I am a new player and...

I am unfortunately already getting tired of the game. I fear all the people drawn in by Stranger Things will be quick to lose interest aswell.
The game itself has great promise and I love the gameplay- BUT- the extreme dependence on perks of which takes AN UNGODLY AMOUNT OF TIME to get just be viable greatly ruins most of the game. I decided early I wanted to focus on the killers (I scare too easily so survivor is not my jam, I'd die every time I were found), and so I bought a few of them because I wanted to support this newly found great game and such.
But now I have come to learn that killers such as GhostFace are neigh completely useless without the right perks, I have tried and tried on him and he just keeps on failing. In fact most of the killers are borderline garbage without perks.
In general I just feel like the perks hurt the game more than they help it. There are so many moments where I think to myself " Wait that's bullcrap! " when I am sure I was about to win a hard fought chase against a survivor but they miraculously get away due to some perk.
The only killer I have had consistent luck with is The Hag, her traps seem to catch most people off-guard, but I so sick and tired of only being able to play one killers consistently without being completely run over by the survivors.
Any decent survivor can loop you around for days easily on most killers and it seems like you keep running into premade groups that just love to make your life miserable.
I fear you may lose this player soon. I wish it wasn't the case as I love your game, but your game quickly went from being very fun to very frustrating and downright stress inducing.
P.S to you t-bagging and emote spamming survivors, go back to the hellpit you spawned from.
Whats your rank and what DLCs do you have? I might be able to help ya put something together thats newbie friendly.
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Rank 11 - The Pig, The Doctor, GhostFace, The Plague. EDIT and The Hag
But the issue here is not so much noob friendly. The game has what appears to be glaring issues that most of the community here just seems to live with. This game is in NO WAY gonna appeal to the mass of people coming with how it is right now. Nobody should have to grind for what feels like will be weeks just to have fun finally.
I mean, I had fun from rank 20 till about rank 14 when the game just got an insane difficulty spike, everyone started to loop you around for days and generators are always done within 5 minues. Mostly if not it is because they are toying with you.
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They are addressing some of the grind at the same time as the next chapter release. Whether it'll be enough is yet to be seen.
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I wasnt talking about grinding, its just often times a simple loadout on an easy to understand killer can go pretty far. I use to play aton of Doc when I was new and did fairly well with him, before ever lvling up other killers to get THEIR perks.
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They’re supposedly making the grind a lot easier but I’ll believe it when I see it.
I agree, this game is not very noob friendly at all. It’s a simple enough concept to be sure, but the grind just is too steep and a little unfair.
I wish killers weren’t so add on dependent either. You feel pressured to not waste those expensive add ons.
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Tried The Doctor, he just seems sub-optimal to The Huntress and The Hag. But he was certainly fun, till again, you start meeting the people with hundreds of hours on the game and completely ruin the experiencing for you.
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Doc is good for helping out with Tracking if nothing else, since its fairly easy to find ppl. You still have to learn how to run different loops and how to mindgame abit. When I first started, I just followed the same exact path as the survivor, vaulting what they vault and breaking EVERY pallet. Looking back now...its kinda cringeworthy. These are things you can improve at though that doesnt need a particular perk.
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Been screwing around with Piggy lately using only brown addons, and been doin alright. Before then It was Shape using addons Green and under (I use scratched mirror for a fun game whenever i can find the right map offering). I DID hit rank 1 as Freddy before he got his rework before I ever even unlocked ruin, but I DID feel addon reliant on THAT one.
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Yes, I do know I got some ways to go on the chasing. But it still doesn't address the perk system or how some killers feel vastly underpowered compared to the survivors.
I am truly trying to give the game as good a chance as I can, but it is slowly but surely losing me.
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Are you on PC or console?
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Exactly. I really hope they make some groundbreaking changes in this department.
I would even say, re-do the way the whole system works. Being able to change how your characters works and functions are awesome. But being reliant on some good consumables that you lose after a round and certain perks for some killers does not breed a healthy game.
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But after a long day and a half of grinding, I have finally unlocked Hex: Ruin for all my characters and I just got it now on GhostFace, here is to hoping that changes anything at all.
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Wanna hop in a KYF match for some tips?
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Thanks for the offer, but I am about to hop to bed! :)
Ruin seems to help a bit, as it slows it down just enough for me to make a difference.
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I don't blame you, solo que is dead and killer lobbies take forever.
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I actually find queues as killer to be alright! 2 minutes tops after 7 PM till around midnight. Before that though, urgh, 5ish minutes atleast.
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5 minute queue times dont really both me since I usually just have either the forums or a youtube video or something on my 2nd screen.
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I found early on the best thing to do was level as many things to 40 as possible for their perks. Leatherface is always a good start because BBQ and Chilli cuts down the grind so much.
By playing through and unlocking perks, I was playing a broad range of killers and each one would have more options for perks than the last. If you unlock a teachable and then work on unlocking that perk on EVERYTHING you own, it's going to be a very slow process with minimal reward as you go.
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Yeah, the perk economy is the grossest, most terminally broken thing about this game. You have to invest heavily in a killer to get perks before you can even understand whether that killer is a good fit for you.
I just wish you could buy any perks you've unlocked, a la carte for BP, on a character-by-character basis, independent of the Bloodweb.
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Yeah. I have come to the conclusion I will probably let the game collect dust come Monday. There are too many infuriating mechanics in the game. Just discovered keys to open hatches early. Mori's are ruining matches too. What is the point of these keys and the Mori's? They only shorten games needlessly and to the detriment of whoever is on the receiving end of it.
Perks are still mostly very annoying to deal with, be it killer or survivor perks, not annoying in a sense of " Ah dang it, that got me " but more like in you get slightly pissed and feel screwed over by the game. The grind to even get them just adds to it. As far as I am aware, that is something you want to stay away from as a dev, but who am I to say, I ain't no dev.
Glad some of you can keep up with this, but I am out. Good luck to the devs and the players, let's hope Stranger Things can get lasting players. Hope Dead by Daylight 2 is a lot better and/or even a overhaul of the systems here in current game to make it more enjoyable. I will keep an eye out for it.
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I think new survivors will be more frustrated than new killers IF and only IF matchmaking does its job and keeps rank 15-20 going against rank 15-20's.
My reasoning behind that is that DBD imo, is more forgiving to a new killer than a new survivor. Things a new survivor and new killer both have in common:
Lack of map/pallet knowledge
Lack of perk knowledge (lack of perks in general because no teachables unlocked)
Lack of advanced mechanics (looping, 360, stain manipulation, etc)
However new survivors also have to worry about skill checks on gens and while healing (which I know us old people would laugh at but they can throw off new people). And when you throw Ruin on top of that, that destroys new players. You can play killer in low ranks and not know anything about the game and still do well. If all else fails, you can see where all the gens are and just patrol them.
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Before complaining how about learning how the game works? Youre not dependend on certain perks. It just takes time to understand what to Do.
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I highly disagree on this part. It may not be important to a highly skilled player, but they make night and day differences to everyone but a highly skilled player.
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I beg to differ, perks do indeed play a major role in the game and they are insanely powerful. They may not make a night and day difference for the highly skilled players in I guess, rank 5 and below but to everyone else they do.
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They are addressing these things soon, they also said they would diminish the grind in the bloodweb. The game can get tiring and I vouch for that ideation. As a long time player, it can get boring and exhausting at times. I think though as a new player, you need to learn that this game does make perks important and you would be putting yourself at a significant disadvantage against people with the "meta". Either way, I hope you find a comfortable chair if you decide to keep playing. You're welcome into our community and many other newcomers!