Make a fake rulebook full of obsurd rules killers have to follow (joke just for laughs)

I'll start: rule #1: when a survivor is unhooking, the killer must go for the rescuer. If they go for the person who was on the hook, they must uninstall the game.
The killer should not and can not ever make contact with the survivor. Any attempt to look in the survivors direction will be considered tunneling and will be punished accordingly
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The killer must hand-walk survivors to the Exit Gates, and dust off any dirt they have collected during the Trial.
Breaking this rule results in a salty report and a salty message!
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@ClogWench clearly doesn't know what Rule # we are on.
Rule #4 All killers must obey unwritten survivor rules. This consists of not kicking generators that are 99% completed and various other tasks.
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Rule #5: If the killer commits the grievous act of hooking the holy survivor, then they must go to the furthermost corner of the map and 360 for five minutes before disconnecting as to deny themselves the points that they have clearly lost the privilege of earning.
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Trapper can't trap gate levers
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A killer can not see two immediate disconnects and go easy on the remaining survivors until a gen or two has popped to ensure some semblance of fair. Instead, they must completely demolish them to assert dominance.
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I thought these were supposed to be rules that didn't make sense & were funny?
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Are you saying what I posted is actually a real rule? o.O
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T pose
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T pose to assert dominance.
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Killers must never come within 50 meters of a hooked survivor. After they are rescued the killer must patiently wait 30 seconds facing a wall before they can resume their patrol.
Failure to follow these rule makes the offending killer a camper, and they're immediately banned for life.
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Killer can't run any perk deemed toxic by survivors. Failure to do so is considered a federal offense
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You can’t 4K with LF because people think he’s weak.
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Equipping NOED automatically de ranks you to rank 20.
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Rule number #10043 if you actually try your best as killer it will he deemed a offense to humanity and you will be captured and have a public execution.
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You are not allowed to hit a survivor after they get unhooked for ANY REASON. Remember this rule if the freshly unhooked survivor chooses to cleanse your totem and maybe plan which hook you put them on abit better.
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Rule #485:
No killer is to get a mori with Devour hope. Doing this will be punished with a lifetime ban.
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Rule #492
- If playing Legion you must use Frenzy for every hit even if they already have deep wounds. If broken you will be called a baby killer end game chat and forced to go through it all.
I'll make a survivor one as well:
- Out playing the killer is considered "toxic" and will result on you getting flamed on the forums for being toxic.
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Rule #92
Claudettes are invisible and even if you DO see them, just ignore them, everything else would be like hacking or some [BAD WORD].
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Rule #91 Should you encounter a survivor hiding in a corner, you must let them out before commencing chase.
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Rule #145323
If the killer picks Ruin, PGTW and Overcharge he must in aftergame chat admit his sins, ban himself and uninstall the game and move to remote part of the world so survivors can feel safe away from "tryhards"
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Laughs in gimmicky Frank's mixtape build.
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Rule #90 - Hillbilly's chainsaw must only be used against injured survivors.
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#Rule #89 - When a survivor is unhooked in front of the killer, he must turn around, close his eyes, count to 10 and then shout, "Coming ready or not!"
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most of these are actual rules that survivors have for killers.