I know it can be individual but in your opinion, which are the strongest survivor perks?

For general tryharding i always - always run these
Balanced Landing
Self Care
Prove Thyself/Deceisive Strike/Unbreakable/Borrowed Time
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Balanced landing, adrenaline, spine chill and Iron will/Borrowed time. I don’t really think Iron will is too great but it does do a little bit of good.
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balanced landing/ Sprint burst (from exhastion perks) BL sometimes can be useless, on SB you can always rely (which is somewhat problem with that perk)
adrenaline/hope (hope is one of most underrated perks)
decisive strike/BT/ unbreakable are strong but they have counterplay or just killer wont do stuff to make use of them (and tbh its good if they arent that much needed, no slug, no tunnel its sweet)
selfcare tbh is one of biggest traps, ofc it is good perk but not OP, and sometimes you waste way too much time with SC
if youre playing soloQ deliverence is strong too
and my fav perk, imo its strongest when youre playing soloQ but with SWF its usefull too is Bond, more you use that perk, you get more value of that perk you can use that when you need to get healed, you can use that to see if someone is already running for save, and you can see if near your loop is someone that may sandbag you, or when youre in terror ratio you can see if killer is chasing someone or looking for you
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In my opinion the best 3 perks are Adrenaline, Balanced Landing and Bond.
But there is only one perk above them all.
Head On.
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Bond, Adrenaline and Iron Will.
Bond simply gives you a crazy amount of information and is useful for every type of build that has room for it.
Adrenaline is (in my opinion, it has its own controversy surrounding it for sure) a perfect example of a properly designed "one use, strong effect" perk.
Iron Will actually allows you to avoid detection against a killer with a functioning pair of ears even while injured. I feel incredibly naked without it, it's also a perk that can be particularly good against some of the strongest killers - Nurse and Spirit.
Honorable mentions to Borrowed Time, Spine Chill, Decisive Strike, Balanced Landing, Dead Hard and Object of Obsession (if used properly)
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- Adrenaline
- Borrowed Time
- Decisive Strike
- Iron Will
- Exhaustion Perks
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Iron Will.
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Iron Will, agree
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it depends on what you’re good at. Are you good at looping, altruism or gen rushing? I have different builds for different characters, but my Meg build would be my tryhard:
dead hard
iron will
spine chill
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Any exhaustion perk depending on playstyle,
BT is a must because it allows for safe hook rescues in cases where there would be 0% chance otherwise
Any information perk really; I like bond, some like object/spine chill. And others will run DS to add to the anti-camp/tunnel theme but it's not as necessary, just a nice safety blanket.
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I am using similar build. The only difference is I am using woo instead of adrenaline and decisive instead of dead hard. I don't find woo that good for everyone but it helps me individually. A lot.
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Iron Will is my demise.
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My meta build if I really really want to win is usually: Medkit with extra charge addons, haddonfield offering, balanced landing, BT, DS, and Adrenaline. Unless the killer brings their best stuff it’s usually results in an escape.
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You wanna know the best meta combo perks for survivors ? Try this:
Dead Hard
Decisive Strike
At the end game, if you haven't been hooked at all, you are invicible, even against a face camper.
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- No Mither
- No Mither
- No Mither
- No Mither
Kidding. My actual and highly recommended goodbye-chase build is
- Lithe for speedy vaults
- Dance With Me for hard-to-track vaults
- Quick & Quiet for silent vaults
- Adrenaline/Decisive Strike/Borrowed Time/WGLF depending on mood and if I’m alone or with friends.
Basically lets you do silent, speedy, and hard to follow vaults. It’s so easy to lose the killer using these 3 in a chase. Killer gets no notification of you hopping the window, you get a 150% speed boost and leave no scratch marks = Houdini
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I'd say Borrowed Time and Adrenaline are the two strongest survivor perks in the game. Iron Will is also quite strong.
I find Empathy to be a very strong perk: with tier 3 you can basically watch a chase from anywhere on the map.
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No Mither
Self Care
Wake Up!
Only to be used by the purest of souls.
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Decisive is ridiculously strong not just because it stops tunnels, but stops pretty much anything else the killer can do to you. The presence of an obsession in the game gives a killer pause when trying to hook anyone who was recently hooked.
Dead hard helps you pull some powerful plays off and juke out of situations where you'd otherwise fall. A good deadhard can waste a killer's time completely and force them to lose a ton of distance.
Iron will denies the killer the main advantage of injuring you - sound.
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I think adrenaline is slightly overrated. I find too many people in soloqueue spend too much time looking on totems for Hex:Ruin instead of doing generators so often adrenaline may not proc. for that reason I think more people should run small game so they can win faster with fewer people dead. Dead hard+Iron Will+DS is the meta though.
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WoO is good for newer players, but I would ditch it if you have experience and know the map layout. DS is meh and doesn’t work as often as it used to, which I’m sure killer mains are ecstatic about lol
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Although everyone seem to prefer spine chill, I really enjoy premonition. It is Much more reliable as you can see from which direction the Killer is coming from.