What do we make of the Demogorgon’s power?

What do we all think?
A charged lunge attack similar to a mini Nurse blink, with limited mobility whilst charging (not a big charge time) but seems to have good range and good for closing loops.
Portals that the demogorgon can place to use to burrow under the map between his portals, survivors can destroy them but they become oblivious and can’t hear the killers terror radius whilst they are destroying it. And it takes time (and potentially skill checks)
What do we think?
I like the sound of it. Bit of map pressure, bit of chase pressure, all rolled into a killer who looks terrifying.
I'd rate it N for Next, Please.
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Middle to low end of mid tier imo.
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So far, eh, just seems like a worse version of billy.
Have to wait for the ptb.
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Literally impossible to say until we play it.
I'll never forget people complaining new Freddy was weak then kissing his burnt ass and asking iS hE BetTeR tHAn bILLy ever since he got released and people learned him
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Yeah bottom midtier id say
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Not possible to say until we actually play the new killer. Though it looks more like an experiment of survivors able to deny power, but put themselves at risk similiar to Vommy Mommy and how not cleansing, and cleansing is a double edge sword for survivors.
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Yeah I like the potential risk of destroying a portal but leaving yourself an easy target, or ignoring the portal and instead working around it and then risking the monster popping up on you
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How is the demogorgon’s powers at all like Billy?
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On stream it took the survivor 18 sec to disarm a teleport pad, so I don't think that's a big issue. I think he has good potential. I wonder if STBFL will affect the cooldown upon successful lunge. Probably not, but one can hope.
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It'll boil down to what the movement speed is and how fast the lunge charges up. Since you cannot turn during lunge, it won't work around most loops and this minor thing alone will make it a big deal in how good the Demogorgon will be.
I don't care too much about the portals. Requires the Demogorgon to be at a portal to travel to another.
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Agreed. It’ll be likely for certain add-ons to decrease the time to charge.
Yes it does, but simply having a portal at two separate ends of the map let’s you cover a lot of ground.
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Yeah that’s enough time to get over there (if there is some kind of notification, this’ll probably be an add-on) and make use of the oblivious status, or if not you’d still know someone has destroyed it so you know where someone is.
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Looks cool, can't really judge it to much yet though sadly. We'll have to see in the PTB
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Exactly. I think this killer has some really awesome potential!
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Yeah I ate major crow when new Freddy came out so I won't comment on how strong/weak Demo will be
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Both potentially have huge map pressure because of fast transport but one just has to set it up beforehand and it can get saboed.
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I guess. I’d compare it more to Freddy however in the ability to teleport around the map, since Demo can’t use his method of transport for instadown. And I imagine it’ll be typically more stealthy than chainsawing.
I will agree he seems weaker than Billy, but their powers aren’t comparable
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I mean, they won't ever make a killer as strong as Billy.
Freddy levels of power are the ceiling of what we can hope for, and I hope they deliver around that level.
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Ah, yes I forgot about Freddy, that is a better comparison.
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So you can get slightly longer lunge as his power without control...
Great, imagine how easy it is to dodge billy's chainsaw from 5 meters away by simple 360 and I have a feeling it will be worse in here.
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If a Billy is allowing you to 360 him from that distance I'm sorry but he's bad
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Unless that lunge is really good at countering strong loops, the new killer probably won't be high tier.
But we'll have to wait and see.
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The lunge ability seems weak (as in not very creative or exciting)
Im upset that the rework for freddy was literally just rehash of the demogorgons ability...
Again when people say "BHVR is doing their best" theyre clearly not in some departments...
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One thing I'm incredibly interested in hearing about is its stalk mechanic where it goes on all fours because they mentioned it but never actually showed it, wonder why?
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Any time a killer is released people say ######### like this. It's better to just ignore it.
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TBH what makes or breaks it for me is the number of portals he can place.
If he's limited to just a few then he's meh.
If he can place a lot of them then he's amazing.
Think about it, place a portal at a choke point and then hide a second one close by but not quite at it.
If they try and close the portal at the choke point then teleport to the other one and attack them while they are oblivious, disarming the trap reveals them and leaves them vulnerable and his pounce is going to be great for surprise attacks like these.
Unlike Freddy there is WAY less telegraphing where he's going to be and there might not even be much of a Cooldown either if any, so you can be everywhere always.
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I like the charge, but the teleport seems meh.
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Oh also, just to update everyone, the Demogorgon is confirmed to have a 115% movement speed.
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Here you go everybody
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Well I was wrong about the Demo JUST having a teleport ability so I'm happy.
I like that if someone is working on your portal they can't hear you coming so that gives you a stealth aspect, you can place portals down near gens and use them as traps, lure people to work on them so they're vulnerable ;)
The lunge might help with safe pallets, like the ones on the corn maps, the really long straight loops, charge your lunge at the end of the loop and let go as they are going for the pallet in the middle. You know the loop, the one where you HAVE to break the pallet, this could work there.
Also, my sweet children <3 WE HAVE ANOTHER BASEMENT KILLER!!! Beware, bitches, beware.
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I was hoping it wasn’t 110%. Phew.
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Yup, its great to hear
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Wow so ungrateful lol
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i wonder how he'd be with 4.4 m/s cause the powers on killers of that move speed have more potent powers but this is fine, he has potential i just hope he isnt super add-on reliant.
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Probably removed for the sake of having a lunge attack.
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Low tier from what he is on paper, we'd have to see what his add-ons are looking like, but base power he seems weaker than wraith. His power is a shorter and worse version of Pigs ambush attack that can only dash foward and his "map control" is limited to 2 locations and in order to even use it you have to travel to one of the two fixed locations, pretty weak imo but add-ons could make this better who knows.
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There were three portals in the gameplay they showed but it’s still not enough if it’s only 3 though
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Hard to say before actually getting it in our hands but I’m just gonna say based off of first appearances, he looks a little weak. But we should definitely wait until we make any final judgements obviously.
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Okay so, when I call the killer and his perks weak, I get trolling and all the hate in the world, but people are openly saying the same thing here?
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I don’t think 3 is too bad. It means you can quickly traverse key points of the map. In the video, placing a new portal wasn’t too time consuming either.
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I agree that his ambush seems weaker than pigs. With pig you have the element of surprise (even with the roar), whereas the Demo’s face opens up to give the survivor warning and a chance to get out of the way, plus you have no control over direction whereas Pig’s ambush works well to bait out palettes and rush corners.
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Personally, my only problem so far is that his ability is an extra long lunge but it doesn't count as a basic attack. I know why they did it, same reason they did that to pigs dash. It's technically an ability. Doesn't mean I like the weird continuous morphing of m1 killers so that they can't have perk diversity.
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Agreed. Pigs makes slightly more sense not to be a basic attack because it’s activated from crouching/stealth, which adds a stronger element to the attack, but the Demo’s is something you’ll be activating mid-chase and you’ve gotta wonder if it would be more efficient to just close the gap and hit regularly?
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Yeah. It feels like one of those abilities that's gonna be very rarely used.
On the upside, I like the idea of his portals. That plus the Freddy rework is more proof to me that the devs have learned that what makes a killer strong is map control more than anything
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Yeah, I like the look of the portals. It’s something you can set up for later in the game, especially when there are 3 gens left.
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Are you Canadian?
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I hope not, especially hearing them talk about how when the Demogorgon stalks you it slowly opens up its its petals, it sounds so badass.
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I hope not, especially hearing them talk about how when the Demogorgon stalks you it slowly opens up its petals, it sounds so badass.
Post edited by Cornpopers_Evan on1