile as "only friends can comment" and I automatically ignore any and all friend requests that come my way following games of Dead by Daylight.

  • dwightdotexe
    dwightdotexe Member Posts: 22

    A lot of times when I play killer and someone unhooks in my face, I’ll hit the person that got unhooked if I can. If there’s BT, I’ll go for the unhooker, and if there’s not, I’ll slug the guy on hook and go for the unhooker. This gives the rest of the team a chance to heal the downed survivor, AND the downed survivor (and the survivors healing them) can’t do gens during that time. They get picked up about 90% of the time. It might seem a bit toxic at first, but I feel that it gives the survivors a more fair game, and I’ve never seen any complaints about it.

  • Nonfunctional
    Nonfunctional Member Posts: 70

    Couldn't even think of something more wrong. BT doesn't give you the right to be an idiot. Why should the killer go for the unhooked? Because they are a nice bloke?

    If someone pulls you off hook in front of a killer and the killer chooses to go for the wounded survivor he's just making the smart play.

    99% of survivors claiming tunneling are as legitimate as killers claiming Gen Rush. Most of the time neither are happening. It's just a nice crutch to lean on when you are a bad survivor/killer.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    Yeah, they're just mad because they got farmed (maybe with BT) and both times you were decided enough to ignore them and chase the other person. Props to you

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Just have to ignore people sometimes. I hooked a guy as trapper, was on my way to pick up a trap and saw someone who decided to loop around the hook. Guy died on hook and called me a camper lol.

    Samination said it best, Being anywhere on the map when a player is hooked is camping.

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231

    Just laugh it off we killers have to or it will start to take it's toll

  • PiedPiper365
    PiedPiper365 Member Posts: 231

    Lol so true, whenever I'm walking away from the hooked surv and see someone sneaking in by imma down his but to they can say it's camping but it's not cuz they wearnt playing smart if I saw them, and if ur gonna be stupid and unhook them when I didn't have the chance to walk away then ok ur dead to I'll hook the surv that just unhooked and pick up and hook the other one, I get alot of complaints from survs saying I'm camping when I hook someone and decide to check all the hiding spots around the hook😂 well it's on them for being so close tbh and when those toxic messages roll on in I just say git gud [BAD WORD]. And they usually don't send anything else

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,362

    Ive had the last person in the match accuse me of tunneling them. I was like...hold on...youve lasted THE LONGEST of all your teammates, and you think I was acting to end your game early? You died literally trying to open the exit gate.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    Yup and those killers that tunnel also cry about gen rushing ..its funny how it all works..

    you chase one person until they are dead and you cry because gens got done to fast..

    Its never winning with survivors or killers..they all cry way to freaking much...but what i do i kno

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    I subscribe to the mantras of other killers. No rules, no code of honor, my job is to kill/sacrifice. As long as I don't use exploits, cheats, or anything like that it's fair game. If a survivor is always around to flashlight me when I down someone, I might "tunnel" them to get rid of that threat. If the doors are open and I hook a survivor, I might "camp" because I know the others will come for them. Your job as survivor is to escape, you can do gens or leave when someone camps. You can NOT be altruistic and leave them. But you made the decision to not do so and I capitalize on that.

  • heavendog
    heavendog Member Posts: 35

    I think tunneling is definitely very prevelant in dbd, but that guy doesn't know what tunneling is. He should have tried to find a safe place to heal instead of staying around where the killer was. I play like you where I try my hardest not to tunnel or camp.

  • palotheas
    palotheas Member Posts: 118

    I have a dilemma where I try not to camp or tunnel and generally not be toxic so survivors will see it and not be toxic, but then there are people like this that don't even know what tunneling or camping is. I get this in like 1/4 games and at this point I'm probably gonna just let it stop bothering me because you can't change some people, they'll be toxic forever. If I had more time and a slightly faster internet though I'd probably make videos just showing how wrong these people are lmao.

  • StupidPallets
    StupidPallets Member Posts: 395
    edited August 2019

    It's just another manifestation of survivor entitlement rights. Survivor Code of Rights Bill explicitly states with immaculate exegesis of all survivors who teabag: "sect. c. 2.4, Ye verily, thou shall Killer appropriateness maintain concentration, convergence, assiduous chasing, with deliberate intent of objective toward one sole party -- party being in respect to one sole character, player -- shall warrant explicit(s) during endgame chat maintaining ones aplomb in heed of humiliation."

  • boondocker76
    boondocker76 Member Posts: 13

    i could get some popcorn and be entertained all day at some of the ridiculous complaints ppl have nowadays ! I had a killer report me for throwing a pebble at them in the exit gates , crazy entitled little kids these days , all wanting to be professional gamers in their parents basements . Get over it kids it’s a game !!

  • Supafreeze
    Supafreeze Member Posts: 11

    Sound like a whole lot of babies complaining to me. Here is what i have to say to all of that. Get good. Dont get caught. Then u wont have to worry about being camped or tunneled. Its the killers job to kill you. If he wants to camp his kill so be it. If he wants to down a survivor and use him/her as bait to get his/her buddies so be it. Play smart. There is a heart beat for a reason. There is an analog stick to look around for a reason. There are lockers and pallets and windows and building and shrubs and corn fields and fog for a reason. Learn how to use them all to your advantage. DONT GET CAUGHT. If i catch u, best believe i will tunnel the crap out of u just to break your spirit and get you upset. Because guess what??? Thats one hell of a win for me lol