After watching the stream, where would the demogorgon be on a tier list from what you saw?

Somewhere below Freddy
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What's the entirety of his power? I only caught the survivor perks.
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Between Pig and Legion.
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I think his pounce could be very interesting. From what I saw on stream, I THINK that he slows down to 100% speed before the pounce, but can initiate it immediately when triggered. I think he'll have some good options on certain loops and moonwalking could be very effective. I think Enduring + Spirit Fury could be very strong on him since he can make the time to down after stun even shorter with the pounce.
That being said I think we should wait and see how he plays before making any judgements.
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Yeah I would say about mid tier. His lunge seems pretty cool, and I like how you can place his portals, but it’s honestly a bit underwhelming. The perks have some good potential though, on the survivor and killer side. His model and animations look really good tho. I still think it will be fun to play as the demogorgon.
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The lunge alone would make him better than the bottom tier killers, IMO. The teleporting across the map is a huge bonus for map pressure, however, it can be destroyed by other survivors. I'm concerned with putting the power of the killer in survivors hands, mostly because of SWF. It is too early to tell, we'll have to see with the PTB
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You guys do know that tier lists are LITERALLY based on how something plays right
Not on how you think it plays by watching 30 seconds of footage
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Your right that’s another thing. 4 man SWF will just be able to call out all the portals and take them out. But in the stream, it gave the demogorgon a notification when they stepped on the portal. I think knowing when someone is on the portal could counter destroying them.
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From what I saw in the stream it takes survivors 18 seconds to disarm a teleport pad.
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Yeah I know. The title say “from what you saw”.
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As a rule of thumb, anything that has map pressure is no longer bottom tier
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Oh he has. If the survivors wants to destroy his "traps" it will take a very long for them. Confirmed by @not_Queen
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Do we have any clue if there's a limit of portals he can place?
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Can’t rank him. I will say he looks to have potential to join upper tier killers like Spirit, Hag and billy.
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He's like an easier to use hag but with smart positioning of portals he can better and he might be base speed. Plus he has a charged lunge which is neat. Haunted ground infectious fright and Iron maiden ruin will be my build so far. I'm eager to learn more though.
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I don't have idea. Oh and when they're destroying it, they don't hear terror radius 🥳
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I’m sure there is a limit, but on the stream he seemed to have a fair amount of them placed at once.
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It can be destroyed sure, but how long does it take? It certainly didn’t appear to be instant. It’s a survivor doing something else besides gens so it still helps him even if it gets destroyed.
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People won't want to take the time it takes to do a quarter of a generator to do an action that literally notifies the killer about where you are.
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N for Next, please.
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only like 2 mins of footage in total...STOP TRYING TO PUT THINGS THE PUBLIC HAVEN'T EVEN TRIED YET IN "TIERS"....
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Especially since they won't be able to hear the killer TR and suffer from blindness. Unless the Demo can only put down two portals portals will be cleansed only at vital spots
Because the demo can just put em down again in like 2-4 seconds on command, repeated cleanses will add up, same reason self care is disliked
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It’s just for fun lol. Plz chill out.
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Mid at best.
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Oh I agree for sure. I don’t think people will close them either if it takes 18 sec as someone said above. Not worth it.
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Honestly think about it. The new way they're designing maps sorta makes it easier to down survivors around loops. What they don't help with though is map pressure. So built in map pressure rises in value for killers, at least a bit.
And we don't know how the lunge will play out. If it's nowhere near as good as Freddy's power in chases we might be looking at something good here.
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Very underwhelming bottom unless his pounce become a hunters pounce from left for dead 2
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probably mid tier
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Probably bottom tier. If you looked at footage of the killer, constructively, they said that the portals are worse then hag for map presence and If you pay attention to secondary ability pounce looked like slows your movement speed and you can only lunge attack in straight line, so you can think of it like worse version of pig dash attack or less rewarding billy chainsaw. Any killer that doesn't have solid chase potential usually ends up on weaker side.
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Bottom mid tier
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From what I saw he seems to be around bottom mid/upper low. Charged attack seems to be weak in loops, because of the slowdown and inability to control it.
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Think of all the killers he has to be WORSE than to be bottom tier.
You guys make an effort to be negative tbh
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Bottom mid-tier or may even lower.
So far, it's way worse Hag from what I saw.
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Well Hag is either #3 or #4 in this game so being worse than her is something that 12 killers have in common? Not that bad I'd say