Nonhuman Killers

Since the lore that required all killers to be human is out the window for the Stranger things chapter (I always love a good retcon)
What completely nonhuman killers would you guys like to see added to the game?
Personally I'd root for something from the Alien franchise or maybe an actual wendigo instead of just the Hag reference to one.
Once again: Killers have to be 'humanoid'. 2 arms, 2 legs, 1 torso, 1 head.
They said 'no non-humanoid', not 'no nonhumans'
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Yeah, my first thought would be a wendigo, or maybe someone who can shapeshift and disguise themselves as other survivors in order to get close, that would be very cool.
Also gimme a medieval knight-skeleton-killer or something really stupid and out there and I'll play him every day.
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They said that at one point maybe(I'm not sure) but they also said they wanted them to be human for the personal factor. It's much more terrifying to be chased down by a mindless murderous member of your fellow species, but this was very early in their streams before they'd went "No Clowns! Here's a Clown." I probably shoud've taken that situation as a "We've changed our minds on some things"
By the way, do you have the one where they specifically state "humanoid" not "human"? Cause I've seen that brought up a lot but didn't see that stream or post. I'm assuming I missed it during one of my long breaks from the game
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And also, you didn't participate in the thread ;-; What nonhuman killer would you want man!
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why are you all making such a big deal out of nothing. I don't care if they make an alien with 3 heads, an elephant with pink ears or a giant doll in a wheelchair
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I'd be super down for a Knight! I feel like they've been considering a shapeshifter for a while just on the Legion Trailer being completely opposite to his design, I really hope we get that at some point too
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Yeah, MC said this... but he also said that all Killers are or at least used to be living humans when I asked him a while ago if the killers are undead or alive.
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What do you mean? This is literally a "Since that doesn't matter anymore, what would you guys want?" post. One of the biggest inhibitions I've seen (and mistakenly put out) for nonhuman killers was that lore wouldn't fit. It's not making a big deal out of it, it's taking advantage of it to see new, creative ideas that can't be shut down.
Come on! Participate and have fun with it
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Personally I'm thinking it's an internal disagreement on lore rules. They've mentioned before they don't have everything fleshed out and the lore grows as they think about it. Probably a divide on that rule internally
What monster would you want though?
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I would imagine the idea behind this post was more to channel discussion and not complain about NOED or DS or whatever people are complaining about these days.
Honestly yeah. I enjoyed Plague's design a lot because it wasn't anything I was expecting, especially after Legion's lackluster design (IMO). So I'm just honestly excited to be surprised more often.
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Yes to both of your things. I was wanting this post to draw out people's creativity but I clearly worded it wrong and gave off the wrong point.
And hell yes to being surprised. I felt the same way about Plague as I do about the Demogorgon and I don't know anything about Stranger things (I've heard it's a good watch). Both completely caught me off guard and that makes them 100x better than things where I was fully expecting it
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Yogi Bear.
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In the distance you hear an echo, a haunting call.... "EEYYYY BOO BOO!"
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I keep saying, I want a skeleton killer. :D
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werewolf i want a animal like character even if it's not a real one and a entity transformation but i don't think it will happen soon
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To be fair, the game mechanics want "humanoids," not the lore. I doubt the Entity would actually care if the Killer has two, one, or eight legs as long as it catches the Entity's fancy.
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An Xenomorph would be amazing.
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I'd love the leech man from Resident Evil 0
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A werewolf would be interesting if the environment played apart on how you turn.
If it requires moonlight to use your beast power. When clouds obscure the moonlight you go back to normal.
You'd likely get a weather map thingy signalling when clouds will obscure the moonlight so you can plan it out and use add ons to affect the moonlight and effects you get from it.
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That'd be horrifying, DBD would be the only game where regenerators aren't on the top of the Resident Evil scary as hell list.
I'd hope it was on a timer or something and not just random. That'd drive me crazy. It would be cool if it was an activatable that was powerful but the moon shone brighter when it was activated so that, map wide, survs would know that the killer has their power active and to be careful.
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If they involved a werewolf that killer would always be in sub-wolf form, especially since it's always a full moon.
I think they werewolf killer would more likely have a rage power where they get aggressive and faster.
Maybe the werewolf killer could "infect" the survivors, and they wouldn't change fully but start to take on visual lycanthropic qualities. That way you can recognize they are "infected", and maybe approaching the survivor while playing another survivor would trigger an "attack" and reduce someone by a health state. It would encourage a divide and conquer play style, and add tension. You might not see their physical transformation from far away, or you might be with them and then they suddenly look more wolf-like and you know you gotta get away for they might reduce you by a health state.
It could be a quick animation like the vomiting effect.
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Definitely something from Resident Evil or Silent Hill. A Tyrant, Mr.X or Nemesis would be awesome.
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ive said it once, ill keep saying it till i see it.
The Body-Snatcher!
ability: copy the appearance of the last survivor you hit
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"Hello, fellow Survivor. Oh, him? That's just...a mannequin I put on the Hook for decoration. Yep."
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I'm still rooting for something like this too man. I still swear that's what Legion was supposed to be
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I buy it.. that odd looking survivor seems like a trustworthy fellow
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I though that this would have been a very interesting power for legion, but then I realized what the power actually was. I would love this tbh.
I imagine they would play out like the spy in TF2, making you doubt all your teamates.
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Predator. A predator hunting human game is noticed, kidnaped, and brainwashed by the entity.
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I'd love to have Nemesis in here. Maybe someday
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i mean yalls work on generators next to nea's who are killers in disguise :D
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Well, my hope for a Werewolf became more real with the Stranger Things reveal.
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I'd be super into both of these things. Though, for Predator, it'd have to be the primal one. A shoulder mounted auto lock on plasma blaster would be a bit much IMO xD
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A killer-child, that would creep me out more than jumpscare-Myers.
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Maybe a Van Gelding chapter with Dracula/Frankenstein or a werewolf and the vampire hunter.
Frankenstein wasn't evil in the movie though so maybe not him.
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We could still totally get Frankenstein's monster. In most iterations Frankenstein accidentally kills someone by the end and when it comes to not evil killers we have the "Did Nothing Wrong" Club already comprising of Wraith, Spirit, Hag, etc.
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I feel like that'd be another stalk oriented killer but hopefully with something other than exposed as its purpose for stalking. Have you heard of the Black Eyed Children? One of those would give me night terrors if i saw it slowly creeping up on me
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I really would like a werewolf. A Medusamonster would also be pretty awesome... I´m personally not so much into bringing the Predator or the Alien (Xenomorph) in the game... they have their own games and franchises already and I think that´d be an overkill
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A zombie, I'm sure BHVR can come up with something that would make it unique and still fit the overall undead flesh eater theme, that and an ancient mummy
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It could be I suppose... Especially now that you mention the blackeyed children. I've heard that urban legend before, and it always activates my Spine Chill (joke intended :D).
I came across this clip recently. It's a fan-created dlc and I like the general idea.
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So we can have bears. Raptors. Xenomorphs. Hell we can have cats by that definition.
That alone isnt humanoid. But good to see everyone is muttering it about like it's the law now to defend this chapter.
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Bears have four legs.
'Humanoid' means 'having an appearance or character resembling that of a human.'. Walks on 2 legs, has 2 arms, etc.
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Okay then, bugbear.
Bears CAN stand upright. I'd define their front paws as arms and not legs.
You also had no retort for the others proving my point.
Humanoid also usually requires the capacity for intelligent thought. Which the demogorgon does not have. So again, rules dont really matter do they?
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Humanoid does not mean they have to think or be sapient. Only that they are built roughly the same shape as a human.
And just because you'd define a bears forepaws as arms does not mean the rest of the world has to revisit the definition.
What I gave you is the actual definition of 'humanoid'. A bear is not humanoid. A raptor is not humanoid.
A lizard-man from D&D? Humanoid; it has 1 head, a human-like torso, two legs, 2 arms, but also a tail.
A goblin? Humanoid.
A dog on its hind legs bouncing around? Not humanoid.