Perks leaked from the german website giga

Hey I am german and here is what they are really saying:

Demogorgon Ability: It can teleport through portals to different location on the map, but they don't know if survivors can see the exitportal. Demogorgon-Perks: 1. If a generator gets done, all vaults and windows are getting blocked for 30 seconds. 2. If you down a survivor, all generators are getting damaged in X Metres.

Steve Harrington-Perks: 1. If you safe someone from a hook, you don't leave scratch marks anymore nether do you create Grunts of pain. And Steve or every survivor with the perk can see the killer and the killer can see survivors with the perk equiped.

Nancy Wheeler-Perks: 1. She is kinda obsessed with one generator and gets boni, if she completes this generator. But we don't know what kind of bonis she gets.

Survivor-Perk: They don't know from which survivor this perk is, but you can read now your own scratch marks and they are saying something like you can run faster.. on them? I don't even know exactly. It's kinda weird german for me.
