Idea on killer mobility

AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
What does everyone think if... Killers could use shrines to teleport across the map. There are 2 shrines per map, one on each side. Shrines are just a tool Killers coukd have to quickly get from one area to another. Killers must be at the shrine in order to teleport. Perks could be introduced to feature this mechanic if it was implemented in the game in some form. Opinions on this idea are appreciated.


  • Tsukirose31
    Tsukirose31 Member Posts: 53

    I kinda feel like that would be op for some of the killers. Hag and nurse can already kinda do this and few of the other killers are already pretty fast. If the maps were bigger then yes, I'd totally agree this would be a great idea. But honestly the maps aren't big enough that this is warranted.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    @Tsukirose31 I feel like it would strengthen killers like myers, trapper, pig, Wraith, huntress, clown, leatherface and killers who can get around the map easily (nurse &billy) it would be an alternative method of travel and it would bring other killers to their level of mobility.
  • Tsukirose31
    Tsukirose31 Member Posts: 53

    @AshleyWB I completely see what you mean. It would strengthen them. But I just feel like the maps honestly aren't that big. If they were bigger and had a little more to them, say like the Friday the 13th maps, I'd totally understand this. I would. But there's not much to these maps. They're pretty basic.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Still it would be the killers option if they wanted to use this. Maps are never too big to rule out new machanics. The shrines would be far apart anyway.
  • skynight
    skynight Member Posts: 38

    I love the idea of "shrines" coming to the fog as a new intractable that could provide skill based or time based interactions for any player that come in contact with it.

    As for teleportation, while this would make some killer's lives so much easier, mobility has been made essential to balance. Some killer's kits are built around teleportation in particular, like Nurse and Hag. Having this as a global option may be a little much in current state. Bigger maps or only available under certain conditions perhaps.

    Thanks for the idea!

  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370
    edited July 2018

    @Tsukirose31 said:
    I kinda feel like that would be op for some of the killers. Hag and nurse can already kinda do this and few of the other killers are already pretty fast. If the maps were bigger then yes, I'd totally agree this would be a great idea. But honestly the maps aren't big enough that this is warranted.

    Then only implement this for the less mobile killers...pain in the ass to code i think but can be that. Trying to compensate for swf using coms is a pain. but killers need something for sure.

  • Tsukirose31
    Tsukirose31 Member Posts: 53

    @Envees said:

    @Tsukirose31 said:
    I kinda feel like that would be op for some of the killers. Hag and nurse can already kinda do this and few of the other killers are already pretty fast. If the maps were bigger then yes, I'd totally agree this would be a great idea. But honestly the maps aren't big enough that this is warranted.

    Then only implement this for the less mobile killers...pain in the ass to code i think but can be that. Trying to compensate for swf using coms is a pain. but killers need something for sure.

    Yeah but there are a good amount of us, me included, who don't play swf. We play alone. It's hard enough for us to know what's going on with everyone else. Basing this on swf wouldn't really be fair to the rest of the community. It's not that I don't like the idea, I just feel like if this is was implemented there would have to be a change to maps. Make them bigger. It would also make it so gens aren't so close together. More map means more room for everything.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Maybe the action speed to go through the teleport is considerably longer on the small maps due to the fact that theres less space to cover.
  • Tsukirose31
    Tsukirose31 Member Posts: 53

    @AshleyWB but wouldn't something like that just make it so walking would be faster. This is why I think map size factors into this. I think it's an amazing idea and I love it. But the fact is map size wise, it makes no sense to have it.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    @Tsukirose31 It's another option for the killer. Less predictability. Killers don't need to use it but can if they want to get somewhere quick without the terror radius creeping up it goes BAM killers here.
  • Tsukirose31
    Tsukirose31 Member Posts: 53

    @AshleyWB yeah, don't get me wrong, I completely see what you mean and I like the idea. I'm just stating when you step back and think about all factors, there would have to be some adjustments for it. :) If those adjustments were made, I'd totally be down for this.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869
    I think I'm just bidding my time until someone comes along with this concept executed better. We're all aware of the several games that came out during this games lifecycle with relatively (in some cases, exactly) the same formula. 

    Honestly, I would love to see a game that took from the dying light formula. Free roaming traversal of a few rather large maps, having powers that provide mobility as well as offensive and defensive powers, objectives set in a way that provide opportunity for multiple approaches, the killer is a legitimate threat that you must pay attention to when he is close or approaching, pelnty of counterplay and tools for both the hunter and survivors to make use of, can be fun (at times I'd argue even MORE fun) to play against groups of four the list goes on for positives to this approach. 

    I know this kind of game can work. This game does for the most part work, and be the zombie mode in Dying light is great fun, if limited by the fact the mode was pretty much an afterthought. Honestly, if dying light 2 brings some growth and diversity to this mode when it drops, I might never look back to DBD if they make the mode a full fledged feature