

The worst pain you have felt...besides stepping on a lego!

Member Posts: 4,620

I once had this infection or something on my tooth/gum (far worse then any normal toothache!) i tried everything to stop the pain, nothing worked, i couldn't even sleep and surprised i didn't OD on pain relief lol. I had to pay the pleasure of £20 for emergency dentist who perscribed antibiotics, i nearly cried because it was a SUNDAY and no place was open to get them! lol


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  • Member Posts: 3,919
    edited August 2019

    I used to have an anal fistula that made me unable to sit properly or sleep on my back for over 7 years of my life. It was followed with like 8 consecutive surgeries to dig it out.

    Myyyyeaaaaah. There's not much that feels painful anymore after that.

  • Member Posts: 4,620

    @se05239 I have felt some pain in my time....oh yes....and still i class child birth as one of the lower, bottom tier pain and glad that you don't feel that pain any more *s

  • Member Posts: 10,623

    Broken Collarbone.

    Couldn't sit up, stand or walk properly for about a week because every movement made it move and hurt like hell.

  • Member Posts: 4,620

    My grandad has broken his collar bone when he was 15, out of everything he has broken and it's been nearly everything lol he said that was the worse for him too...said it took 6 weeks for his arm, and hand to get back to normal as it had been settled up.

  • Member Posts: 968

    A Broken Wrist. It was terrible hearing the bone crack especially.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    I still hired the assassins though...

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Definitely something dental-related.

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    Everything from physical to mental

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I once stepped on a lego hot wheels!

  • Member Posts: 1,077

    Anything mentally. Physically hurts my heart and I’m not even kidding.

  • Member Posts: 1,101
    edited August 2019

    I dealt with gall stone flare ups for over a year. When I finally couldn't take it any longer I went to the ER and had emergency surgery to have my gallbladder removed. I've never felt pain like that before or after.

  • Member Posts: 8

    I took the skin off of a section of the sole of my foot once while ice skating, vouldn't walk properly for a week.

    That and missing DS of course.

  • Member Posts: 1,077

    Did those wheels that were hot give you 3rd degree burns? (:

  • Member Posts: 1,077
  • Member Posts: 830
    edited August 2019

    Once i was stabbed in the stomach by my ex boyfriend (now he's in jail)

    No joke, that really happened...

  • Member Posts: 3,059
    edited August 2019

    Getting hit in the crotch for sure.....

    Oh but there was also a time where I had a nasty ear infection. I couldn't sleep because it was so painful. I cried ;-;

  • Member Posts: 5,176
    edited August 2019

    Probably a cut I got in the space between my thumb and my index finger on my right hand, it happened with measuring tape, I retracted it and it kinda just cut me there and it hurt like #########, I cried :'(

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I think the worst pain I’ve actually felt is when I was young me and my brother got into a fight and my head got slammed into a brick wall, I cried for awhile and after that I noticed that my granny re-did the wall and it is now wood instead.

  • Member Posts: 4,620
  • Member Posts: 164

    One time I fell on a bed of rusted nails, ‘nuff said.

  • Member Posts: 1,143

    Hm... Broke bones, chopped chunks of skin off, been in a crash (well 2) and honestly my worst would have to be kidney stones

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    Ever step on this thing?

    Also sliding on gravel, down a side walk, fell on a lego

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    I fractured my wrist doing parkour while I was in high school. I was climbing up the rail and my shoes were slippery so i lost my footing and fell and slammed it against the bottom rail as I fell.

  • Member Posts: 757

    Some of the time if i rush to my pc, i take a sharp turn and hit my leg bone (Tibia) at the corner of my bed.And the corner of that one side of my bed is VERY VERY VERY sharp and the pain is something i never wish for anyone to go through even once, and this comes from a person who has done it more than3 or 4 times.

  • Member Posts: 3,145

    Used to have warts on my fingers. Got liquid nitrogen sprayed on them, and it feels like your fingers are being compressed by the weight of Earth itself.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    Sometimes i get pains in my right eye that can feel like multiple things. Either something is stabbing it, something is like gnawing on it, or it just throbs really bad. Dont know why or what causes it but its ewe

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    I'm not sure

    Maybe my broken knee, but it took me 2 months to realize it was broken

  • Member Posts: 2,263
    edited August 2019

    Beside stepping on a Lego eh? You're setting the bar way too high there! 😫

    Mhm, probably when i got my 2 drainage tubes for the stomach brutally removed (time of removal: 1 second each with a single pull) while awake in hospital. I was a kid and i had appendicitis surgery.

    It was literally breath taking, and not in a Keanu Reeves way!

  • Member Posts: 5,923

    Post Ingrown toenail surgery and when I broke my wrist bone.

  • Member Posts: 704

    Oof. Damn mate, I had something similar with a few of my ribs. Longest week of my life let me tell you

  • Member Posts: 10,623

    Same, especially considering I was 14 and it was like "I can't play on my amiga, or my master system.... all I can do is lie here and read"

    Finished the Dragonlance series though (first 3 books), so there's that. :D

  • Member Posts: 2,263

    Yeah, no anesthetics either. This nurse just came in, checked the situation and without warnings did that...

    Nurses... Giving me hell way before Dead by Daylight 😅

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Constipation. It felt like my stomach was in a vice.

    Also I used to occasionally wake up with a cramp in my knee and it felt like my leg was broken. I crawled out of bed and couldn't get off the floor it was so bad. Almost threw up as. Never found out what it was for sure. I read maybe a calcium deposit.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Losing 6 family members in 8 years.

  • Member Posts: 2,188
    edited August 2019

    I had broken my lower spine while I was outside:( somehow I was able to walk back to the house because at that point I did not know it was broken. Then when I was inside I could not walk or keep my balance I was in so much pain that I was crying/moaning:(

    And to top my pain every so min I got shocks of pain that caused my whole body to stiffened up:(

    This was the worst pain I felt ever:(

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    You could have had mine when I had a blockage :( I could not eat or drink at all if I did it just came back up:( I lost 90 something pounds you could see my ribs I lost so much weight:( I was in the hospital and gi wanted me to have surgery. But the surgeons said there was not alot of information to warrant surgery:( so I got sent home knowing that I still had the blockage :( then I was really going down hill to at the point of me saying that's it I'm raising the white flag:( so me and my mom and dad brought me back to the hospital once again and this time I got surgery:D

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Oh wow that sounds awful. Can't imagine the pain. Sorry you had to go through that

  • Member Posts: 4,427
    edited August 2019

    I was in the hospital for a very bad headache attack, it was new (I've a history of migraine and headache, but they are known and this one was completely new). I had very high blood pressure, was sweating uncontrollably, couldn't stop rocking back and forth.

    In the hospital they tried to do a lumbar puncture. It's when they insert a long ass needle into your spinal canal to retrieve the liquid for tests. Usually it doesn't hurt.

    Emphasis on usually. I had assistance doctors treat me, so I get the whole thing of "It can cause paralysis, death, etc." thing told and I was like "ok, let's go." so I sit down and they ask me if I want a local anesthetic, so I just say "yea, sure, I hate needles, so I don't wanna feel it in my back especially." I wish I knew what was gonna happen next.

    They say they made it numb, but I felt the insertion and then I experienced the worst pain I ever had in my left leg, even worse than the pain I had when I was hospitalized in 2011, cause the home doctor thought I had a ruptured appendix (so you can imagine the leg pain was really bad if it's worse than pain equilavent to a ruptured appendix). I felt everything, even when they pulled out the needle.

    The third time they tried, I remember sitting back up, putting my feet on the tiny chair I got, so my posture would be good for the lumbar puncture. Then everything went black and I woke up a few minutes later, tried two more times, gave up.

    Next day they try it again and there is a another doctor who said he will use a local anesthetic and 2 minutes later I asked when he's gonna start and he responded with "I'm already done." I felt nothing. That was my worst pain in my whole life.

    Edit: the aftermath was pressure headache for two weeks, couldn't sit any longer than 45 minutes, couldn't sleep on my back. I had to stay at home for a while and just do everything laying on my tummy or standing.

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    I know I was very upset with the surgeons even though my xray showed it. So they apologized to me

  • Member Posts: 2,188

    i also had this too :( I had broken my lower spine while I was outside:( somehow I was able to walk back to the house because at that point I did not know it was broken. Then when I was inside I could not walk or keep my balance I was in so much pain that I was crying/moaning:(

    And to top my pain every so min I got shocks of pain that caused my whole body to stiffened up:(

    This was the worst pain I felt ever:(

  • Member Posts: 2,188
    edited August 2019

    I had broken my lower spine while I was outside:( somehow I was able to walk back to the house because at that point I did not know it was broken. Then when I was inside I could not walk or keep my balance I was in so much pain that I was crying/moaning:(

    And to top my pain every so min I got shocks of pain that caused my whole body to stiffened up:(

    it also felt like a sleged hammer hit my back:(

    This was the worst pain I felt ever:(

  • Member Posts: 4,620

    An epidural was one of them, never ever again, i was nervous having my first child, and this woman next door was screaming "get this thing out of me!" i am surprised i didn't poo myself in fear! lol but a needle and tubes going into your spine and i could NOT move, it has a risk of been paralyzed...child birth was less painful (as i had two more) lol

  • Member Posts: 406

    Broke my spine 9 years ago and it still gives me pains now 😂

  • Member Posts: 4,620

    i have never broken anything (cross fingers) my step sis fractured her ankle in 3 places, you should of seen the height she fell from! it was like a few steps

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