Killers always gonna be whine about survivors no matter what

You know, the last time Killers really did quit the game, Survivor queue times spiked. Survivors have short memories, apparently...
Do you want to know the difference between Killer whining and Survivor whining? The majority of Killers "whine" about severe balance issues that result in unfun games and put all the power in what should be the weaker side in this asymmetrical game (Survivors). The majority of Survivors whine about things that either make them less powerful (as it should be) or things that can made them lose for once.
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@ConsoleNurse said:
Im tired of #########.Just play the game and enjoy.I hate toxic survivors and killers too but i am not whining.If you do not want SWF then quit the game.If you do not want to loop,play nurse then.Killer mains saltier than everyoneAre you really asking for another October 2017? When every killer stopped playing killer and survivors had 45+ minute ques BEFORE they got dodged?
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yes. killers do seem to complain. we complain about balance issues.... survivors don't complain as much. survivors complained about NOED.... so now its a hex. they complained about face camping.... so now we have swivel hooks. they complained about juggling to avoid Dstrike.... so now 3 drops is it.... yes. survivors complain about things and they listen.... they don't give a **** about killers. they need 4 survivors. they only need 1 killer....
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From one console Nurse to another, sometimes you want to play a Killer other than Nurse without basically shooting yourself in the damn foot for doing so.
I’m on PS4, you can look up my profile if you want. I’m no Killer Main, I play both sides equally. My PSN name is SoveriegnKing, even I will lobby for the changes, and I will definitely say something about SWF. Like it or not, it’s not right that SWF gets advantages outside of the game as well as perks, items, and game mechanics that are highly skewed in their favor.5 -
@ConsoleNurse said:
Im tired of #########.Just play the game and enjoy.I hate toxic survivors and killers too but i am not whining.If you do not want SWF then quit the game.If you do not want to loop,play nurse then.Killer mains saltier than everyonewell played person. you just showed the world how little you know about balance and how little you understand what and why the killers "whine". they rarely whine, and when they do its balance related.
meanwhile i get flamed for winning, and essentially for losing almost every game i play.
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@ConsoleNurse This wouldve been a better post had you said instead of whining that doesnt help at all give the devs idea on what they can do to make it better (No need to attack me I know alot of you killers do that I am also someone that loves playing killer)
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So why have other killers if nurse is the only one working? And isnt this like saying all survivors should stop whining over camping or quit the game?
Many swf groups are to killers what camping and tunneling is to survivors. What this game really needs, is ofc some balance, but most of all, its players need to stop being #########, and actually play the game as if, surprise, another human being is playing with you. But until then, just deal with everything, hopeless as it is sometimes and go to another lobby after and cross your fingers for a better game. And have fun and chill, dont let them ruin your game.0 -
you know that SWF actually gives an unfair advantage to the survivors right? The killer is rank 14 for example , but the SWF is a rank 20 and a rank 6. that rank 6 will definitely carry the rank 20. The rank 20 could also just a be a deranked survivor which means it's even MORE unfair.
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@ConsoleNurse said:
Im tired of #########.Just play the game and enjoy.I hate toxic survivors and killers too but i am not whining.If you do not want SWF then quit the game.If you do not want to loop,play nurse then.Killer mains saltier than everyonewell, imagine this would actually happen, everybody who is fed up with swf quadettes and the glaring balance issues would suddenly stop playing.
less potential income for the devs
a huge spike in queue times
survivors start playing killer and see how screwed this role is and leave therefore aswellits almost like you would tell the killer playerbase they should go and play civ5 or something like that
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I dont want to play nurse and stare at my feet the whole time but she is the only true one that can deal with being looped to hell and back. All other killers are more or less relying on survs to fudge up.
Without killers you do not have a game. I stopped playing surv cos it was too stressful for me till i tried killer. Ok i stopped getting the shakes but then my blood-pressure went up every time i played this game. This game, in its current state, is not even good for your health. It should come with a warning. This is not a joke either.
Killers are mostly whinging about the state of, or lack thereof, balance is this game. Chases take too long. Survs have too many second chance perks and this is on top of the skill level.
Do you like running in circles? I dont. But this is the state of the game. Running in circles like idiots. This is not fun. Then we have crummy tacts to deal with like last second flashlight switchers and all the BM you get no matter what you do as killer.
All this BS is what turned me into a toxic killer. I mean really toxic - as far as game play is concerned. I would camp the person i got without giving them a second or third chance to be hooked cos i knew how long chases took and i had no desire to let that person do it to me again. Same with flashlights. If you even saved just one person you were my target and a threat to my points/fun factor. I would get you and watch you die and possibly break your keyboard. The fun i had went from playing this game to watching you die.
Call me whatever you want but i got real enjoyment out of watching you die. That is my fun.
We want a fair chance and not an advantage like surv that use coms currently have but survs cant be trusted so i camp them to death. I camped my way to nearly rank 10 at which point i said no more. This is BS running in circles all day and quit the game.
Now i am waiting for some real changes not the impending band-aids that a nerfed tinkerer and animation locked DS will provide. What i see happening is that flashlights will take an ever greater part in the game with multiples flashing you from all sides to get the DS user off.
Till then i will play other stuff. That is the way it is.
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I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.2
@Tsukirose31 said:
I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.When was that time? Pre Alpha?
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I can't exactly remember but I know it was near the beginning. I'm just saying most of us want balanced. Not leaning heavily towards one side. Not all players are toxic either. If one side is too strong your going to loose the other making finding a game hard. Basing all nerfs and buffs on trolls is not the way to go. It's going to ruin the game for everyone else. That's all I'm saying. Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.When was that time? Pre Alpha?
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@Tsukirose31 said:
I can't exactly remember but I know it was near the beginning. I'm just saying most of us want balanced. Not leaning heavily towards one side. Not all players are toxic either. If one side is too strong your going to loose the other making finding a game hard. Basing all nerfs and buffs of trolls is not the way to go. It's going to ruin the game for everyone else. That's all I'm saying. Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.
When was that time? Pre Alpha?
Game has been survivor sided for 2 years. That´s why i´m asking. The ONLY times killers had long lobby ques, was when a new killer was released and survivor mains had to test the new killer on ranked instead of KYF.
10 out of 12 killers need buffs. That´s not "some killers" that´s the overwhelming majority. Back in the beginning SC was so strong, that a survivor could heal himself in between 2 killer hits. Also Infinites existed back then. So i doubt that was the time where killers were considered OP.
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@ConsoleNurse Bad thing's happen when good people do nothing.
In order to improve the game the changes need to come in the right areas. The good people in the playerbase need to ######### and whine honestly to give a clear indication of the games shortfalls. #YesWeCan #BuffKiller #NotNurseOrBilly #SWFbalance #DSNerf #SBNerf #HatchBalance #ReportSystem #DedicatedServers #PLAY AND ENJOY0 -
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
I can't exactly remember but I know it was near the beginning. I'm just saying most of us want balanced. Not leaning heavily towards one side. Not all players are toxic either. If one side is too strong your going to loose the other making finding a game hard. Basing all nerfs and buffs of trolls is not the way to go. It's going to ruin the game for everyone else. That's all I'm saying. Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.
When was that time? Pre Alpha?
Game has been survivor sided for 2 years. That´s why i´m asking. The ONLY times killers had long lobby ques, was when a new killer was released and survivor mains had to test the new killer on ranked instead of KYF.
10 out of 12 killers need buffs. That´s not "some killers" that´s the overwhelming majority. Back in the beginning SC was so strong, that a survivor could heal himself in between 2 killer hits. Also Infinites existed back then. So i doubt that was the time where killers were considered OP.
10 out of 12, so yes, SOME. I don't think you're getting the point of my post here. My point is that basing buffs and nerfs on trolls is not the way to go. Providing a balanced game on both sides is. I'm a survivor main and I know there are survivors out there that can control the game by themselves which I do not think is okay. I know survivors need nerfed. That being said, most of the the complaints I'm seeing and 'fixes' that I'm hearing would make the survivor completely frustrating to play as I know some killers are frustrating to play and need buffed. Nerfs and buffs need to be balance across the board. Not just in ones favor. I agree with some of the upcoming nerfs to survivors and all of the buffs to killers that are coming. Yes the killer needs to be slightly stronger than survivors. But completely overwhelming to the survivors will cut the survivor player base in half.
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@ConsoleNurse said:
Im tired of #########.Just play the game and enjoy.I hate toxic survivors and killers too but i am not whining.If you do not want SWF then quit the game.If you do not want to loop,play nurse then.Killer mains saltier than everyoneKiller mains complain about balance issues and blame it on the devs, not survivors generally.
Survivor mains complain about how killers play and how they should play. They have their own made up rules like killers shouldn't tunnel a person because he is injured or they shouldn't camp and all that stuff.
You can say that killers do the same thing to DS or flashlights but there is a huge difference. Killer side should have been the stronger side with many tools, not survivors. Flashlights, DS, bodyblocking create many many balance issues.
Although both sides complain, not always but generally, the killer side point out the balance issues in the game while the survivors side just whine.
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@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
I can't exactly remember but I know it was near the beginning. I'm just saying most of us want balanced. Not leaning heavily towards one side. Not all players are toxic either. If one side is too strong your going to loose the other making finding a game hard. Basing all nerfs and buffs of trolls is not the way to go. It's going to ruin the game for everyone else. That's all I'm saying. Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.
When was that time? Pre Alpha?
Game has been survivor sided for 2 years. That´s why i´m asking. The ONLY times killers had long lobby ques, was when a new killer was released and survivor mains had to test the new killer on ranked instead of KYF.
10 out of 12 killers need buffs. That´s not "some killers" that´s the overwhelming majority. Back in the beginning SC was so strong, that a survivor could heal himself in between 2 killer hits. Also Infinites existed back then. So i doubt that was the time where killers were considered OP.
10 out of 12, so yes, SOME. I don't think you're getting the point of my post here. My point is that basing buffs and nerfs on trolls is not the way to go. Providing a balanced game on both sides is. I'm a survivor main and I know there are survivors out there that can control the game by themselves which I do not think is okay. I know survivors need nerfed. That being said, most of the the complaints I'm seeing and 'fixes' that I'm hearing would make the survivor completely frustrating to play as I know some killers are frustrating to play and need buffed. Nerfs and buffs need to be balance across the board. Not just in ones favor. I agree with some of the upcoming nerfs to survivors and all of the buffs to killers that are coming. Yes the killer needs to be slightly stronger than survivors. But completely overwhelming to the survivors will cut the survivor player base in half.
Those slight nerfs that are coming with the next patch, won´t really do much to change the meta and the game. BUT survivors complain about it, like its the end of the world. Balance needs to happen. OP perks like SC, DS, SB need to be nerfed hard. As hard as killer perks got nerfed back in the day. Turning a meta perk into a useless one (Myers perks). Survivors need more objectives and Hex perks should be normal perks. The only one which would require an adjustment in numbers would be Devour Hope. Just increase the required hooks/saves and the perk wouldn´t be OP despite of being a normal one.
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only toxic survivors with mics bother me.0
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
I can't exactly remember but I know it was near the beginning. I'm just saying most of us want balanced. Not leaning heavily towards one side. Not all players are toxic either. If one side is too strong your going to loose the other making finding a game hard. Basing all nerfs and buffs of trolls is not the way to go. It's going to ruin the game for everyone else. That's all I'm saying. Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.
When was that time? Pre Alpha?
Game has been survivor sided for 2 years. That´s why i´m asking. The ONLY times killers had long lobby ques, was when a new killer was released and survivor mains had to test the new killer on ranked instead of KYF.
10 out of 12 killers need buffs. That´s not "some killers" that´s the overwhelming majority. Back in the beginning SC was so strong, that a survivor could heal himself in between 2 killer hits. Also Infinites existed back then. So i doubt that was the time where killers were considered OP.
10 out of 12, so yes, SOME. I don't think you're getting the point of my post here. My point is that basing buffs and nerfs on trolls is not the way to go. Providing a balanced game on both sides is. I'm a survivor main and I know there are survivors out there that can control the game by themselves which I do not think is okay. I know survivors need nerfed. That being said, most of the the complaints I'm seeing and 'fixes' that I'm hearing would make the survivor completely frustrating to play as I know some killers are frustrating to play and need buffed. Nerfs and buffs need to be balance across the board. Not just in ones favor. I agree with some of the upcoming nerfs to survivors and all of the buffs to killers that are coming. Yes the killer needs to be slightly stronger than survivors. But completely overwhelming to the survivors will cut the survivor player base in half.
Those slight nerfs that are coming with the next patch, won´t really do much to change the meta and the game. BUT survivors complain about it, like its the end of the world. Balance needs to happen. OP perks like SC, DS, SB need to be nerfed hard. As hard as killer perks got nerfed back in the day. Turning a meta perk into a useless one (Myers perks). Survivors need more objectives and Hex perks should be normal perks. The only one which would require an adjustment in numbers would be Devour Hope. Just increase the required hooks/saves and the perk wouldn´t be OP despite of being a normal one.
I'm not complaining about it. The only one that hurts my soul a little is the self care one but I understand it. I don't use DS. If I get caught, I don't deserve a get out of jail free card. Sprint burst I also understand. Granted it's helped me out a lot but I understand it. I also understand this is not going to fix the game. I play killer too, not the best, but I play. I'm getting better. I understand some of the struggle which is why I agree with these things. I would love more objectives as a survivor. That would be AWESOME!!! I don't feel ALL hex perks should be normal perks. I think ruin shouldn't be specifically because that's just a bit too much. But ones like devour, third seal, and lullaby, yeah, I could see those being normal perks. (Side note: See everyone!!! We're having a discussion without verbally attacking each other lol)
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Thanks for your help.
We truly needed this thread in here that is definitely gonna change the game and possibly, save lives and cure cancer.4 -
This is the most hypocritical post i have ever seen0
You are complaining about killers complaining0
People want equal balance in a 1v4 ASYMMETRICAL game. This is not symmetry, this is asymmetry, the Killer is supposed to be really strong.
A small, cartoon-like mobile game did this game but actually did it right.
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@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
I can't exactly remember but I know it was near the beginning. I'm just saying most of us want balanced. Not leaning heavily towards one side. Not all players are toxic either. If one side is too strong your going to loose the other making finding a game hard. Basing all nerfs and buffs of trolls is not the way to go. It's going to ruin the game for everyone else. That's all I'm saying. Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.
When was that time? Pre Alpha?
Game has been survivor sided for 2 years. That´s why i´m asking. The ONLY times killers had long lobby ques, was when a new killer was released and survivor mains had to test the new killer on ranked instead of KYF.
10 out of 12 killers need buffs. That´s not "some killers" that´s the overwhelming majority. Back in the beginning SC was so strong, that a survivor could heal himself in between 2 killer hits. Also Infinites existed back then. So i doubt that was the time where killers were considered OP.
10 out of 12, so yes, SOME. I don't think you're getting the point of my post here. My point is that basing buffs and nerfs on trolls is not the way to go. Providing a balanced game on both sides is. I'm a survivor main and I know there are survivors out there that can control the game by themselves which I do not think is okay. I know survivors need nerfed. That being said, most of the the complaints I'm seeing and 'fixes' that I'm hearing would make the survivor completely frustrating to play as I know some killers are frustrating to play and need buffed. Nerfs and buffs need to be balance across the board. Not just in ones favor. I agree with some of the upcoming nerfs to survivors and all of the buffs to killers that are coming. Yes the killer needs to be slightly stronger than survivors. But completely overwhelming to the survivors will cut the survivor player base in half.
Those slight nerfs that are coming with the next patch, won´t really do much to change the meta and the game. BUT survivors complain about it, like its the end of the world. Balance needs to happen. OP perks like SC, DS, SB need to be nerfed hard. As hard as killer perks got nerfed back in the day. Turning a meta perk into a useless one (Myers perks). Survivors need more objectives and Hex perks should be normal perks. The only one which would require an adjustment in numbers would be Devour Hope. Just increase the required hooks/saves and the perk wouldn´t be OP despite of being a normal one.
I'm not complaining about it. The only one that hurts my soul a little is the self care one but I understand it. I don't use DS. If I get caught, I don't deserve a get out of jail free card. Sprint burst I also understand. Granted it's helped me out a lot but I understand it. I also understand this is not going to fix the game. I play killer too, not the best, but I play. I'm getting better. I understand some of the struggle which is why I agree with these things. I would love more objectives as a survivor. That would be AWESOME!!! I don't feel ALL hex perks should be normal perks. I think ruin shouldn't be specifically because that's just a bit too much. But ones like devour, third seal, and lullaby, yeah, I could see those being normal perks. (Side note: See everyone!!! We're having a discussion without verbally attacking each other lol)
Ruin isn´t much of a problem on high ranks. Survivors either gen tap or push through by hitting all the great skill checks. Hex perks were supposed to be "high risk, high reward" but sadly its more like a "high risk, low reward" thing. Ruin is only mandatory on high ranks, because the gens get done so quickly.
For example, i just had a match, where i got hooked near ruin. 3 gens were done before they unhooked me. 3 gens before ruin was destroyed. Wasn´t really a slow game.
A hexless Devour Hope would also reduce camping.People can usually argue with me. I´m usually a really calm and reasonable person. We can have different opinions and as long as everyone defends his opinion without insulting, i dont see a problem.
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@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
I can't exactly remember but I know it was near the beginning. I'm just saying most of us want balanced. Not leaning heavily towards one side. Not all players are toxic either. If one side is too strong your going to loose the other making finding a game hard. Basing all nerfs and buffs of trolls is not the way to go. It's going to ruin the game for everyone else. That's all I'm saying. Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.
When was that time? Pre Alpha?
Game has been survivor sided for 2 years. That´s why i´m asking. The ONLY times killers had long lobby ques, was when a new killer was released and survivor mains had to test the new killer on ranked instead of KYF.
10 out of 12 killers need buffs. That´s not "some killers" that´s the overwhelming majority. Back in the beginning SC was so strong, that a survivor could heal himself in between 2 killer hits. Also Infinites existed back then. So i doubt that was the time where killers were considered OP.
10 out of 12, so yes, SOME. I don't think you're getting the point of my post here. My point is that basing buffs and nerfs on trolls is not the way to go. Providing a balanced game on both sides is. I'm a survivor main and I know there are survivors out there that can control the game by themselves which I do not think is okay. I know survivors need nerfed. That being said, most of the the complaints I'm seeing and 'fixes' that I'm hearing would make the survivor completely frustrating to play as I know some killers are frustrating to play and need buffed. Nerfs and buffs need to be balance across the board. Not just in ones favor. I agree with some of the upcoming nerfs to survivors and all of the buffs to killers that are coming. Yes the killer needs to be slightly stronger than survivors. But completely overwhelming to the survivors will cut the survivor player base in half.
Those slight nerfs that are coming with the next patch, won´t really do much to change the meta and the game. BUT survivors complain about it, like its the end of the world. Balance needs to happen. OP perks like SC, DS, SB need to be nerfed hard. As hard as killer perks got nerfed back in the day. Turning a meta perk into a useless one (Myers perks). Survivors need more objectives and Hex perks should be normal perks. The only one which would require an adjustment in numbers would be Devour Hope. Just increase the required hooks/saves and the perk wouldn´t be OP despite of being a normal one.
I'm not complaining about it. The only one that hurts my soul a little is the self care one but I understand it. I don't use DS. If I get caught, I don't deserve a get out of jail free card. Sprint burst I also understand. Granted it's helped me out a lot but I understand it. I also understand this is not going to fix the game. I play killer too, not the best, but I play. I'm getting better. I understand some of the struggle which is why I agree with these things. I would love more objectives as a survivor. That would be AWESOME!!! I don't feel ALL hex perks should be normal perks. I think ruin shouldn't be specifically because that's just a bit too much. But ones like devour, third seal, and lullaby, yeah, I could see those being normal perks. (Side note: See everyone!!! We're having a discussion without verbally attacking each other lol)
Ruin isn´t much of a problem on high ranks. Survivors either gen tap or push through by hitting all the great skill checks. Hex perks were supposed to be "high risk, high reward" but sadly its more like a "high risk, low reward" thing. Ruin is only mandatory on high ranks, because the gens get done so quickly.
For example, i just had a match, where i got hooked near ruin. 3 gens were done before they unhooked me. 3 gens before ruin was destroyed. Wasn´t really a slow game.
A hexless Devour Hope would also reduce camping.People can usually argue with me. I´m usually a really calm and reasonable person. We can have different opinions and as long as everyone defends his opinion without insulting, i dont see a problem.
Yeah, I power through ruin but on PS4 you would be surprised how many people between rank 4 and 1 don't power through and run around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for it. It's annoying as hell being the only one working on gens. Plus gen tapping is a guarantee. You could still get a pop up and blow it. On top of that it takes soooooo long to gen tap. Do you play on computer? (not asking in a judgy way) I just wanted to say, on PS4 75% of the time, those hexes go a long way. I guess it has more to do with platform for some of those hexes too. SWF probably factors into it as well. Talking to people would make things easier as well. "hey you go look for this, everyone keep doing that'
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@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
I can't exactly remember but I know it was near the beginning. I'm just saying most of us want balanced. Not leaning heavily towards one side. Not all players are toxic either. If one side is too strong your going to loose the other making finding a game hard. Basing all nerfs and buffs of trolls is not the way to go. It's going to ruin the game for everyone else. That's all I'm saying. Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.
When was that time? Pre Alpha?
Game has been survivor sided for 2 years. That´s why i´m asking. The ONLY times killers had long lobby ques, was when a new killer was released and survivor mains had to test the new killer on ranked instead of KYF.
10 out of 12 killers need buffs. That´s not "some killers" that´s the overwhelming majority. Back in the beginning SC was so strong, that a survivor could heal himself in between 2 killer hits. Also Infinites existed back then. So i doubt that was the time where killers were considered OP.
10 out of 12, so yes, SOME. I don't think you're getting the point of my post here. My point is that basing buffs and nerfs on trolls is not the way to go. Providing a balanced game on both sides is. I'm a survivor main and I know there are survivors out there that can control the game by themselves which I do not think is okay. I know survivors need nerfed. That being said, most of the the complaints I'm seeing and 'fixes' that I'm hearing would make the survivor completely frustrating to play as I know some killers are frustrating to play and need buffed. Nerfs and buffs need to be balance across the board. Not just in ones favor. I agree with some of the upcoming nerfs to survivors and all of the buffs to killers that are coming. Yes the killer needs to be slightly stronger than survivors. But completely overwhelming to the survivors will cut the survivor player base in half.
Those slight nerfs that are coming with the next patch, won´t really do much to change the meta and the game. BUT survivors complain about it, like its the end of the world. Balance needs to happen. OP perks like SC, DS, SB need to be nerfed hard. As hard as killer perks got nerfed back in the day. Turning a meta perk into a useless one (Myers perks). Survivors need more objectives and Hex perks should be normal perks. The only one which would require an adjustment in numbers would be Devour Hope. Just increase the required hooks/saves and the perk wouldn´t be OP despite of being a normal one.
I'm not complaining about it. The only one that hurts my soul a little is the self care one but I understand it. I don't use DS. If I get caught, I don't deserve a get out of jail free card. Sprint burst I also understand. Granted it's helped me out a lot but I understand it. I also understand this is not going to fix the game. I play killer too, not the best, but I play. I'm getting better. I understand some of the struggle which is why I agree with these things. I would love more objectives as a survivor. That would be AWESOME!!! I don't feel ALL hex perks should be normal perks. I think ruin shouldn't be specifically because that's just a bit too much. But ones like devour, third seal, and lullaby, yeah, I could see those being normal perks. (Side note: See everyone!!! We're having a discussion without verbally attacking each other lol)
Ruin isn´t much of a problem on high ranks. Survivors either gen tap or push through by hitting all the great skill checks. Hex perks were supposed to be "high risk, high reward" but sadly its more like a "high risk, low reward" thing. Ruin is only mandatory on high ranks, because the gens get done so quickly.
For example, i just had a match, where i got hooked near ruin. 3 gens were done before they unhooked me. 3 gens before ruin was destroyed. Wasn´t really a slow game.
A hexless Devour Hope would also reduce camping.People can usually argue with me. I´m usually a really calm and reasonable person. We can have different opinions and as long as everyone defends his opinion without insulting, i dont see a problem.
Yeah, I power through ruin but on PS4 you would be surprised how many people between rank 4 and 1 don't power through and run around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for it. It's annoying as hell being the only one working on gens. Plus gen tapping is a guarantee. You could still get a pop up and blow it. On top of that it takes soooooo long to gen tap. Do you play on computer? (not asking in a judgy way) I just wanted to say, on PS4 75% of the time, those hexes go a long way. I guess it has more to do with platform for some of those hexes too. SWF probably factors into it as well. Talking to people would make things easier as well. "hey you go look for this, everyone keep doing that'
Playing on PC. On high ranks the totem survives usually only the first 30 to 60 seconds. But since gens can be done so fast, every second counts. Killers shouldn´t be forced to sacrifice a perkslot to get some extra seconds of game time. The survivors should feel pressured, but only the killer feels pressured. Imagine a horror movie, where the victims are all relaxed and tease the killer, while he feels bullied and stressed all the time.
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@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
@Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:
I can't exactly remember but I know it was near the beginning. I'm just saying most of us want balanced. Not leaning heavily towards one side. Not all players are toxic either. If one side is too strong your going to loose the other making finding a game hard. Basing all nerfs and buffs of trolls is not the way to go. It's going to ruin the game for everyone else. That's all I'm saying. Tsulan said:
@Tsukirose31 said:I dont want to point this out but there was a time where there were very little survivors because the game was so unbalanced for them that people just straight up didn't want to play. Killers had a really hard time finding a game. I'm not saying there aren't some killers that need buffed or attention but killer mains you also have to realize us survivor mains want a balanced game on our end too. Yes there are things on survivor side that need nerfed but we needs our tools just as much as killers do to have a balanced game. There's a way to balance both sides without making things impossible for each other and basing survivor changes on a full squad of SWF is just not fair to the ones who play alone like myself. Even the few games I did get to play with friends I'm not a toxic player. Most of us are playing just to have a good time.
When was that time? Pre Alpha?
Game has been survivor sided for 2 years. That´s why i´m asking. The ONLY times killers had long lobby ques, was when a new killer was released and survivor mains had to test the new killer on ranked instead of KYF.
10 out of 12 killers need buffs. That´s not "some killers" that´s the overwhelming majority. Back in the beginning SC was so strong, that a survivor could heal himself in between 2 killer hits. Also Infinites existed back then. So i doubt that was the time where killers were considered OP.
10 out of 12, so yes, SOME. I don't think you're getting the point of my post here. My point is that basing buffs and nerfs on trolls is not the way to go. Providing a balanced game on both sides is. I'm a survivor main and I know there are survivors out there that can control the game by themselves which I do not think is okay. I know survivors need nerfed. That being said, most of the the complaints I'm seeing and 'fixes' that I'm hearing would make the survivor completely frustrating to play as I know some killers are frustrating to play and need buffed. Nerfs and buffs need to be balance across the board. Not just in ones favor. I agree with some of the upcoming nerfs to survivors and all of the buffs to killers that are coming. Yes the killer needs to be slightly stronger than survivors. But completely overwhelming to the survivors will cut the survivor player base in half.
Those slight nerfs that are coming with the next patch, won´t really do much to change the meta and the game. BUT survivors complain about it, like its the end of the world. Balance needs to happen. OP perks like SC, DS, SB need to be nerfed hard. As hard as killer perks got nerfed back in the day. Turning a meta perk into a useless one (Myers perks). Survivors need more objectives and Hex perks should be normal perks. The only one which would require an adjustment in numbers would be Devour Hope. Just increase the required hooks/saves and the perk wouldn´t be OP despite of being a normal one.
I'm not complaining about it. The only one that hurts my soul a little is the self care one but I understand it. I don't use DS. If I get caught, I don't deserve a get out of jail free card. Sprint burst I also understand. Granted it's helped me out a lot but I understand it. I also understand this is not going to fix the game. I play killer too, not the best, but I play. I'm getting better. I understand some of the struggle which is why I agree with these things. I would love more objectives as a survivor. That would be AWESOME!!! I don't feel ALL hex perks should be normal perks. I think ruin shouldn't be specifically because that's just a bit too much. But ones like devour, third seal, and lullaby, yeah, I could see those being normal perks. (Side note: See everyone!!! We're having a discussion without verbally attacking each other lol)
Ruin isn´t much of a problem on high ranks. Survivors either gen tap or push through by hitting all the great skill checks. Hex perks were supposed to be "high risk, high reward" but sadly its more like a "high risk, low reward" thing. Ruin is only mandatory on high ranks, because the gens get done so quickly.
For example, i just had a match, where i got hooked near ruin. 3 gens were done before they unhooked me. 3 gens before ruin was destroyed. Wasn´t really a slow game.
A hexless Devour Hope would also reduce camping.People can usually argue with me. I´m usually a really calm and reasonable person. We can have different opinions and as long as everyone defends his opinion without insulting, i dont see a problem.
Yeah, I power through ruin but on PS4 you would be surprised how many people between rank 4 and 1 don't power through and run around like chickens with their heads cut off looking for it. It's annoying as hell being the only one working on gens. Plus gen tapping is a guarantee. You could still get a pop up and blow it. On top of that it takes soooooo long to gen tap. Do you play on computer? (not asking in a judgy way) I just wanted to say, on PS4 75% of the time, those hexes go a long way. I guess it has more to do with platform for some of those hexes too. SWF probably factors into it as well. Talking to people would make things easier as well. "hey you go look for this, everyone keep doing that'
Playing on PC. On high ranks the totem survives usually only the first 30 to 60 seconds. But since gens can be done so fast, every second counts. Killers shouldn´t be forced to sacrifice a perkslot to get some extra seconds of game time. The survivors should feel pressured, but only the killer feels pressured. Imagine a horror movie, where the victims are all relaxed and tease the killer, while he feels bullied and stressed all the time.
I completely agree. The survivors should be the one feeling the pressure. That's the points of the horror based genre. If a survivor can control the game, that's not really okay. I don't think it's okay that survivors can bully the killer so much. There's just a way to go about this where one side isn't completely all powerful. My main worry as a survivor is that the killer will be made so powerful that I can't enjoy the game. Like I'm sure it's the same on the killers side. I just want a game where both sides can enjoy themselves. I like having to be stealthy and hide from the killer which is pretty much what you should be doing as a survivor. You shouldn't be going out of your way to find the killer. I'm seriously frustrated when I play killer and that happens. I end up ignoring that person and focusing on the others. But as a survivor I've also had games where the killers controlled the game too much just as a survivor has controlled a game too much. Killer side, it's usually someone who handled billy really really really well. Honestly by the end of those matches I'm completely frustrated on top of having no idea where I could have done as a survivor to make the game better. So part of things is also the players behind the character. There's got to be a way that the game can be balance and fun for both sides.
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SovererignKing said:From one console Nurse to another, sometimes you want to play a Killer other than Nurse without basically shooting yourself in the damn foot for doing so.
I’m on PS4, you can look up my profile if you want. I’m no Killer Main, I play both sides equally. My PSN name is SoveriegnKing, even I will lobby for the changes, and I will definitely say something about SWF. Like it or not, it’s not right that SWF gets advantages outside of the game as well as perks, items, and game mechanics that are highly skewed in their favor.0 -
@ConsoleNurse said:
Im tired of #########.Just play the game and enjoy.I hate toxic survivors and killers too but i am not whining.If you do not want SWF then quit the game.If you do not want to loop,play nurse then.Killer mains saltier than everyoneIf you were not "whining" then why post this at all?
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@Orion said:
You know, the last time Killers really did quit the game, Survivor queue times spiked. Survivors have short memories, apparently...Do you want to know the difference between Killer whining and Survivor whining? The majority of Killers "whine" about severe balance issues that result in unfun games and put all the power in what should be the weaker side in this asymmetrical game (Survivors). The majority of Survivors whine about things that either make them less powerful (as it should be) or things that can made them lose for once.
I think one of the main issues never addressed is putting killers in 3rd person, I think this would help so much.
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@akbays35 said:
@Orion said:
You know, the last time Killers really did quit the game, Survivor queue times spiked. Survivors have short memories, apparently...Do you want to know the difference between Killer whining and Survivor whining? The majority of Killers "whine" about severe balance issues that result in unfun games and put all the power in what should be the weaker side in this asymmetrical game (Survivors). The majority of Survivors whine about things that either make them less powerful (as it should be) or things that can made them lose for once.
I think one of the main issues never addressed is putting killers in 3rd person, I think this would help so much.
Putting survivors into first person would solve most of the problems.
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Because Killers main doesn't want to play Nurse all the time
Nurse is balanced even vs a very good group of survivors, but other killers aren't. Most of them are weak and unviable, telling them to play Nurse is not the solution
Nurse is unfun and boring once you played over a thousand matches
That's why many Killers derank, because they are Forced to play Nurse on Rank 1, Billy and Huntress you get more chances of winning than standard Killers but they are not as good as Nurse
and OP you played on Console, console have poor fps = survivors unable to loop more efficiently, PC is where the real jukes are
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@Tsulan said:
Putting survivors into first person would solve most of the problems.
I just think it would help for clarity for killers, I'm kinda tired of having my attacks miss or hit due to random circumstances or animations, and I hate just seeing survivors just 360 duck over the corner of my vision. It's bad enough that I get a lot of claudettes that just look like a natural ghili suit. Even playing Billy is weird because I get chainsaw hits that really shouldn't have connected but because of the wonkey POV my character model was right on top of the survivor. Plus is dumb that they have to put perks in to help killers have an expanded POV in the first place.
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The killers are “ whining “ about serious issues and all killers don’t want to only play as the nurse, and the nurse can get juked for entire games to whether survivors abuse things she can’t blink through or are very good at juking. The devs are only doing quick fixes for killers like removing a pallet every here and there and removing windows. Killers wouldn’t be “ whining if the issues had a solution that’s not a perk or ability they should make new gameplay styles that encourage not being seen or encourage other gameplays that make the survivor want to try to escape rather than looping. If the devs made real fixes like new gameplay styles killers would whine less
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trust me,killer has some points.sure, some people complain about nothing.but others have a really good point.
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And Survivors whine about Killers, but you're not upset about that?
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Whine for a whine makes the whole world salty.0