Congrats Behavior!

Number 1 trending on youtube and over a million views this might have been the publicity the game needed!
To what get new players for this toxic community to bully
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Easy there sunshine, save some positivity for the rest of us
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You must be fun at parties....
Congrats to the game indeed and I think having new players will be good for the game
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If that's your outlook on the game sounds like you need a break.
The fact you fail to realize that this is a huge deal not only for behavior but for the community is problematic if you hate something dont play it just saying man and you seem like you dislike the game.
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Oh yeah I mean this is huge. Its hard to say how many players will be retained once the hype has died down and people play the game. However I can easily see thousands of new players being retained across all platforms. Plus in a few months when DBD does another free weekend the knowledge of a stranger things DLC is going to cause even more people to give the game a chance and thus keep the retention going.
A similar thing happened with me and the Halloween DLC. I'm a fan of Halloween and the knowledge he was in there was enough for me to give the game a chance and ultimately retain me
Now BHVR. How about a Godzilla dlc?
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I'd prefer a Resident Evil dlc, but I DO love Godzilla...
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What about predator from the movies
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The Stranger Things DLC will definitely increase the playerbase by a good amount.
Also, I'd love a Godzilla DLC. Big fan of the franchise for about a decade.
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Not possible as there's already a Predator game coming out soon
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With an actual monster coming up Soon™ as a Killer choice, I'd love to see that darn werewolf Killer.
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Wth why so negative?
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Can you give me a link
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That doesn't affect what the Devs can and cannot get.
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Predator Hunting Grounds
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Behaviour would have to negotiate with Disney to get Predator BUT if this new predator game is a success (Don't think it would) that license is either not sharing or going to cost a lot which I don't think behaviour would pay.
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If anything, an influx of new players will lower the toxicity atleast for a while, as there will be a larger number of less toxic people to thin out the amount of already toxic, if you get me.
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That sounds weird, doesn't it? Why does Disney own Predator? I mean, I get it from a business perspective but imagine hugging a friendly Predator at Disney World.
They used to be a children/family company, but now they're just as money hungry as every other predatory business. It's sad.
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Fox owns Predator, Disney owns Fox. I think that would be jokes a kid hugging a Predator xD Maybe not a Magic Kingdom but MGM studio has a Alien Ride
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What?! They didn't have any of that when I went to MGM Studios! They didn't even have the Terminator scene back then T_T
All we got was E.T., King Kong, Jaws (which ruined everyone's cameras), and Back to the Future, which was a movie not a ride.
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You got the wrong theme park my friend xD You went to Universal Studios, MGM has Indiana Jones, Aliens, Twilight Zone, Rock n Roller etc.
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Oh haha yeah that's where we went! Down in Florida. They have a movie shop with props from films you can buy. In the Terminator scene when Reese enters the department store to find clothes, there's a silver bust of a man focused for a few seconds. That bust was on sale for $4,000 as well as some other things from film.
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There is no positivity , face the facts.
This game has the most toxic community I've ever seen in a videogame.
This game doesn't need publicity,it needs fixing.
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Dude #2 ain't wrong though...he's not mad, he doesn't hate the game, he's simply stating the truth.
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Oh you guys. /me shaking my head
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Yikes bro that's really all there is to say honestly.
Should maybe find another game if thats how you feel about the game again if you dont enjoy something dont play it if Words/Gestures/Game Mechanics hurt your feelings that easy that is honestly a you problem that's not a game problem there will be bad apples in any game.
Growth is good more players playing opens a lot of doors.
-New Game modes(More players means higher chances for this to happen)
-Faster Queues
-More Variety
Theres probably many more but you get the idea.
Back to the original point that mindset is actually the problem with the game no matter how hard behavior tries to do good things people like youself and mr banned icon put them down as if the community is the worst of all time bro its a pvp game yes there will be toxicity you cant do anything about that name a pvp game that has no chatter going on in it you cant unless its a dead game.
Id also like to just point out if you are gonna reply with Camping/Tunneling/Slugging your argument is already debunked as there are counters to everyone of them.
Also one last thing if you think dbd is the most toxic game of all time you clearly have never played CSGO/League of Legends/Dota/RainbowSix just saying.
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Exactly. Trending like that means people who dont know the game are interested. Almost ONLY for stranger things. Theyll try the game, meet the campers and pro loopers, gen rushers and ruins nonstop, and get pissed and either just quit, or add to the whining on here.
1/10 of the people that are new, for ST, I'd say will actually stay.
It's like fortnite. Use things to hype people up and play, but then they realize the game isnt what they want, or even what it used to be.
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I've played siege and LoL a lot. Recently. This community is easily the most toxic.
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Welcome to Dark Sou- oh its still DBD.
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yea, sorry, every pvp game has some level of toxicity, but DBD tops every single one of them that I've played.
It's why I've taken a break from the game (again), playing survivor is just a chore and often results in camp/tunnel and killer bores me...
I still love the game, enough to stick around the forums, but I highly doubt many people who come in from the hype will stick around unless they're the type who enjoy the toxicity and wish to add even more.
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I'd much rather see a wear wolf then Godzilla..... how in the absolute hell would godzilla even work?
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First of all Xenomorph now..... That is all
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Hopefully we are welcoming enough
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A man in a Godzilla suit
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Well have you seen Davids new cosmetic?
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7.8/10 too much box