demogorgons power

apparently there was a german article with a Mathieu cote interview and it says the demogorgons power will be teleporting through portals and going into "stealth" mode where he crawls on all 4s

which sounds like pig and freddy combined but seeing a Demogorgon crawling around is gonna be pretty freaky


  • BlueSweater
    BlueSweater Member Posts: 31

    For those interested in learning about some of the new perks, simply copy paste the article into google translate.

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    @BlueSweater yeah and the perks actually seem viable and not game breaking

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Sooo.. like Freddy 2.0 + Pig crouch?

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Thanks for sharing.

    Well, honestly I was hoping for something more than just another Stealth mode and another teleport :-/

    Some of that perks but looks interesting. I am more hyped now for perks than killer lol.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    That survivor perk for tracking foot steps and walking quicker sounds really solid, hopefully it's a Steve perk.

  • I_Eat_Worms
    I_Eat_Worms Member Posts: 324

    @se05239 unlike freddy the Demogorgon cant straight up teleport, he has to get to one of his fairly small portals and can travel to different portals, and unlike pig he is crawling on all 4s so he could possibly be stealthing faster and lower. also looks like survivors can also use the portals, or try to close them. so I think that Demogorgon will have a lot of map pressure being able to teleport out of portals usually unnoticed and able to stealth on all 4s and crawl around the map, basically i think he could be anywhere at anytime which sounds really cool

  • Immersed_P3_Nea
    Immersed_P3_Nea Member Posts: 49

    I’m at work and google translate is kinda wonky on my phone. Anyone mind posting the translation?

  • OutbreakJack
    OutbreakJack Member Posts: 62

    All the perks in the article sounded pretty interesting. The steve perk about unhooking someone and the unhooked person doesnt leave any footsteps or make any noise for a time, then the rescuers aura being exposed for a short period. I could see a lot of high level survivors having fun with that one.

  • Mikeadatrix
    Mikeadatrix Member Posts: 890

    Pair that puppy with We'll Make It and Steve has become the best protector in the game... I can't wait!

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I'm all for powerful perks, but blocking vaults and windows for 30 seconds each time a generator is repaired seems a bit much in my opinion. Probably not overpowered but perhaps a but frustrating for how random it could be.

    The second perk, having generators automatically start regressing when downing a survivor nearby sounds pretty good.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053
    edited August 2019

    Short summary:

    Demogorgons power allows him to teleport similar to rework Freddy. Lore wise it's explained via the Upside Down world. Normally walks on two legs, but will also be able to change it's stance, when it switches into a crouch mode.

    It's perks are designed to keep survivors away from objectives or slow them down. One blocks all windows and vaults for 30 seconds, after a generator get's done. Another kicks all gens at the map, when the killer picks up a survivor.

    Steve is the "Babysitter", who is focused to keep others alive and tries to get the attention of the killer. One of his perks for example get's activated, when he unhooks another survivor. The unhooked one won't leave scratch marks behind and be silent for a while, while Steve will get a time limited object of obsession effect on himself.

    Nancy on the other hand is goal orientated and wan't to finish the game as fast possible. One of her perks is an Obsession-Perk, which makes her obsessed for a specific gen. If she is able to finish that gen she will receive some bonuses (Unknow which one)

    Another of the new survivor perk(Uncertain which survivor), will allow them to see their own scratchmarks and move faster (They say run faster, but I have a doubts about that). Meant to help you trick the killer into a wrong direction.

    Keep in mind this article was written by German people who probably interviewed McCote originally in English. Stuff can slightly be off somehow.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    The first one is rather situational though. This perks power would rely on the fact generators would be popping so it can only be used a total of 5 times and as a killer you also want to prevent these generators to pop. I think it sounds better on paper than it actually is but who knows maybe I’m wrong.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I know, that's why I doubt it would be op. Maybe not as good as Bamboozle in fact. It just seems very random. In some matches it could do almost nothing, and in other matches maybe it will catch a survivor who is about to vault a window. Probably won't be as effective againt swf either, because they can tell whenever the chased survivor is close to vaulting, so the survivor just about to finish a gen would just wait until the survivor vaulted.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    Yeah, I’m going to guess survivors can close these portals, given one of the pics we’ve seen with Steve and Nancy at a portal. I doubt they can use them. The tradeoff obviously would be having to take the time to close them with the reward being to decrease his map pressure. So like maybe if you see a portal near a gen you want to work on, you’d try to close the portal first or something. Probably works like a gen where multiple survivors closes it faster.

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,370

    I've always wanted a perk to see your own scratch marks! Hope this interview was real!